12 GeV Upgrade
The Hall D Barrel Calorimeter, Forward Calorimeter, Forward Drift Chamber, Central Drift Chamber and Time of Flight wall, i.e. the five large subsystems of the main spectrometer in Hall D, have all been installed in their final positions and are being commissioned. The tagger and pair spectrometer magnets have been mapped, and installation work is starting on the fixed array tagger hodoscope and pair spectrometer detectors that accompany them. The detector elements for the tagger microscope and the start counter are being assembled, with arrival at Jefferson Lab expected in the summer. The counting house has been fitted out with racks of readout and trigger electronics, together with the cabling and fiber networks that interconnect them. Operation of the electronics, the trigger network and the data transfer from the experiment’s digitizers all the way to the data storage silos has been demonstrated, with regular tests and tune-up ongoing. An order has been placed for the thin diamond crystals needed to create the Hall D photon beam. These will be graded at a synchrotron light source and selected for subsequent thinning to 20 microns, as needed for the coherent bremsstrahlung radiator.
JSA Sabbatical and Research Leave Support at Jefferson Lab
The JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program enhances research opportunities for faculty through access to Jefferson Lab facilities and interaction with Jefferson Lab researchers and users, strengthens the teaching and research capabilities of universities through faculty involvement, and strengthens the research programs of Jefferson Lab by attracting "new blood" and integrating university faculty members in the lab's programs. JSA will award living expenses up to $1,500 per month for up to twelve months to qualified faculty members to relocate to the Hampton Roads area to conduct full-time research at Jefferson Lab while on an approved sabbatical or research leave. For eligibility and application information, see the JSA website. Application deadline is June 2.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, May 5-9
A. Lovato et al. "Neutral weak-current two-body contributions in inclusive scattering from 12C." Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 182502 (2014).
G.M. Huber et al. "Separated Response Function Ratios in Exclusive, Forward pi^{+/-} Electroproduction." Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 182501 (2014).
Hooman Davoudiasl, Hye-Sung Lee, and William J. Marciano. "Muon g-2, Rare Kaon Decays, and Parity Violation from Dark Bosons." Phys. Rev. D 89 095006 (2014).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A detailed Amplitude Analysis of two photon production of ππ and KK, using S-matrix constraints and fitting all available data, including the latest high statistics results from Belle, yields a single partial wave solution up to 1.4 GeV. The two photon couplings of the σ/f0(500), f0(980) and f2(1270) are determined from the residues of the resonance poles. Thanks to the very recent construction of a dispersive framework for Light-by-Light reactions, the partial wave amplitudes presented in this paper will bring a new precision to the on-going calculation of the hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Reducing these uncertainties is essential if new experiments planned at Fermilab and J-PARC are to deduce hints of physics beyond the Standard Model that can compete with a series of Jefferson Lab experiments, such as Q-weak and APEX.
The Cryogenics Department was reorganized internally, splitting into two major sub-groups. The Cryogenic Operations Group, headed by Mat Wright, will operate and maintain the cryogenic plants at Central Helium Liquefier 1, CHL2, the Standby Refrigerator, the End Station Refrigerator (ESR), the Hall D Refrigerator, and the Cryogenics Test Facility (CTF). The Cryogenic Engineering and Design Group, headed by Kelly Dixon, is organized to support cryogenic engineering project work for Jefferson Lab and outside projects, such as FRIB and LCLS2. Jonathan Creel is the new Cryogenics Department Head.
The beginning of the Scheduled Accelerator Down (SAD) marks the end of the preliminary running of the CHL1 on the North Linac and CHL2 on the South Linac in the 12 GeV configuration. Both plants operated well. The CHL1 will be shut down and warmed up for summer maintenance, including the cleaning of the 4 Kelvin cold box top-end heat exchangers and the replacement of the compressor system carbon inside the large adsorber. The CHL2 will be reconfigured and will support both Linacs at 4 K for the duration of the SAD. The ESR is operating normally and is supporting the cooldown of Hall C. The CTF plant just cooled down the F100 cryomodule in the test cave for testing. The Hall D cold box was disassembled, damaged internal 80 K/20 K beds were removed, valves were repaired and re-configured, and all internal piping cleaned. The cold box is being reassembled with new diodes. A re-commissioning test is planned for late June. |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
PPE: The Last Mitigation of an Electrical Hazard
Electrical injuries/fatalities (resulting from an electrical shock or an electrical arc flash) are ranked in the top four of workplace accident categories by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. As we all know, the safest way for working around electricity is by shutting it off completely and executing a proper lockout/tagout. There are times, however, when electrical systems need to stay energized while being worked on; in these scenarios, other safe work practices need to be developed to mitigate the electrical hazards down to the lowest possible level. When Personal Protective Equipment is introduced as mitigation, it should be considered the last defense against an electrical hazard. Some simple rules to remember when donning electrical PPE are as follows:
Ensure the PPE is correct for the application (voltage and arc flash levels);
The PPE must be in good condition and cared for per the manufacturer guidelines;
The PPE has been tested per industry standards and best practices; and
The PPE is properly worn and sized for the worker.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Internet Failover on Sunday, May 18, 6-8 a.m.
