Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
May 2, 2012
All-Staff Memo Foreign Travel Order 551.1 Revisions Instated
A new Foreign Travel Guidance document on the Travel website should be reviewed by anyone traveling after May 31 that does not already have their approval and clearance from Travel Services. 12 GeV UpgradeWinding of two coils for the Hall C Super High Momentum Spectrometer Q1 quadrupole magnet is complete and winding of the third coil has started. Soldering of the copper stabilizer to the superconducting SSC cable for the Q2, Q3 and dipole magnets is underway, with the first reels of production conductor now shipped to the magnet vendor. A contract is in place for the several hundred tons of steel yokes for those magnets. Most sections of the support structure have arrived at JLab, with the balance due in June. Detector construction funded through National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation university grants continues, with the parts for the quartz S2Y plane of the hodoscope now in hand at North Carolina A&T State University, and the stringing of the drift chambers underway at Hampton University. PhysicsIn Hall A, the g2p / GEp experiments continue to run smoothly. Hall C completed a measurement of the asymmetry of inclusive scattering of 3.35 GeV electrons on hydrogen. This measurement will constrain the uncertainty on one of the largest corrections to the measurement of Q-weak. The Q-weak experiment is now returning to the standard configuration of 1.16 GeV beam and plans to take production data until the end of the run. In Pictures: Doing Physics AcceleratorAt the start of the week, Hall B was in the process of changing out a target, while Halls A and C were taking production beam. The Hall C beam current monitor was calibrated, and the limits on the ion chambers in Hall A were adjusted. A cathode power supply high voltage module was replaced on radiofrequency zone SL25. Hall B successfully brought their new target up and started taking beam again midweek. The C100 zone was pushed during beam studies by raising the individual cavities' maximum applied voltage to obtain more data on the cryomodule's characteristics. Then the cavities were not reset to nominal operating levels but left at higher levels for the weekend. On Sunday, the Central Helium Liquefier 2 Kelvin coldbox tripped, resulting in the usual short delay until Cryogenics staff could be called in to restore it. In an access to the South Linac, ice was found surrounding an 2L09 "L tube," a piece of tubing in the cryogenic transfer lines. This will have to be corrected another day. Overall, the accelerator performed very well during this time period. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsResearchers at Trinity College, Dublin, in collaboration with Theory Center members, have presented a new calculation of the excited-state spectrum of charmonium, the bound system of a charm quark and anti-quark, determined from a lattice QCD calculation. This work builds on recent progress in computing the light-meson spectrum and finds several interested parallels. Notably, there appears to be a spectrum of 'hybrid' mesons - mesons featuring an excited gluonic field - that has a very similar structure regardless of whether the quarks are light or heavy. This suggests a connection between spectroscopy programs at JLab and those seeking new charmonium states, such as the future GSI-FAIR PANDA experiment. EngineeringThe Electrical Engineering Services department is moving into the new TED building this week. All EES staff will be co-located for the first time. All offices and shops are being moved. On the accelerator operations front, the EESRF team conducted a successful 24-hour push on the new C100 cryomodules in the tunnel to demonstrate their performance near the operating conditions expected for the future research program. This was successfully achieved on Thursday last week. Virtually everyone in the EES department contributed to this success in some manner over the last few years. Facilities Management and LogisticsJLab will hold an Open House on May 19. In preparation for that event, the lab will conduct a sitewide cleanup May 7-11. The cleanup will involve all divisions and all employees. All managers are responsible for ensuring the participation of their individual staffs. The cleanup is not optional; Everyone is expected to participate. The goal is to clean up individual work areas, as well as to remove scrap wood, cardboard, metals and other excess items that may have piled up over time both indoors and out. During the clean up, be careful not to mix recyclables. In other words, wood scrap goes into a wood dumpster, recyclable metals in their dumpster, and paper and other permissible recyclable office waste goes into the paper dumpster. If you will need a dumpster or other equipment to clean your area, contact Carl Iannacone, x5430, or Bill Brisiel, x7233. The cleanup also will be an excellent time to identify excess equipment or furniture. You can contact the Property Office at x6270 for removal of these items. |
Environment, Safety, Health and QualityThe Department of Energy is celebrating National Electrical Safety Month with a series of topics on electrical safety. Now is a good time for all of us to re-examine your surroundings at work and at home for electrical hazards. This week's focus is on electrical work. A general rule of thumb to remember is: "When in Doubt, Lock it out!" The four principles for an electrically safe working environment are:
For a complete toolbox talk on this topic, click here. Computing and Networking Infrastructure Email Migrations into New System Ongoing Announcements JLab to Test Tornado Warning Siren Friday at 10:30 a.m. Tornado Preparedness and Response Awareness Survey Results Posted Today's Colloquium: From Quarks to Baseballs - The Evolution of a Physicist RadCon Seminar: Anticipating Radiation Damage: Calculation of Relevant Quantities Tracking Thomas at JLab Congratulations this week go to Samika Hawkins, who was the first to correctly identify the April 25 location. Honorable mentions go to Maurizio Ungaro, Paul Letta, Ron Bartek, Michelle Shinn and DeAnn Maddox. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo. JLab Calendar of Events April 30: FLUKA Training Course |