Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Nov. 16-20
H. S. Jo et al. (CLAS Collaboration). "Cross sections for the exclusive photon electroproduction on the proton and Generalized Parton Distributions." Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 212003.
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Publications Refresher Course Offered Jan. 12, 2016
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, at 9 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F224-225. In this session, authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. If you would like to attend, R.S.V.P. to Kim Edwards by Friday, Jan. 8.
Facilities Management and Logistics
ESH&Q Building Project Update
The ESH&Q building project has been awarded, and construction mobilization is planned for the week of Nov. 30. The project is anticipated to complete in the first quarter of FY17. The building will be a 12,000 square foot, one-story structure that will allow all personnel in the ESH&Q Division to reside together in one location. The drawing attached to the all-staff memo shows the fenced-in area that is required for construction efforts (Referred to as the "Limits of Construction"). It includes using approximately 21 parking spaces from the identified parking lot. These parking spaces will be needed for the required lay-down space for the subcontractor’s office trailer and for storage of project equipment and materials. The rest of the parking lot will remain open. The fence is anticipated to be installed during the week of Nov. 30.
Construction efforts will be limited to the fenced-in area of the project. However, when approaching this area, everyone needs to be aware of potential construction vehicles entering or leaving the job site. If you have any questions concerning the project, you can contact Christine Snetter at x7318, or call Facilities Management and Logistics at x7400.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving holiday; Lab closed
Dec. 1-3: Superconducting Electronics and Detectors Workshop
Dec. 12: JAG Holiday Party
Dec. 14: Safety Shoe vendor on-site
Dec. 16: Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest entry deadline
Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Holidays and Shutdown Days, Jefferson Lab closed
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Safe Turkey Tips from the CDC
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer food safety tips for handling the traditional Thanksgiving turkey, from thawing out a frozen bird to safely storing the leftovers. See the full list of tips and other resources on the CDC website.
Jefferson Lab Stormwater Pollution Prevention Reminder
Stormwater runoff occurs when rainfall or snowmelt flows over ground surfaces. Pollutants of concern that are often captured by stormwater runoff include everything from nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus to bacteria, oils, greases, sediment and other debris. Jefferson Lab is regulated under the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP), which is administered by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The lab has an existing DEQ permit for the entire facility that is called the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) permit. This permit provides direction on the proper Best Management Practices that should be utilized to prevent the discharge of polluted stormwater runoff. Everyone can contribute to this effort by reporting any pollution issues observed at the lab, to the Environmental Health and Safety Department at ext. 7308. For more information about this program, see the full all-staff memo.
Celebrate the Holidays with Your Creative Decorations
The JAG is sponsoring a Holiday Office Door/Cubicle Decorating Contest. Prizes will be awarded to Best Decorated, Most Original and Silliest. All employees, users and contractors with an office or cubicle may enter the contest (individuals or groups). Judging will take place Friday, Dec. 18. Winning entries will be announced Monday, Dec. 21. Decorations may go up as early as Dec. 1 and should be taken down by Jan. 6. Decorating materials must be fire resistant and only UL-approved lighting/electronics may be used. No unwrapped food items are allowed. To enter, email JAG Chair Mary Jo Bailey by COB Dec. 16. Include your name(s), building number, office/cube location and a contact number.
Holiday Party for Jefferson Lab Children and the Young at Heart
The JAG Holiday Party is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 12, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby. All employees, contractors, users and their children are invited. Families are encouraged to bring a new, unopened toy to be donated to a local charity. Get your picture taken with Santa Claus, who plans to drop by with the snow dogs, Nikko and Tally. (Owners Dan and Kim Young are members of the JAG Dog Training Club, and Nikko and Tally are trained service dogs). Come and enjoy holiday-themed games, crafts and light snacks. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Toys for Wes' Wish
This year, Jefferson Lab will participate in the annual Wes' Wish Toy Drive to benefit Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters (CHKD). Collection boxes will be available near the main entrances of CEBAF Center, MCC, SSC, ARC and TED Buildings after the Thanksgiving Break. JAG will be accepting new, unwrapped toy donations (stuffed animals are not accepted) for children 1-19 years old. The toy donations will be given to CHKD on Dec. 12 at the JAG Children’s Holiday Party.
Special Holiday Offers from Dell
Jefferson Lab’s Dell account representative has extended several special offers to Jefferson Lab employees, friends and family, including early access to Black Friday pre-sale promotions. See more information on We Hear That.