Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs May 6, 2015

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
May 6, 2015

12 GeV Upgrade

Hall B: The first two regions of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) for CLAS12 in Hall B have been mounted on the cooling plate in the clean room at Jefferson Lab and are undergoing testing and burn-in.  The separate cooling plate and support structure for SVT region 4 is also complete and is being assembled in preparation for mounting. The magnetic shielding materials for the Central Time-of-Flight (CTOF) have arrived and been checked. The CTOF slats have all had their outer light-tight wrapping added, and photomultiplier tube (PMT) and magnetic shield mounting has started. The large mirror for the High Threshold Cerenkov Counter (HTCC) has been assembled, checked and mounted in the large containment vessel.  A gimbal-mounted laser is being used to scan the HTCC mirror segments and check the spatial and angular positioning of the 48 mounts for PMTs.  The work to refurbish the boxes for the Low Threshold Cerenkov Counter is nearing completion and the mounting of components, including the Winston Cones, PMTs, bases and cabling, inside the first box has started in the clean tent. Calibration work for the Forward Time-Of-Flight, Pre-Shower Calorimeter and Electromagnetic Calorimeter already mounted on the forward carriage is proceeding steadily.


R. Briceno Receives 2015 JSA Postdoc Research Grant
Raul Briceno, a postdoctoral member of Jefferson Lab’s Theory Center, is the recipient of the 2015 JSA Postdoctoral Research Grant, which will provide $10,000 for his research at Jefferson Lab. He was selected for the grant by the Users Group Board of Directors, the governing body of the group that represents scientists who use Jefferson Lab facilities to conduct nuclear physics research. The basis for picking the top candidate includes a record of accomplishment in physics, a planned high-impact Jefferson Lab physics program, proposed use of the research grant, and promise of further accomplishments in the Jefferson Lab research fields in the future. More about the grant is available online at:

A. Subedi and C. Fanelli Share 2015 JSA Thesis Prize
Adesh Subedi, Mississippi State University, and Cristiano Fanelli, INFN/Sanita, Rome, have been selected as co-recipients of the 2015 JSA Thesis Prize. This year, the review panel was unable to select a single winner. Subedi and Fanelli will split the prize, which will be presented during the annual Jefferson Lab Users Meeting, June 1-3, where they each have been invited to give a talk on their respective research. More about the thesis prize is available online at:

Both programs are supported by the Jefferson Science Associates Initiatives Fund Program (, a commitment from the JSA owners, SURA and PAE Applied Technologies. Initiatives Funds support programs, initiatives, and activities that further the scientific outreach, and promote the science, education and technology of Jefferson Lab and benefit the laboratory’s extended user community in ways that complement the lab's basic and applied research missions.

Congratulations to Raul, Adesh and Cristiano!

Published Journal Articles, April 27- May 1, 2015
Qweak Collaboration.  "The Qweak experimental apparatus."  Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A781 (2015) 105-133.

Tech notes, April 27- May 1, 2015
JLAB-TN-15-003.  W. Crahen, R. Lassiter, R. Miller and T. Hiatt.  "Structural Support and Link Analysis for the CLAS 12 Drift Chamber - Region 2 and 3."

JLAB-TN-15-008.  Charles Reece, Ari Palczewski.  "Report for JLab High Q0 R&D for LCLS-II - FY14."

JLAB-TN-15-010.  David Douglas.  "Can A Magnetized Beam Be Generated From A Conventional Uncoupled Beam Using Only Transverse Optics?"

JLAB-TN-15-011.  David Douglas.  "Aperture Scaling In High Power CW SRF Recirculated Linacs and ERLs."

JLAB-TN-15-012.  Kenneth Butler, Michael Talbott, David Shires.  "caLabs/LabVIEW implementation of Soft IOC."

JLAB-TN-15-013.  Kenneth Butler, Michael Talbott, David Shires. "Labview softIOC using caLabs and pyepics Python client Instructions."

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new review article <arXiv:1504.05063> provides a summary of experiments that have measured electromagnetic form factors of few-nucleon systems, and of current theoretical approaches used to describe these systems.  The theoretical approaches assume that the nucleus consists of interacting protons and neutrons and that the effects of their internal substructure can be accounted for by effective forces and currents. The quantitative success they have achieved in reproducing the data indicates that even at the highest Q2 there is no evidence for new effects coming from quark and gluon degrees of freedom at short distances for these observables.

