Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs July 5, 2017

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
July 5, 2017


Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, June 25-July 1

  • N. Baltzell, H. Egiyan, M. Ehrhart, C. Field, A. Freyberger, F.-X. Girod, M. Holtrop, J. Jaros, G. Kalicy, T. Maruyama, B. McKinnon, K. Moffeit, T. Nelson, A. Odian, M. Oriunno, R. Paremuzyan, S. Stepanyan, M. Tiefenback, S. Uemura, M. Ungaro, H. Vance. "The Heavy Photon Search beamline and its performance." Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 859, 69.

Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

History Archives Photo of the Week
This week's photo of the week features the staff celebration for concurrent beam received in Halls A and C in 1996.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

The particle-exchange model of hadron interactions can be used to describe three-body scattering under the isobar assumption. A new study begins with the 3-to-3 scattering amplitude for spinless particles, which contains an isobar-spectator scattering amplitude. Using an ansatz for the latter, a relativistic scattering equation is then derived that manifestly fulfills three-body unitarity and two-body unitarity for the sub-amplitudes.


The Central Helium Liquefier 2 (CHL-2) C6 warm compressor testing is complete, with all technical specifications met. This completes this portion of the Utilities Infrastructure Modernization project.

The Cold Compressor Review in early June resulted in a recommendation to re-install the repaired Cold Compressor 5 (CC5) compressor into the SC1 2K coldbox, as well as the repaired Cold Compressor 4 (CC4) compressor, if it could be made available in a timely fashion to support fall operations. Components to finish the CC4 repair remain to be delivered from the supplier, so the Cryogenics group has moved forward by installing the repaired CC5 compressor, reinstalling the coldbox vacuum shell and beginning restoration of the insulating vacuum. Nitrogen cooldown should start the first week of July if vacuum checks are successful. Repairs and testing of the CC4 compressor outside the coldbox will proceed in parallel.

The new Cryogenic Test Facility (CTF) coldbox #3 has been shut down to address a problem with vendor-supplied relief valves resealing after actuation. U.S.-manufactured valves are being procured to replace the supplied European valves. The original coldbox #2 continues to support LCLS-II testing activities.

Extensive maintenance activities continue on the CEBAF accelerator, with work on RF system High Power Amplifiers, the pass-5 RF separator, RF controls, and system cooling. Preventative maintenance on the trim magnet system bulk power supplies and testing of cooling improvements to the arc box supplies continue. Several upgrades to improve system reliability continued on systems supported by the Instrumentation and Controls group.

A major effort to finalize documentation necessary to support a Final Design Review of the LCLS-II cryogenics plants is nearing its conclusion with about 2/3rd of the necessary drawings out of more than 500 submitted. 

Facilities Management and Logistics

Hogan Drive Traffic Pattern Changes Reminder
The contractor will continue to initiate a series of “Traffic Pattern Changes” as work continues on Hogan Drive. The contractor will provide road signage indicating the new traffic patterns, so that you will be able to understand the changes when entering, navigating through and leaving Hogan Drive. Pay attention to these traffic pattern changes and use extreme caution during these final construction activities, which are expected to be complete in early to mid-August. If you have any questions or concerns about this work, contact Bob Sperlazza at 269-6241.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

July 10-14: PAC45
July 13-14: EIC Detector R&D Meeting
July 14: Director's Welcome Lunch
July 17: Safety Shoe Truck onsite
July 24-26: DOE Science and Technology Review
July 26: SRF2017 Conference Poster Session
Aug. 4: 2017 Summer Interns Poster Session
Aug. 15-17: DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop
Sept. 4: Labor Day holiday: Jefferson Lab closed

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Proper Use of Extension Cords as Temporary Power Sources
Use of extension cords, flexible cords or cables in an industrial setting is often a convenient, or required, source for electrical power. However, extension cords, even those rated for industrial use, are pieces of equipment and are not a substitute for permanent wiring. Here are some tips on how to determine if an extension cord is being used appropriately:

