Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs May 1, 2013

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
May 1, 2013

12 GeV Upgrade

Detector construction for the Hall C Super High Momentum Spectrometer continues, with drift chamber stringing progressing at Hampton University and the vessel readied for the heavy gas Cerenkov counter. For the HB dipole magnet, machining of the helium vessel is underway, and the designs of the liquid nitrogen (LN2) shield and vacuum vessel are in final check. The stacking and welding of the steel laminations that form the yoke for the Q1 quadrupole magnet has passed the halfway point. Tests of the epoxy impregnation method to be used for the coils of the dipole, Q2 and Q3 magnets have been completed; production of the automated tooling to consolidate the conductor into its final form is underway; and a first test winding of the dipole magnet using the final conductor was done. Installation of the rails for the SHMS support carriage is complete, and an award of the main contract to assemble the support carriage is being prepared. Final machining is complete for the hundred tons of magnet steel yokes.

Work will begin soon in both the North and South Linac Service buildings to add additional cooling capability. When this work commences, new construction work areas will be established. The work areas will be under the control of the contractor and will require additional PPE for entry. As with any construction area, access will be restricted to those having a specific need to be there. The work permit will be posted and will list the SOTR responsible for coordinating activities in the designated construction area.


PAC Proposal Deadline Nears
The Program Advisory Committee judges the technical and scientific aspects of submitted proposals and provides recommendations to JLab management. New proposals will be recommended for approval only if they represent high-quality physics within the range of scientific importance represented by the previously approved 12 GeV proposals. The deadline for submission of proposals and updates is 8 a.m. EDT on Monday, May 6. Proposals and updates for PAC40 should be submitted electronically using the instructions available here.

Program Posted for Users Group Annual Meeting
Don't forget to complete your advance registration for the Jefferson Lab Users Group Annual Meeting by May 17. To see the program, register and find additional information, visit the meeting webpages. Graduate students who attend can take advantage of many incentives, including free registration, free lunches with speakers, and the poster competition (abstracts are due May 17). Also note that in addition to the customary reception on the evening of the first day, there will also be a party in the new "user space area" in the ARC library after the conclusion of the meeting on Friday.

Free-Electron Laser

The FEL team held a kickoff meeting for the collaboration in timing and bunch length measurements with Colorado State University this week.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new, comprehensive analysis of γ-Z interference corrections to the weak charge of the proton, measured in the Q-weak parity-violating electron scattering experiment, has just been completed by the Adelaide-JLab-Manitoba (AJM) collaboration. Constraints from parton distributions in the deep-inelastic region, together with new Hall A data on parity-violating electron scattering in the resonance region, result in significantly smaller uncertainties on the corrections compared to previous estimates. The new constraints also allow precise predictions to be made for parity-violating deep-inelastic asymmetries on the deuteron planned in future 12 GeV measurements at JLab.


The Electrical group has been busy with many installation activities around the accelerator. The first of the five spreader/recombiner regions has had all magnets reconnected electrically, and the area is ready for quality assurance checks to commence. All installed magnetic elements in the east and west arcs have been connected. The Radiofrequency group has completed the commissioning of North Linac RF Zone NL22, and cryomodule commissioning is in progress. NL24 is ready to start cryomodule commissioning and RF systems tests are being done in zone NL23. Restoration of the 42 6 GeV RF systems has begun with much needed maintenance(preventive maintenance - PM) and checkout work in progress. As PM is finished, the RF system and cryomodule operation are re-established and the performance measured.

The Safety group is supporting RF system re-certifications, so these systems can be restored. The Instrumentation group is working on installation and hookup of the beam diagnostic and vacuum equipment around the accelerator. Great progress has been made, but much remains to be done.

JLab Calendar of Events

May 3: TEDxCERN Simulcast at JLab
May 6: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
May 6-10: QCD Workshop
May 7-9: DOE Independent Project Review of 12 GeV Upgrade
May 15: Acucal equipment calibration pickup
May 20: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
May 22: JAG Run-A-Round
May 27: Memorial Day holiday, JLab closed
May 28: HUGS program begins
May 29-31: Jefferson Lab Users Group Annual Meeting

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

On-Site Emergency Phone Number Reminder
This is a reminder regarding the on-site emergency phone number for JLab. As always, if you need emergency services immediately, call 911 first. To report on-site emergencies to the guard force, you may dial x5822 from any JLab extension, or you may dial 757-269-5822 from any phone.


TIAA-CREF Onsite Individual Counseling Sessions
TIAA-CREF will be offering Individual Counseling Sessions, where you can discuss your personal financial situation with a TIAA-CREF consultant on a confidential basis. They will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. The sessions will be offered Thursday and Friday, June 6-7, in Support Service Center room 21. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m.-8 p.m.

Ready, Set, Register for the JAG Run-A-Round
Dust off those running shoes and save the date! The 28th Annual Run-A-Round, sponsored by JAG, will be held Wednesday, May 22, 3-6 p.m. JLab staff, users, students, full-time contractors and immediate family members are invited to participate. Staff and users who participate in the run or volunteer can receive a free 2013 JLab T-shirt. Race registration and volunteer signup forms will soon be available via the Jefferson Activities Group webpage. Plan to register soon, as race participants must register online by May 21 to be eligible for awards. More detailed information will soon be available on the JAG webpage.

Education Seeks Two More Projects for Summer Honors Interns
Two more projects are needed for high school students who have been selected to participate in the lab's High School Summer Honors Program, which will be held at the lab June 24-August 2. Lab scientists, engineers and other technical managers who are interested in serving as a mentor to high-achieving high school students and have a project, or number of projects, to be accomplished this summer, are asked to send a description of the work to be assigned or any questions you may have about the program to Brita Hampton as soon as possible. The students will be required to develop a poster about their project and present it during a poster session.

Monthly Tornado Siren Test Set for Friday
JLab's tornado warning siren will undergo its monthly operational test at 10:30 a.m on Friday, May 3. Depending on weather conditions at the time of the test, the siren may be heard by anyone within a 1.5-mile radius of the lab. Don't respond to the siren; this is a test of the siren system and not a personnel response exercise.

RIM Trivia Question of the Week
Thanks to everyone who played the Records and Information Management (RIM) Trivia question game. Congratulations to Annie Ungaro, who was the first to correctly answer the final trivia question on April 24: In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established this agency from which the universally recognized concept of the lifecycle of records management would be born. The correct answer was the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

Reminder: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Announces Automation of Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will begin automation of the I-94 records on April 26 at selected airports, with complete implementation at all airports by May 30. Non-immigrants traveling to the U.S. by air or sea will no longer be required to fill out a paper I-94 form and will no longer have a paper record in their passport. For more information and for answers to frequently asked questions, visit CBP’s Form I-94 webpages. Sue Ewing, x7687, or Tara Wilkerson, x6119, are also available to assist with inquiries as needed.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

No one correctly guessed the location for April 24. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.