Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
July 9, 2014
12 GeV UpgradeThe summer scheduled accelerator down work continues, with a major focus on the Utilities Infrastructure Modernization (UIM) project. As the UIM project progresses, there will be several extended outages in both the low-conductivity water and the electrical power delivery throughout the facility. These outages are being closely coordinated with the planned 12 GeV Upgrade work. Hall D is nearing the start of commissioning activities with the recent experimental readiness review held on July 1 and 2. The pre-bid vendor meeting was held for the installation of the Hall C magnet yoke assemblies. This activity will involve heavy material handling and crane lifts. When the work commences, all personnel in the hall will need to be aware of the posted boundaries. The work is expected to be complete by the end of August. PhysicsJefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, June 30-July 4
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsThe semileptonic weak decays of hyperons offer an alternative way to determine the fundamental weak interaction parameter, Vus, whose accurate knowledge is necessary for testing the Standard Model of electroweak interactions. Its most precise determination is from the semileptonic decays of K mesons, but an improved theoretical description of the form factors of the weak decays of hyperons, together with improved experimental measurements, would make hyperon decays competitive with the K decays. In a new paper the the corrections to the vector current form factor f1 are calculated in a novel framework based on chiral perturbation theory and the 1/Nc expansion of QCD, and the results used to give an appraisal of the current status of hyperon decays. EngineeringThe Mechanical Engineering (ME) group is awaiting the final components to complete the new girders and stands for Hall B's Heavy Photo Search II experiment. All of the parts are due within the next couple of weeks. The Hall A dump work continues, with testing of the repair made to the dump flange weld and with getting the final mechanical parts procured for the diffuser and isolation wall. The associated vacuum pipe is due within the next one-two weeks. A significant effort has been expended over the past two weeks to detail drawings for the Hall B magnet distribution can. Currently, 95 of 99 drawings are detailed and being checked. A date has been set for the kickoff of the GD&T Lunch and Learn training. The first session will be Wednesday, July 30, noon-1 p.m. Feel free to bring your lunch. If you have not yet declared your interest, R.S.V.P. to Tim Michalski. A meeting invitation will be sent out to those who have expressed interest in participating. Facilities Management & Logistics Jefferson Lab Annual Property Inventory Starts Soon To complete the inventory, each item must be physically seen by a member of the property office. Note that the property custodian is responsible to know and search, if needed, for their assigned property, not the property staff. Property staff will go to the location identified for each item during the property validation to inventory the property. The assigned custodian will be notified of any item not located at its specified location, and the item will be reported as "missing" until the item is physically located by the custodian and verified by property staff. If you have questions, contact Christian Whalen at x5899. Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events July 9-10: SOLID Collaboration Meeting
Environment, Safety, Health and QualityLadder Safety at Jefferson Lab A recent ladder inspection at another lab uncovered a number of structural defects on many ladders. While the ladders may not have failed with the next climber, a shift in the weight or type of surface could have caused it to collapse under that person. Do you conduct a cursory inspection before you use a ladder? A quick look over the ladder's feet, joints, side-rails and rungs is always good practice. ES&H Manual Chapter 6132 Ladder and Scaffold Safety is a good reference for the safe use of ladders. Also read the "how to use" instruction labels and obey the load rating for the ladder you are using. Jefferson Lab uses only ANSI Type 1 (250 pounds or greater load rating) ladders. If do find or suspect a defective ladder, immediately tag it out or label it as such and submit a Facilities Management Work Request. Computing and Networking InfrastructureCNI Maintenance Period Set for Tuesday, July 15, 5-10 p.m. ReadyTalk End-of-Life To assist with an easy migration, there will be training sessions held on July 10 and July 23 at 2 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. ReadyTalk was mainly used for audio conferencing, therefore, audio conferencing will be the focus of these training sessions. There will be time at the end of each session for all questions regarding BlueJeans (H.323, web conferencing, etc.). To learn more, visit the BlueJeans webpage for information on logging in and configuring BlueJeans with your Jefferson Lab computer account. Last Chance to Renew Your SmartCard To avoid problems and delays, be sure to have your card renewed before July 11. Once the expiration date passes, the card will no longer work, and the user will not be able to log in to Jefferson Lab systems using the card. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155. AnnouncementsUpcoming Changes to the Requisition System Department of Energy Sponsors Food Drive July 7-31 TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment JSA Initiatives Fund Program - Call for Proposals LabVIEW Lunch & Learn Offered
JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263. |