Facilities Management and Logistics

CEBAF Center Parking Lot Impact During Infrastructure Upgrade Project
A section of the CEBAF Center parking lot adjacent to the east side of the F Wing (facing Hadron Drive) has been fenced off for the contractor's use in conjunction with the Utilities Infrastructure Modernization (UIM) Computer Center Cooling and Power Upgrade project.  Traffic flow through that section of the parking lot and 18 parking spaces will be impacted through March 31, 2016.

Questions about this project may be directed to Michele Solaroli, Facilities Management, at x7751.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Time to Plan for Portable Generator Safety
We are fast approaching the summer season in Hampton Roads and with that come hurricane season and higher temperatures; both can be the culprits behind electrical utility outages.
Portable generators can be a good source of temporary power during these weather-induced electrical outages; but if used improperly theses generators also can prove to be dangerous or even deadly.
Following some simple precautions can keep you and others safe from the dangers of electric shock and carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from improper use of a portable generator.

  • Do not connect the generator directly to the house wiring; use an approved transfer switch.
  • Use Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) with the generator if they are not already built in.
  • Make sure extension cords have no damage and are of a sufficient size for the load to be powered.
  • Do not use the generator inside your home or garage; operate it in a well-ventilated area outdoors away from windows, doors and vents.
  • Make sure your home has a working carbon monoxide alarm.
  • Always turn the generator off and allow it to cool down before fueling.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for setup and operation. It is also strongly recommended to have a licensed electrician install your home generator.

Additional guidance, provided by the National Safety Council, is available online at:

Watch for Insects that Bite or Sting and other Critters
Warm weather brings out a variety of insects and other critters at Jefferson Lab. The most frequent insect-related hazard at the lab comes from insects in the Genus Hymenoptera, which includes wasps (such as yellow jackets and hornets) and bees. These insects can be found anywhere, from “in-ground” nests to vegetation, building surfaces (interior and exterior), any equipment stored outside, golf carts and unprotected commercial gas valve caps.
Workers at the lab have experienced insect bites or stings that have been serious enough to require time off from the job. If left untreated or if improperly treated, bites and stings can get infected and result in unnecessary discomfort and lost work time.

When you do your pre-job walk down, look for flying insects and evidence of wasp nests, and be cautious when disturbing grounds, equipment or building locations that have been undisturbed for long periods. It is also a good time to look for evidence of other critters that can infiltrate work areas (such as snakes). If you see evidence of flying, stinging insects, or other critters, call x7400 and ask Facilities Management and Logistics to respond. FM&L has a pest control subcontractor that routinely applies environmentally friendly insecticide to locations around the site to help manage pests. If you are bitten or stung by a bug of any kind, obtain prompt first aid from Occupational Medicine.


Upcoming Jefferson Lab Pager Audit
If you carry a Jefferson Lab-issued pager, you will soon receive an email with instructions for completing a brief online audit. This is for one-way pagers and texting devices and does not apply to cell phones, which will be audited separately at another time. This audit helps the lab to control the monthly recurring cost associated with pagers by identifying those that are no longer needed. If you have any questions about the audit, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.

Registration for Lab Run-A-Round Closes at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12
The 30th annual Jefferson Lab Run-A-Round event will be held Wednesday, May 13, 3-6 p.m. JLab staff, users, students, full-time contractors and immediate family members are invited to participate. Staff and users that participate in the run or that volunteer can receive a free 2015 JLab T-shirt. All runners and walkers must register online to be eligible for prizes. This year the JAG committee added a new race category: Master's (for ages 46 and over). Online registration is open through 5 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12. Register yourself and your family members who are planning to participate at the link on the JAG website.
Register online at:

Help Make the Run-A-Round a Success: Volunteer to Help out!
The success of this event depends heavily on participation and volunteer support. Volunteers not participating in the race will receive a free 2015 JLab T-shirt. Tasks include staffing the same-day late registration and bib tables, field set up, race course monitors, water station and finish line attendants, event set up at the Residence Facility field, food tent attendants, trash pickup and event tear down. The best slots fill up fast, so sign up today at the link on the JAG website.

Reminder: RadCon Has Moved to 1st Floor Library Area of ARC Building
The Jefferson Lab Radiation Control (RadCon) Operations Group, Electronics Group, Training Group, Analytical Lab and Dosimetry Group have moved to the ARC Library (first floor).

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
May 6: IPAC 15 Women in Science panel discussion event
May 3-8: International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC15)
May 13: JAG Run-A-Round
May 14-15: Final State Nucleons for Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions Workshop
May 18: Safety Shoe Truck at lab
May 25: Memorial Day holiday - Jefferson Lab closed
May 26-30: QCD Evolution 2015 Workshop
May 27-29: QWeak Collaboration meeting

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.