Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs November 19, 2014

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
November 19, 2014

12 GeV Upgrade

The Hall D Barrel Calorimeter, Forward Calorimeter, Forward Drift Chamber, Central Drift Chamber, Start Counter and Time of Flight wall, i.e. all the subsystems of the main GlueX spectrometer in Hall D, have been commissioned in their final positions. The fixed array tagger hodoscope, the tagger microscope, and the pair spectrometer detectors have also been commissioned in position. Electron beam has been brought to the commissioning radiator just ahead of the tagger magnet, the beam transport tuned, and electron beam transported cleanly to the electron dump in the Hall D tagger complex. The resulting bremsstrahlung photons have been introduced into Hall D after some checking of the collimation system, and initial test results recorded using the pipelined trigger and data acquisition system. Beam commissioning of Hall D has thus officially started.


JSA Accepting Nominations for 2015 Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award
The Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding and sustained contributions, including technical achievements, to experimental and/or theoretical research related to the nuclear physics program at the Jefferson Lab. The biennial award consists of a certificate and a $10,000 honorarium, presented to the honoree at the Jefferson Lab Annual Users Group meeting. Travel for the recipient is provided by JSA. Nomination packages are due by Feb. 2, 2015. More information, as well as nomination package instructions, can be found on the JSA website.

Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles Nov. 10 - 14

  • Pedro Jimenez-Delgado, Harutyun Avakian, Wally Melnitchouk. "Constraints on spin-dependent parton distributions at large x from global QCD analysis." Phys. Lett. B 738 263 (2014) . 
  • Elmar P. Biernat, M. T. Peña, J. E. Ribeiro, Alfred Stadler, and Franz Gross. "Chiral symmetry and pi-pi scattering in the Covariant Spectator Theory." Phys. Rev. D 90 096008 (2014).
  • Tech Note: Satogata, Todd. "SVD Orbit Correction for ALPHA." JLAB-TN-14-030.

Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

Precise calculations of deep-inelastic electron scattering at large values of quark momentum fractions x are vital to harness the information contained in Jefferson Lab data from the 6 GeV era and fully exploit the experiments planned at 12 GeV. A new study takes an important step in this direction, combining previous calculations of target mass corrections with the re-summation of divergences arising when quarks are close to their momentum thresholds. The numerical effects are found to exceed the precision of current and foreseen experimental data, making these corrections important for a reliable extraction of the ratio of down to up quark distributions at x close to 1, for example.


The GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing - an ASME standard) Lunch and Learn training covered 15 weeks of topics from the ASME Standard. In all, 16 participants have completed the course. Congratulations to those who participated.

The Hall A High Power Beam Dump installation is complete and has been authorized to accept continuous wave beam.

The team of folks from across engineering are working to complete the Medium-Energy Electron-Ion Collider cost estimate in time for internal review in December.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Nov. 18-20: Future Directions in Spectroscopy Analysis
Nov. 21-22: Q-weak Collaboration meeting
Nov. 27-28: Thanksgiving, Jefferson Lab closed
Dec. 8-9: Hall A Collaboration meeting
Dec. 10: Colloquium
Dec. 15-16: PREX/CREX Collaboration meeting
Dec. 24-Jan. 2: Holidays and Shutdown Days, Jefferson Lab closed

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Careful Cooking Over the Holidays
According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. What's more, more cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving Day than any other day of the year. This year, take extra steps to make sure your Thanksgiving dinner arrives fire-free with these safety tips: 

  • Keep a fire extinguisher approved for cooking or grease fires nearby;
  • Check to make sure your smoke detectors are working;
  • Tell guests where your family has agreed to meet if everyone has to evacuate due to a fire;
  • When guests require your attention outside the kitchen, turn off the stove top; and
  • Have a "kid-free zone" of at least three feet around the stove and other areas where hot food or drinks are prepared or carried.


Last Chance to Order 12 GeV Commemorative Glasses
At the Oct. 29 Jefferson Lab Oktoberfest, a limited supply of 12 GeV Commemorative Glasses were distributed to staff members on a first come, first served basis. There have been additional requests for more glasses, so the Jefferson Lab Activities Group is looking into making an additional order. The cost of each glass is $6, and the JAG team will need to achieve a minimum order of 72 glasses for the order to be placed. The deadline to order is today (Nov. 19), so if you would like to purchase one or more of the 12 GeV Commemorative glasses, contact Mary Jo Bailey with your request and quantity as soon as possible. This offer is available to all staff, users, and students at Jefferson Lab.

Mobile Mammography Comes to JLab
The Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit will be here at Jefferson Lab on Dec. 11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Mammography detects breast cancer and The American Cancer Society recommends scheduling your first or baseline mammogram at age 40. It only takes 15 minutes! This service is open to all employees as well as their family members or friends as personal health insurances will be billed. To make an appointment, visit and find Mobile Mammography Screenings under Screenings and Events or call 1-800-SENTARA (736-8272).

Holiday Party for Jefferson Lab Children and the Young at Heart
The JAG Holiday Party is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 6, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby. All employees, contractors, users and their children are invited. Families are encouraged to bring a new, unopened toy for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve's Toys for Tots program. Get your picture taken with Santa Claus, who plans to drop by with the snow dogs, Nikko and Tally. (Owners Dan and Kim Young are members of the JAG Dog Training Club, and Nikko and Tally are trained service dogs). Come and enjoy holiday-themed games, crafts and light snacks. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Volunteers Needed to Help With the Children's Holiday Party
Volunteers are needed to help with the JAG holiday party. Sign up online today. Positions include:

  • Craft-Table Monitors – All crafts and supplies are provided;
  • Game Helpers – Monitor participants and hand out prizes;
  • Snack Area Elves – Replenish platters and general area maintenance; and
  • Santa's Helpers – General lobby monitoring and crowd control.            

Toys for Tots Toy Drive
Jefferson Lab will again participate in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve's annual Toys for Tots toy drive. Bring your new, unwrapped toy donations for children 1-12 years old. Collection boxes are available near the main entrances of CEBAF Center, MCC, SSC, ARC and TED Buildings. The toy donations will be delivered to the Marines on Dec. 6 at the JAG Children’s Holiday Party.

Ready, Set, Hang Those Decorations
The JAG is sponsoring a Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest. Prizes will be awarded to Best Decorated, Most Original, and Silliest. All employees, users and contractors with an office or cubicle may enter the contest (individuals or groups). Include your name(s), building number and office/cube location. Judging will take place Thursday, Dec. 18. Winning entries will be announced Friday, Dec. 19. Decorations may go up as early as Dec. 1 and should be taken down by Jan. 6. Decorating materials must be fire resistant and only UL-approved lighting/electronics may be used. No unwrapped food items are allowed. To enter, email JAG Chair Mary Jo Bailey by COB Dec. 16.

Order Thanksgiving Desserts from Quark Café
The café is now accepting holiday dessert orders during breakfast, lunch and Wednesday snack hours. The café is offering a selection of whole pies, including pumpkin, southern pecan, french silk and fruits of the forest. Pumpkin cheesecake is also available. Orders will be accepted through Friday, Nov. 21. Pre-ordered desserts will be available for pickup on Tuesday, Nov. 25, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 26, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Pick up your order form and get more information in the Quark Café.

Food Drive Ends Friday
Donations in support of the local Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula are being accepted in drop boxes in the ARC, SSC, CEBAF Center and TED Building lobbies through Nov. 21. To participate, bring unopened, canned or boxed, nonperishable food items and place in the nearest donation box.


JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.