Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs May 13, 2009

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs

May 13, 2009

12 GeV Upgrade

The contract for fabricating the 13kW klystrons has been awarded to L3 Communications in Williamsport, PA. This is the first major procurement awarded for the accelerator systems for the 12 GeV Upgrade. The contract for the waveguides for the cryomodules was approved by DOE and that contract also has been awarded. Evaluation of the Best-and-Final Offers (BAFO’s) for the fabrication of the SRF cavities and also for the 4-meter dipole magnet fabrication have been completed and the packages are being prepared for DOE review. BAFO’s have been received for the fabrication of the beamline quadrupole magnets. The Request for Proposals has been issued for the fabrication of the cryomodule space frames and for fabrication of the beam transport “C” dipole magnets. Responses to the RFP’s have been received for fabrication of the beam transport septa magnets. The design package for the motor control center for the upgrade to the Central Helium Liquefier has been completed.


In Hall A, production running for E05-015, a Measurement of the Quasi-elastic Single Spin Asymmetry and E08-005, measuring the transverse asymmetry in the 3He(e,e'n) Reaction, has been successfully completed. A new polarized 3He target cell, tailored to the upcoming experiment E05-102, measuring the transverse asymmetries in the 3He(e,e'd) reaction, is being installed.


The accelerator was running relatively well with some down time. EES fixed the Arc4 box supply, which tripped a few times. EES also fixed the Hall B box supply, which had a failed Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR). On Tuesday, the day shift was spent on Beam Studies. On May 6, CHL and some magnet box power supplies went down, most likely due to lightning strikes. The GUN2 cathode was reactivated for better performance. Some maintenance work was done on radio frequency (RF) cavities. On May 8, Hall A was changed from pass 3 to pass 2. Beam ran well over the weekend. Free-Electron Laser (FEL) The FEL had an unexpected highlight this week in that it received high recognition by being listed in a Nature article as one of the three "Leading Lights" - new light sources - in the U.S. See  Nature, Volume 459, p.16 - May 7, 2009.

Additional recognition came from Prof. Pierre Sivikie at the University of Florida, who toured the FEL facility on Monday. In the early 1980’s, Sivikie published seminal papers on axions and their responsibility for dark matter. His theoretical study led to the creation of the ongoing Cern Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment, and led to Karl van Bibber (now at the NPS) to propose the light-shining-through-walls class of experiments, such as the one funded by ONR at the JLab FEL.

The FEL made progress on the UV beam line, with both 6F and 8F regions now under vacuum. Despite the 4 days of rain this week that prevented work on the LCW line from the South Linac building to the FEL, some progress was made: Pipes have been connected to the south linac building and are laid half way to the FEL.


JLab's Safety Numbers

128 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
245 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)


JLab Calendar of Events

May 20: JLab Annual Run-A-Round
May 25: Memorial Day holiday, lab closed
May 27: Safety Glasses Vendor onsite
May 28: Safety Shoe Vender onsite
June 1-19: HUGS 2009
June 2-4: 53nd Annual Materials Management Workshop
June 8-10: Users Group Workshop and Annual Meeting





Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

In recognition of Electrical Safety Month, OSHA is reminding employers and workers about the importance of staying safe when working with electricity on the job. OSHA's topic page on electricity features information about standards, hazards, and possible solutions to those hazards:
Information that can be found on this website includes:
* Applicable standards;
* Information available for construction personnel, including the most common electrical incidents for the construction industry and controls available to help avoid injury;
* Recognition of electrical hazards in the workplace, including fatality investigation reports and a summary of surveillance findings;
* Examples of possible solutions for electrical hazards, including a basic guide on controlling electrical hazards and an Ergonomic Survival Guide for Electricians;
* Additional information, such as OSHA eTool guides on Construction, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Lockout/Tagout;

OSHA’s topic page on the Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) describes why this practice is important to protect workers from the unexpected startup of machinery or the release of hazardous energy during service or maintenance activities:

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

JLab E-Mailing List Replacement, May 18
On Monday May 18, JLab 's mail lists will be converted from Majordomo lists to Mailman lists. Mailman is a replacement mailing list server for Majordomo. Please see "What's New" on for more detailed information, including steps you will need to take as a member or administrator of a mailing list.

IT Helpdesk Summer Hours
Starting at 8 a.m. on Monday, June 1, the IT Division helpdesk will be open from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. It will revert back to morning-only hours in the fall.

User Audit Ongoing
The JLab user audit is currently underway. If you sponsor or supervise people with JLab user accounts, you need to complete your user audit by going to and clicking on the "User Audit" link under "Personal Information."  The audit must be completed by Tuesday, May 26th.

Antivirus Reminder
As a reminder, please do not download any antivirus programs from the Internet. If you get an unexpected message about having a virus, espcially when you visit a web page, please call the Computer Center helpdesk at x7155 before proceeding to have your computer evaluated. No legitimate antivirus message will come from a web page or claim you have a virus and require you to download something to get rid of it. Jefferson Lab provides and manages antivirus software for all lab-managed Windows and MacIntosh computers.

User Security Awareness Training
As part of the JLab User Audit, the lab must verify that all staff and users have taken the latest Security Awareness Training (GEN034U). If you have not yet taken this training, please go to: and select the appropriate Security Awareness training.


Training Class for ECAD Designers
The Engineering Division is interested in sponsoring a training class for ECAD designers on Altium design tools. The class will be held on site at JLab and will have a maximum capacity of 12 students. The class will be a four-day course offered by the vendor. The cost to the lab will be fixed, so a full classroom provides the best benefit for the lab. This a call for interested parties who wish to take the course. If there is enough interest to make it worthwhile, the class will be set up. The cost per student should be under $2,000. Those people interested in taking the course should consult with their supervisor/sponsor to be ensure that funding is available. Interested people should contact Roger Flood ( for further information and to indicate willingness to attend. The course will be held this summer. There is a minimum five-week lead time to set up the course so the exact date is unknown. If there is sufficient interest, a second session can be considered. See the attached document for the Altium Designer 6.0 Training Outline.

JSA Awards Graduate Fellowships
Jefferson Sciences Associates has selected eight JSA/Jefferson Lab graduate
fellowships for research related to the science program at JLab.The 2009-2010 academic year recipients, who are graduate students at SURA member universities, are: Kalyan Allada, University of Kentucky; Craig Bookwalter, Florida State University; Daniel Bowring, University of Virginia;
Michael Buchoff, University of Maryland; Jin Huang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John Leckey, College of William and Mary; Paul Mattione, Rice University; and Katherine Myers, The George Washington University. More information can be found here:

Ready, Set, Go! to the Run-A-Round on May 20
Time is running out to sign up for the Wednesday, May 20, JLab Run-A-Round. Visit the Jefferson Activities Group webpage ( to sign up for the run/ walk. The success of this event depends on volunteer support. Please give just one hour of your time before, during or after the event to help make the the fun, successful annual event that it is.

For details about Wednesday's event, see the May 2009 On Target story at: