Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs November 10, 2010

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
November 10, 2010

12 GeV Upgrade

Delivery of the niobium cavities for the cryomodules has ramped up, with 34 of the final 86 now onsite. The vendor for the warm helium compressor skids needed for the new Central Helium Liquefier (CHL-2) has taken delivery of the compressors. The first 20 of the radiofrequency system’s waveguide circulators have arrived onsite. The first of the new 2.5 meter curved dipole magnets for the new west spreaders and recombiners have been shipped. Ion pump supplies for beamline vacuum are arriving in quantity.


In Hall C, the Q-weak target was re-installed after repairs to the hydrogen pump. The Q-weak experiment has resumed commissioning and taken some early production data.


Announcing the Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award
The JSA Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award will recognize individuals whose work and careers in JLab nuclear physics in experimental or theoretical research, or technical achievements related to this research, have been noted by their peers in the field nationally and internationally. Nominations for individuals who have made outstanding or sustained contributions to JLab research are due Friday, Jan. 14; see the website for nomination details. The award is funded through the JSA Initiatives Fund.

PAC 37 Proposals Due Dec. 1
The Program Advisory Committee (PAC 37) will meet the week of Jan. 10. The PAC will review new proposals for the 12 GeV physics program, which are due no later than Dec. 1. The PAC will also assign scientific priorities and beamtime to already approved proposals and review and assign priority and time to some conditionally approved proposals. The details of the process for PAC 37 are available online.

JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize Nominations Due Dec. 1
JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize winners have a record of accomplishment in physics, promise of further accomplishments in the JLab research fields and an excellent proposal for use of the prize's research grant. All nominees must be within five years of graduation and in a postdoc or equivalent position at the time of nomination. For more information, see the announcement. The prize is funded through the JSA Initiatives Fund.


The accelerator has been running well, with low trip rates. Day shift on Thursday was spent studying the injector Wien system. Some radiofrequency cavities were recovered during beam studies. On Wednesday, the injector gun high voltage tripped, causing about one and a half hours of downtime. On Saturday, the personnel safety system dropped the beam switchyard to power permit, which affected beam for a couple of hours. Also, rf zone 2L07 misbehaved a few times, causing downtime.

Free-Electron Laser

FEL staffers performed a number of interesting studies last week using the ultraviolet FEL. Among other things, the team investigated wiggler pipe and optical cavity mirror metrology system chamber heating at high current, mirror-heating effects from lasing and terahertz, and low-charge (30 picocoulombs), high-charge low-frequency lasing (1 Megahertz, 120 pC electron beam with four outcouplings per gain pass) and macropulsed operation of the beam at 75 MHz. The team also performed difference orbit studies, identifying several locations of orbit errors.

Theoretical and Computational Physics

David Richards, an internationally renowned lattice gauge theorist, has been formally appointed the Deputy AD for Theoretical and Computational Physics. He has been a member of the Theory Center at Jefferson Lab since 1999, and was acting theory director for 12 months, beginning in September of 2009. His new position recognizes his considerable contribution in steering the lab through the DOE four-year national review of theory with great success.

Facilities Management and Logistics

Planning is underway for a power outage affecting all JLab campus buildings outside the accelerator site, excluding the VARC and ARC, for work on the campus electrical distribution system. The outage is currently scheduled to last for nearly the entire holiday shutdown period, beginning at 5 p.m. on Dec. 23 and ending at 6 p.m. on Jan. 2. There will be no power in these buildings during this period. More details will be announced as plans for the outage are finalized. If you have any immediate questions, contact Rusty Sprouse in FM&L, x7589.


Initiatives Fund Awards Announced
Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, has announced the winning proposals for the FY2011 Initiatives Fund Program. Winning proposals may be viewed through a link on the news release webpage or here.

JLab Veterans Day Salute on Nov. 11
In recognition of the many people at JLab who have served in the Armed Forces, the lab will have cake for all veterans in the CEBAF Center lobby on Thursday, Nov. 11, 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Veterans are invited to sign a whiteboard and enjoy a piece of cake. In coordination with the Quilts of Valor Foundation, blank quilting squares and indelible markers will be adjacent to the cake and whiteboard. Anyone wishing to sign a square may do so. According to the Quilts of Valor Foundation webpage, it is a volunteer, nonprofit organization that makes quilts to honor and comfort military personnel – wounded, serving and deceased.

Order Desserts for Thanksgiving
The Quark Cafe is taking Thanksgiving dessert orders. Selections include apple, pumpkin, pecan and sweet potato pies and pumpkin cheesecake. The deadline for orders is 2 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 19. Order forms and a full list of desserts are available in the cafeteria. Orders must be picked up and paid for on Nov. 23, 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., or Nov. 24, 8 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

A Cookie for Your Thoughts
The Quark Cafe staff is conducting a survey regarding the range of cafeteria services. Fill out a survey and receive a free cookie. The survey form will be available in the cafeteria during lunch on Nov. 15 and during breakfast and lunch on Nov. 16.

Quark Cafe Offers Thanksgiving Feast on Nov. 17
Quark Cafe staff will host a Thanksgiving Warm-up Buffet on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. The buffet menu will include roast turkey with cornbread sage dressing, country-style gravy, fresh orange cranberry sauce, Smithfield ham, carved peppercorn-crusted roast tenderloin of beef, Yukon Gold garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green beans almandine, Brussels sprouts with maple walnuts, dinner rolls and assorted pies. The buffet is $9.99 plus tax and includes one plate, a 24 oz. fountain drink and a dessert. Menu items will also be available a la carte.

Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit Onsite Dec. 6
The Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit will be at JLab on Monday, Dec. 6, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in the ARC parking lot. This service is open to all employees as well as family members or friends, since personal health insurances will be billed. The procedure takes 15 minutes. To make an appointment, call 1-800-SENTARA (736-8272) or see the Screenings and Events section on the frontpage of the Sentara website.

JLab Jackets Available for Purchase
JLab 25th Anniversary Jackets may be purchased for $38.12 per jacket at the CEBAF Center reception desk. Sizes available for purchase include small, large, extra large, XXL and XXXL. Payment can be made by cash or personal check addressed to Jefferson Science Associates, LLC. Exact change is appreciated.

JLab Calendar of Events

Nov. 23: Science Series Public Lecture
Nov. 25-26 Thanksgiving Holiday - JLab closed
Dec. 6: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
Dec. 24-Dec. 31: Winter holidays/Shutdown days - JLab closed

JLab's Safety Numbers

15 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
72 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)