Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
May 29, 2013
12 GeV UpgradeAll light guides for the Hall D Barrel Calorimeter (BCAL) have arrived from the University of Santa Maria, and more than two-thirds have been attached to modules. The BCAL light monitoring system, built by the University of Athens, is being added. The lead-glass calorimeter, FCAL, was stacked into its support frame by Indiana University. The Central Drift Chamber is undergoing a full checkout at Carnegie Mellon University prior to shipping to Jefferson Lab. The fourth (last) package of the companion planar drift chambers is being tested at Jefferson Lab. The production F1TDC modules are being tested at the University of Massachusetts. The first articles of the FADC-125 modules arrived and were successfully tested, and full production is now underway. Florida State University continues assembling the Time-of-Flight wall. The tagger magnet is now assembled in the tagger area. The University of Connecticut and The Catholic University of America, respectively, continue with assembling the tagger microscope and hodoscope, which are the detectors for the tagger region. The solenoid magnet has been cooled and tested to full current of 1500 Amps. It experienced a quench on May 1 and is now being re-cooled for final tests and mapping. Free-Electron LaserThe FEL team held kickoff meetings for both the Los Alamos U24 undulator contract with Superconductor Technologies Inc. and the new 750 Megahertz buncher contract with Advanced Energy Systems, Inc. (Virginia funded). Both meetings went well with a minimum of action items resulting. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsIn a new paper, the Resonance Chiral Theory framework is used to compute form factors for electron-positron annihilation into π+π-π0 or π+π-η final states. The hadron production is simulated using the PHOKHARA 7.0 Monte Carlo event generator. This work will be helpful for phenomenological studies of the nonperturbative regime of QCD, and in particular for photon beam experiments at CLAS12. JLab Calendar of Events May 29-31: Jefferson Lab Users Group Annual Meeting |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality Stay Alert and Minimize Distractions on Roadways Minimizing distractions are expecially important in the summer, with additional road work zones with highway workers just a few feet off the edge of the road or people crossing Jefferson Lab's roads who maybe also be texting or talking and are not focused on traffic. Stay focused on the more important task: keeping your vehicle on the road and avoiding things in your lane. AnnouncementsVirginia Sales Tax Holiday for Hurricane Preparedness Supplies Check the Jefferson Lab Lost and Found for Your Lost Stuff Summer Rental Car Discounts For Jefferson Lab Employees
JLab Cafeteria May Be Congested, May 29-June 6 Tracking Thomas at JLab Marcy Stutzman and David Bigelow correctly guessed the location for May 15. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo. |
JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263. |