Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs March 2, 2016

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
March 2, 2016

12 GeV Upgrade

Sigma Phi, the French company building the Dipole, Q2 and Q3 magnets, has made significant progress with assembly over the last month. The Dipole is currently slowed down by problems with fitting the liquid nitrogen supply and return manifolds to the thermal shields. Q2 is also experiencing some delay as a different subcontractor is behind schedule producing the cradle needed for the next assembly step. All other internal components of the Dipole are permanently fixed in place, and Q2, with the coil now suspended by the barrel portion of its vacuum vessel, is not far behind. Preparation is moving ahead for the cryogenic, vacuum and instrumentation interface systems of both the Dipole and Q2 magnets. The Dipole interface "Cryogenic-Control Reservoir" will be attached to the magnet in Hall C, whereas the systems for the Q2 and Q3 magnets will be integrated in the factory.

On the Jefferson Lab site, checkout of the Super High Momentum Spectrometer detectors, trigger system and electronics continues. Field mapping of the HB magnet has been performed, so that final components of the beamline may be designed. Important improvements to the superconducting magnet power and protection systems were engineered during the recent extensive testing of the HB magnet. Those improvements, as well as software patches, are being applied to the controls for the other magnets.


Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Feb. 8-12

  • Viktor Mokeev et al. "New Results from the Studies of the N(1440)1/2+, N(1520)3/2-, and Δ(1620)1/2- Resonances in Exclusive epe'p' π+π- Electroproduction with the CLAS Detector." Phys. Rev. C 93, 025206.

Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

JSA Offers Sabbatical and Research Leave Support at Jefferson Lab
JSA is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program for the 2016-2017 academic year, with support beginning as early as summer 2016. The program is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund. Application materials for the program are due by March 31. Visit the website for an application form and proposal requirements. If you have any questions about the program, contact Elizabeth L. Lawson at

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

March 3: Emergency Response Training Exercise at Jefferson Lab
March 6: Va. Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 14-15: Hypernuclear Workshop
March 16-18: Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing Workshop
March 3: Optima Health Free Health Screenings
March 29-31: JLEIC Collaboration meeting
April 7: AVS Mid-Atlantic Meeting
April 30: Jefferson Lab Open House

Environment, Health, Safety and Quality

What Did You Really See?
How many times have you misread a set of instructions or thought, "I read/saw that as such and such." The human brain often fills in missing visual clues (predictive coding) based on previous experiences and expected results. We all have probably seen examples of this in magazines, on social media or in presentations.

If this misreading were to happen when vital information is involved, such as a valve identification, a serial number or a sequence of operations, one can now appreciate how serious the potential adverse consequence of mis-identification can be. So, when selecting a letter style or when writing something with a marker, take the time to make sure you use type or print that is clear and legible with ample space between the characters, to ensure your communication is read clearly. And when you need to read something of importance, be sure to slow down and read through the item carefully, to ensure you don't misread the communication.


Emergency Response Training Exercises to Take Place Thursday, March 3
Several emergency response organizations will be at Jefferson Lab on Thursday, March 3, to conduct a training session that will include hands-on exercises involving radioactive materials. From 8 a.m. to about 11:30 a.m., the group will be in the CEBAF Center auditorium for informational talks and equipment demonstrations. The group will conduct hands-on training exercises in several areas north of CEBAF Center, with groups of emergency-response individuals outfitted in special gear moving around in these areas. More details and an overview of the event can be found in the all-staff memo.

Develop the Skills of an Effective Supervisor at Jefferson Lab
Jefferson Lab's Performance and Training Office has launched a new supervisor/manager development curriculum. It blends web-based training and classroom sessions to teach management concepts in real-world situations. The four units are offered throughout the year and cover the following topics: policies and resources every supervisor needs, how to delegate work and set objectives, how to know the characteristics of people to lead them more effectively, and how to overcome barriers to communication related to gender, cultural background and unconscious bias. The classes are mandated for newly appointed supervisors and managers, but they are open to all. For more information and the dates of upcoming courses, see the linked all-staff memo.

National Instruments Offers LabVIEW Course April 12
For those already using LabView and wanting to learn about embedded systems, National Instruments (NI) is offering an Introduction to Real-Time and FPGA on the RIO Eval Kit. This system is the underlying technology of all NI cRIO products, and uses an identical workflow to all of NI’s other FPGA-enabled hardware, and it also runs the NI Real-Time Linux real-time operating system. The course will be held Tuesday, April 12, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F326. For more information and to register for this course, contact Brandye Rogers at no later than March 11.

Updated Directions to Jefferson Lab Offered Online
If you are providing information for someone coming to or visiting Jefferson Lab, make sure you send them the link with the current detour directions to Jefferson Lab.

New Boating Laws Take Effect in Virginia
In 2007, the Virginia General Assembly enacted a law to establish a boating safety education compliance requirement. Beginning July 1, all personal watercraft operators age 14 years and older and all motorboat operators, regardless of age, will be required to have a boating safety education course completion card on board when operating a watercraft or motorboat. Visit We Hear That for more information.

Deadline Approaches for 2016 Annual T-Shirt Design Contest
Put your creative talents to work and submit the winning design for the 31st Annual Jefferson Lab T-shirt Contest. Entries will be accepted through March 11. Each submission must include a front “pocket-size” and back design. "Jefferson Lab," "DOE," "JSA, LLC," and "2016" must be included in the design.  Resubmission of previous non-winning designs is welcome. To enter, submit your design, username, division and telephone (contact) number online. The lab community will vote on designs March 14-25. The contest winner(s) will be revealed at the Jefferson Lab Run-A-Round on May 4.

Free Health Screenings Offered on March 23
Optima Health is offering free and confidential health screenings to employees, users and subcontractors at Jefferson Lab on Wednesday, March 23. The 10-minute screenings will take place in CEBAF Center, room F113. The tests that will be done include: blood pressure checks, cholesterol finger stick, and body mass index studies. The nurses providing the services will discuss the results, and no prep is needed for the screenings. An appointment is required for this screening, and a limited number of appointment times are available, 1-4 p.m. To schedule an appointment for this free service, call Occupational Medicine at x7539 or x5585. See the full memo.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.