Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs November 18, 2015

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
November 18, 2015

12 GeV Upgrade

12 GeV Project installation work in Hall B is increasing in many areas. In addition to welding on the Torus magnet, electrical and electronic work on the power supplies and racks has ramped up. Hall C continues testing and measurements of the Horizontal Bend magnet and power supply, along with preparations for the arrival of additional superconducting magnets in 2016.


Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Nov. 2-6

  • S. Strauch, et al. (CLAS Collaboration). "First Measurement of the Polarization Observable E in the $\vec p(\vec gamma,pi^+)n$ Reaction up to 2.25 GeV." Phys. Lett. B 750, 53.
  • C. Albertus, E. Ruiz Arriola, I.P. Fernando, J.L. Goity. "Heavy baryons in the large Nc limit." Phys. Lett. B 750, 331.
  • Alexei Prokudin, Peng Sun, Feng Yuan. "Scheme dependence and transverse momentum distribution interpretation of Collins-Soper-Sterman resummation." Phys. Lett. B 750, 533.
  • Tech Note: Bogacz, Alex. "Muon Acceleration Concepts for NuMAX: 'Dual-use' Linac and 'Dogbone' RLA." JLAB-TN-15-048.
  • Tech Note: Bogacz, Alex. "CEBAF 5-pass ERL - Optics Issues." JLAB-TN-15-049.

Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

Publications Refresher Course Offered Jan. 12, 2016
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, at 9 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F224-225. In this session, authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. If you would like to attend, R.S.V.P. to Kim Edwards by Friday, Jan. 8.


The alignment group has been busy working throughout the lab over the last few weeks. Late September had the group measuring where Hall C's High Momentum Spectrometer was in relation to the straight ahead beam and target. This was to ensure that the HMS and new design post would be in the correct orientation. Additional work in Hall C and upstream 3C line were the Moller quad surveys and Compton measurement. Additionally in September, the crews worked to help the SRF group align their new piers and rails for the upcoming LCLS-II cryomodule construction. Other various work in September included Hall D monument control on the walls, penetration surveys (surveys connecting the accelerator to the surface control), and the 1C12 OTR survey. October saw the crews working on control surveys throughout the accelerator (East and West Arcs, South and North Linacs, Northeast extension). Additionally, the crews worked on the Hall A BCM, the photon detector, and the 1C line Compton magnets and table. In Hall B, an extensive survey was taken of the 12 GeV Torus, establishing the location of the six coils and other prominent features to ensure the Torus's proper alignment. Finally, the crews worked on the UITF (Upgrade Injector Test Facility) project, and are measuring and establishing new alignment control points in the UITF labyrinth.

Facilities Management and Logistics

Construction Near Lawrence Drive and the Walking Trail
Facilities Management personnel expect the clearing of trees from the Jefferson Lab south property boundary to the Lawrence Drive entrance on Jefferson Avenue to begin within the next week. Installation of a 30" diameter sewer force main will follow, beginning in December and continuing into January 2016. Traffic on Lawrence Drive should not be affected until February.

The walking trail is now closed to pedestrian traffic, as it is in the path of the construction. FM&L will evaluate the condition of the trail and advise the Jefferson Lab community on its status once the construction project is complete. If you have any questions or concerns about this work, contact Bob Sperlazza, x6241.

Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Avoid "Text Neck"
Since the advent of smaller, handheld communication devices, did you ever notice the number of people walking or sitting with their heads bent down? If that position is held static, the stress on the neck and associated muscles will start to cause pain. The average human head weighs 10-12 pounds. When tilting one's head forward, the forces exerted on components of the spine and neck increase many times over. For example, viewing a smartphone held at chest height creates 20-30 pounds of force on the neck. Maintaining a forward head posture can lead to muscle strains, pinched nerves and maybe disc damage. Extended use over months or years can cause the natural inward curve of the cervical spine to flatten, causing even more problems. 

You can prevent these issues by taking frequent breaks about every 20 minutes when using mobile devices. The breaks should involve rolling the shoulders and stretching the neck’s muscles by extending the head back, as well as looking away at an object to each side. Smartphones and similar devices are fantastic tools, but use with care in order to prevent unnecessary health problems now and in the future.