On Sunday, May 18, Jefferson Lab's primary internet provider will be performing an upgrade of their equipment. During the hours of 6-8 a.m., the lab will failover to the backup internet provider. There may be a brief outage during the failover and failback. If you have any questions or concerns about this potential outage, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
IT Division Maintenance on Tuesday, May 20, 5-7 p.m.
The IT Division is planning a Systems Maintenance period for 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20. During this time, there will be a short network outage for devices in the CEBAF Center atrium, auditorium and business offices. Network connectivity will be restored by 6 p.m. There *may* be a short outage of Wiki's on wiki.jlab.org, while some underlying libraries are updated; any outage will be brief (about 5-10 minutes). Additionally, updates to Firefox, Thunderbird and Adobe Flash and Acrobat Reader will be sent out. Finally, the CNI group will release Windows and Linux patches to the site. Plan on rebooting your desktop systems on either Wednesday or Thursday, May 21-22. If you have any questions or concerns about the tasks scheduled for this maintenance period, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Short Phone Outages on Saturday, May 31
On Saturday, May 31, 8 a.m.-noon, there will be short (15-minute) rolling phone outages in these locations (ARC, Support Service Center, CEBAF Center, Experimental Equipment Lab, Test Lab, TED Building, Building 19 (Forestry Building), and Building 57. This work will provide a backup router for the phones. If you have any questions or concerns about this work, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Public Zimbra Briefcase Lives Up to Its Name
In Zimbra, you can share a Briefcase (or folder) in several ways (Internal user, External Guest or Public). This is just a reminder that choosing "Public" will allow anyone in the world to have read-only access to that Briefcase or folder without a password. If you must share a file or folder with non-Jefferson Lab users, share it to individuals specifically instead of just making the files "Public." If you have an questions or concerns about this announcement, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Jefferson Lab Spam and Virus Filter Software Changing
On June 17, the CNI group will migrate from the current spam and virus solutions to an updated environment. This environment is expected to provide better spam- and virus-blocking capabilities, while also providing a local (at Jefferson Lab) User Spam Quarantine server. The group is planning to provide user training a week or so prior to the migration. Watch for additional announcements as the time approaches.
Upcoming Jefferson Lab Pager Audit
If you carry a Jefferson Lab-issued pager, you will soon receive an email with instructions for completing a brief online audit. This is for one-way pagers and texting devices and does not apply to cell phones, which will be audited separately at another time. This audit helps the lab to control the monthly recurring cost associated with pagers by identifying those that are no longer needed. If you have any questions about the audit, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Last-Chance Open House Volunteer Session Scheduled
There will be one more, last-chance general training and information session offered for volunteers who have missed the other sessions on Thursday, May 15, at 10 a.m in the CEBAF Center auditorium. Volunteers will receive their T-shirt, communications card, parking pass and important event information. If you have any questions, contact Open House Volunteer Coordinator, Tina Menefee, 768-4030.
Electronic Tour Database
Employees or users wanting to escort visitors through the accelerator site to tour radiological areas must request dosimetry (a self-reading pocket dosimeter, or SRPD) through the online tour system. This system can be found on the Radiation Control Department webpage and from Insight. The new system provides a link for the visitor to fill out required information for the tour before they actually arrive. The escort can read and electronically sign their agreement before the tour starts, which will in turn speed up the process of being issued dosimetry. This process will also allow the guards to check the visitor information online, negating the need for a paper form. If you have any questions regarding the online tour system or need help setting up a tour, contact Becky Mosbrucker, x7236.
See Jefferson Lab Researchers Speak at Particle Fever Debut
Three researchers affiliated with Jefferson Lab will give presentations at a local showing of "Particle Fever." The film gives audiences a front row seat to a profound scientific breakthrough as it happens - the confirmation of the existence of "the god particle." Particle Fever follows six brilliant scientists during the launch of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. Directed by Mark Levinson, a physicist turned filmmaker, and edited by Walter Murch (Apocalypse Now, The English Patient), Particle Fever is a celebration of discovery, revealing the very human stories behind this epic machine. The film will be shown tonight at 7:15 p.m. at the Naro Expanded Cinema in Norfolk. The post-film discussion will be led by three researchers affilitated with Jefferson Lab: Charles Hyde, a professor of physics at ODU who is working to understand how the interactions of quarks and gluons generate the 98 percent of the mass of ordinary matter that is not generated by the Higgs field; Larry Weinstein, a professor and eminent scholar in physics at ODU and author of "Guesstimation: Solving the World's Problems on the Back of a Cocktail Napkin," and Todd Satogata, a senior scientist at Jefferson Lab who has designed, built and operated particle accelerators for 25 years.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
May 17: JLab Open House: Accelerating Discovery
May 19: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
May 19-22: Program Advisory Committee, PAC41
May 26: Memorial Day holiday, Lab closed
May 27-29: Hypernuclear Collaboration Meeting