  • When a permanent electrical cable is installed within a conduit or wall cavity, it is required to be protected from damage and connected to a circuit breaker to prevent conductor breakdown. An extension cord does not have these levels of protection.  Extension cord sheathing deteriorates over time, and when left in place for extended periods, they are subject to damage from long-term light exposure, rollovers, walk-ons, trips or other impacts, which only increases the rate of deterioration. To identify a permanently installed extension cord, consider whether it is connected to equipment that stays in one place or is simply used on a regular basis. For example, an extension cord plugged into a hand-drill and moved from place to place is temporary; an extension cord running from a wall outlet, along the ceiling, and then connected to a drill-press is permanent.
  • The inevitable deterioration of this equipment cannot be monitored if extension cords are concealed by walls, floors or ceilings. Additionally, using them in overhead cable trays or dropped ceilings and outside environments will expose them to light, heat, damp and dry air. These conditions only accelerate their inevitable deterioration. When not in use, extension cords should be coiled and stored in a secure area.
  • Lastly, remember that extension cords do not provide ground fault circuit interruption (GFCI) protection, which may be required for specific conditions.

Take a moment to review your use of extension cords in your work areas using the tips above. If you find that your group is routinely using an extension cord as a source of electrical power in an area, you may request a new, permanent outlet by submitting a task via the Facilities Management Work Request System. If you have any questions about appropriate use of extension cords, contact Todd Kujawa at x7006. 

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Jefferson Lab Campus-Wide Phone Outage Scheduled for Saturday, July 8
Jefferson Lab’s landline telephone system will be down intermittently on Saturday, July 8, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. The outage will permit equipment upgrades. Across Jefferson Lab, the outage will disrupt landline telephone services, voicemail and fax machine services. This outage will also affect Jefferson Lab and university phones in the ARC, but not the commercial tenants in the ARC.

To Get Help and Report Emergencies During the Outage:

  • Use a cell phone to call 911.
  • After you are advised to hang up by the 911 Dispatch Operator, immediately call the Jefferson Lab Security cell phone at 757-342-9868. Advise Security of the 911 call, the nature of the emergency and the location of the emergency.

Inquiries during the outage can be made to Jefferson Lab Security’s cell phone at 757-342-9868. For more information regarding this outage, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.

Major IT Systems Outage Set for Saturday, July 29
The IT Division is planning a major file server and network outage on Saturday, July 29. During the outage, the central file servers will be unavailable while they are moved to a new location. During this outage, there will also be network outages while network systems are also moved to the new location. Further details will be provided in the following weeks, but plan your work accordingly. For more information, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at or x7155.


R.S.V.P. for Director’s Welcome Lunch: Reminder and More Information
A picnic lunch to welcome Jefferson Lab’s new Director, Stuart Henderson, will be held at the SURA Residence Facility Field on Friday, July 14, noon – 2 p.m. All JLab staff and Users are invited to attend the event. Don’t forget to R.S.V.P. by Friday, July 7, via the link. You may find more information about the picnic in the linked announcement.

Theorist Nobuo Sato awarded JSA Postdoctoral Prize
It’s not unusual for anyone to shop online at Amazon, but one young scientist went to the website looking for more than a favorite book. University of Connecticut Postdoctoral Researcher Nobuo Sato plans to conduct theoretical research in nuclear physics using the online retailer’s computing services, and he has been awarded the 2017 JSA Postdoctoral Research Grant to do it. Read more about the project here.

JSA Initiatives Fund Program Is Accepting Proposals
JSA is soliciting proposals for Initiatives Fund support for the FY17 program from members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers and staff, and other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions to the lab's research, development, education and technology transfer missions. The Initiatives Fund is provided by the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies. Proposals are due August 11. For full application information and details, see the full announcement.

Jefferson Lab to Test Tornado Warning Siren at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, July 7
Jefferson Lab's tornado warning siren will undergo its monthly operational test at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, July 7. Don't respond to the siren; this is a test of the siren system and not a personnel response exercise. If this test were an actual Tornado Warning, the SWA system messages and siren would direct you to take cover immediately in a Severe Wind Take Cover area.

Reminder: Submittal Deadlines for FY2017 Approved Purchase Requisitions
The Jefferson Lab Procurement Department has published its schedule for submittal of approved purchase requisitions for standard requirements that will enhance the likelihood of commitment of FY2017 funds. You can view the full announcement here.

TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Sessions Offered Summer/Fall 2017
TIAA-CREF is offering Individual Counseling Sessions, where you can discuss your personal financial situation with a TIAA-CREF financial consultant on a confidential basis. The consultant will be available at Jefferson Lab on July 27 and August 17 in Support Service Center room 22i to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions, such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. (ET). See the full announcement here.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: the Communications Office or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.