Thanksgiving Buffet in the Quark Café
The annual Quark Café Thanksgiving Feast is set for Thursday, Nov. 19, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. This year's buffet will feature roast turkey with cornbread sage dressing, country style gravy, fresh orange-cranberry sauce, butternut squash risotto, carved prime rib of beef, Yukon gold garlic mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green beans, green peas with mushrooms, dinner rolls and assorted pies. The buffet is $10.13 (plus tax) and includes a medium fountain drink. Buffet items will be available for a la carte purchase.

Order a Quark Cafe Dessert for Your Holiday Celebration
Quark Cafe staff is taking holiday dessert orders through Friday, Nov. 20. Orders may be made for the following types of pies: Southern Pecan, Sweet Potato, French Silk and Pumpkin. Pumpkin cheesecake is also available. Orders must be picked up on Tuesday or Wednesday, Nov. 24 or 25. Pick up Wednesday orders no later than 1:30 p.m. Order forms are available in the cafeteria.

Food Drive for Peninsula Food Bank Ends Soon
Members of the Jefferson Lab Activities Group and Dan Young are collecting nonperishable food items for the Peninsula Foodbank through 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20. Donation collection boxes are located in the CEBAF Center lobby, ARC lobby, Support Service Center lobby (Bldg. 28), and the 2nd floor TEDF lobby (Bldg. 55). Young and his Samoyeds (aka Santa's Sleigh Dogs, Nikko and Tally), will deliver their sleigh full of donated food to the Foodbank during the 19th Annual Mayflower Marathon Food Drive. Most needed items include: any variety of cereal, cereal bars, ready-to-eat meats, nutritious snacks like dried fruit or nuts, canned vegetables and fruits, pasta and sauces, hearty soups with meat, ravioli, crackers, peanut butter and jelly. Bring only items packaged in cans, plastic or cardboard; items packaged in glass cannot be accepted.

Celebrate the Holidays with Your Creative Decorations
The JAG is sponsoring a Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest. Prizes will be awarded to Best Decorated, Most Original and Silliest. All employees, users and contractors with an office or cubicle may enter the contest (individuals or groups). Judging will take place Friday, Dec. 18. Winning entries will be announced Monday, Dec. 21. Decorations may go up as early as Dec. 1 and should be taken down by Jan. 6. Decorating materials must be fire resistant and only UL-approved lighting/electronics may be used. No unwrapped food items are allowed. To enter, email JAG Chair Mary Jo Bailey by COB Dec. 16.  Include your name(s), building number, office/cube location and a contact number.

Holiday Party for Jefferson Lab Children and the Young at Heart
The JAG Holiday Party is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 12, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby. All employees, contractors, users and their children are invited. Families are encouraged to bring a new, unopened toy to be donated to a local charity. Get your picture taken with Santa Claus, who plans to drop by with the snow dogs, Nikko and Tally. (Owners Dan and Kim Young are members of the JAG Dog Training Club, and Nikko and Tally are trained service dogs). Come and enjoy holiday-themed games, crafts and light snacks. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Toys for Wes' Wish
This year, Jefferson Lab will participate in the annual Wes' Wish Toy Drive to benefit Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters (CHKD). Collection boxes will be available near the main entrances of CEBAF Center, MCC, SSC, ARC and TED Buildings after the Thanksgiving Break. JAG will be accepting new, unwrapped toy donations (stuffed animals are not accepted) for children 1-19 years old. The toy donations will be given to CHKD on Dec. 12 at the JAG Children’s Holiday Party.

Special Holiday Offers from Dell
Jefferson Lab’s Dell account representative has extended several special offers to Jefferson Lab employees, friends and family, including early access to Black Friday pre-sale promotions. See more information on We Hear That

Applications Due for Summer Student Internships at Jefferson Lab
Undergraduate students majoring in math, science or engineering may now apply for a Department of Energy summer internship at Jefferson Lab or any of the other 16 national laboratories via the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship program. SULI is a ten-week summer internship program that provides a $500 weekly stipend and housing at the SURA Residence Facility for students that live more than 60 miles away from Jefferson Lab. Undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible to apply (a student must have completed one full year at a college before he or she can apply). The application deadline for the program is Jan. 8, 2016. For more information and for the application, visit the SULI website. If you have any questions about SULI at Jefferson Lab, contact Lisa Surles-Law or Jan Tyler.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Nov. 16-17: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving holiday; Lab closed
Dec. 1-3: Superconducting Electronics and Detectors Workshop
Dec. 12: JAG Holiday Party
Dec. 14: Safety Shoe vendor on-site
Dec. 18: Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest entry deadline
Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Holidays and Shutdown Days, Jefferson Lab closed

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.