Publications Refresher Course Offered March 28
Curious about the Department of Energy's Public Access Plan and how it affects Jefferson Lab? Attend the next Publications Training and Refresher course to be held on Monday, March 28, at 9 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F224-225. In addition to a brief introduction to the public access plan, authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. Plan to attend and R.S.V.P. to Kim Edwards by Friday, March 25.
JSA Offers Sabbatical and Research Leave Support at Jefferson Lab
JSA is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program for the 2016-2017 academic year, with support beginning as early as summer 2016. The program is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund. Application materials for the program are due by March 31. Visit the website for an application form and proposal requirements. If you have any questions about the program, contact Elizabeth L. Lawson at
The Electrical Engineering Systems department continues to support the CEBAF spring run, as well as other lab initiatives. The RF group continues to work on system performance issues, reducing the trip rate and maintaining the gradient required to accelerate the electron beam to full 12 GeV energy. The group has also been installing and testing equipment for the Linac Coherent Light Source-II project to support cryomodule testing. The DC Power group is maintaining good system performance, as well as working upgrade projects that will sustain machine operations in the fall.
The Safety Systems Group is in the process of certifying Hall C, the first time that hall has been in "beam permit" (albeit as a test) since the 6 GeV era. The I&C group is active in getting the Hall C beamline and dump electronics ready and installed for beam. The EES support group has been working in Hall B helping with the installation of the Torus magnet and prep for the Solenoid magnet arrival and also working in the Test Lab for LCLS-II, installing cable tray and RF components. Efforts towards the Upgrade Injector Test Facility project have also ramped up in the past few weeks. Racks, electronics and cables have started to be installed for all the major areas, and the system is starting to take shape.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
March 16-18: Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing Workshop
March 23: Optima Health Free Health Screenings
March 29-31: JLEIC Collaboration meeting
April 7: AVS Mid-Atlantic Meeting
April 30: Jefferson Lab Open House |
Environment, Health, Safety and Quality
Thank You for Listening
With all the blocked sidewalks, roads and other construction areas, ESH&Q has not had any recent reports or observations of people taking shortcuts through those marked areas. This makes it safer for the contractors and safer for you as you cross the Jefferson Lab campus.
Some sidewalks and other areas are being re-opened, while others remain closed. Please still respect those closed areas, as there is ongoing work or preparation for work in the near future. The contractors are working as best as possible to have these pathways available, but they still must complete their work safely as well. The contractors are aware of the planned Open House, and they are trying to complete as much as possible by then.
Until all the work is completed, another "Thanks" is extended for respecting the barricades and barrier tapes.
Jefferson Lab to hold Open House on April 30!
Jefferson Lab will hold an open house on Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m.–3 p.m. The event is an opportunity for people of all ages to spend the day exploring this world-class research facility. Visitors will be able to see much of the lab and learn about its research program and the technological advances being made here. Visitors also will be able to take part in tours, hands-on activities and interactive displays and demonstrations, such as the ever-popular Liquid Nitrogen Show. See a lot more detailed information about this biennial event in the full memo.
Vote Now for the 2016 JLab T-Shirt Design
Let your voice be heard! Click the link to view the designs and cast your ballot. Login is required; each username will be allowed one vote. Voting is open through March 25. The contest winner(s) will be revealed at the Jefferson Lab Run-A-Round on May 4.
Photographic Support Very Limited at this Time
Jefferson Lab Public Affairs has extremely limited time to provide photographic support. Currently, you may sign out a camera from Public Affairs so that you (or your designee) can take the photos you need, or you can notify Public Affairs two weeks in advance of the need for professional photos, so that a contract photographer can be scheduled for you to coordinate. To request use of a camera, email or call Deb Magaldi, x5102, or David Chopard, x7731. To request a contract photographer, email For more information, see the full memo.
Education Seeks Projects for Summer Honors Interns; Send Ideas/Proposals in by May 2
Six to eight outstanding high school students will be selected to participate in the lab's 2016 High School Summer Honors Program, which will be held at the lab June 27- Aug. 5. The students are currently in the 10th and 11th grades and have expressed interest in pursuing scientific and technical careers. Lab scientists, engineers and other technical managers who are interested in serving as a mentor and have a project to be accomplished this summer are asked to send a description of the work to Brita Hampton, x7633, by May 2. The students will be required to develop a poster about their project and present it during a poster session on the last day of their program. See more information about the program in the full announcement.
Catch the Free Yoga Classes on Wednesdays in CEBAF Center
As a JAG activity, Joe Beaufait is offering free, all-level yoga classes on Wednesdays in CEBAF Center. The classes are offered 5:30-6:30 p.m. and take place in one of three areas of CC: the auditorium, or conference room F113 or F224/225. See more information about this and other staff-centric listings on We Hear That.
Research Assistantship Program Now Taking Nominations
Jefferson Lab is seeking candidates for the 2016-2017 Minority/Female Undergraduate Research Assistantship (MFURA) program. Through the MFURA program, a minority or female junior or senior level undergraduate student will work on a Jefferson Lab-related project at his or her university during the academic year. Students must be nominated by university professors with whom the students would conduct the research. Nominations will be accepted through May 2. For information on the eligibility requirements or to nominate a student, see the linked webpage. MFURA is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program, a commitment from the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies.
Property Validation Deadline Approaches
The Property Validation period is coming to a close on March 31. To see what items still need to be validated in your property list, visit the Insight page and click the link in the Personal Information section. For more about the Annual Property Training and Validations process, see the full all staff memo. If an item can't be found, you must submit a Missing Item report. If you have any questions about this process, call the Property Management office at x7025 or x5899.