Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs November 6, 2013

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
November 6, 2013

12 GeV Upgrade

In-tunnel testing of cryomodule C100-10 has been completed; testing of C100-08 is on hold, awaiting restoration of the South Linac to 2 Kelvin. Installation, including vacuum, diagnostics hookup and final alignment, is complete for the beamlines in the main “racetrack” of the accelerator with only some details of the vacuum system for the extraction region left to complete. Final alignment of the Transport Channel recombiner is underway. Beam pipes for the Hall A beamline are going in, and the dipole magnets for the Hall B beamline are installed. All of the radiofrequency construction work has been completed. High-power testing of the new box supply for arc 1 is complete. Installation of the new box supply for arc 2 is complete, and high-power testing is underway. The new box supplies for arc 4, arc 5 and the beamline to Hall A have arrived. The vendor for the box supplies is resolving a component problem with the higher-power units. During high-potential testing of the dipole magnets, a problem was identified with one of the YB septa in the east spreader needed for beam to Hall D; mitigation options have been developed and are being evaluated. The vendor for the 20 Amp trim supplies resolved its problem and was cleared to resume shipments after implementation of the corrections. The control system software scope has been completed; the scope for the Harps is complete as well. All of the 12 GeV cryogenics system scope was completed in September.


APS/AIP Congressional Science Fellowships
The American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics is sponsoring one-year Congressional Science Fellowships "to provide a public service by making available individuals with scientific knowledge and skills to Members of Congress, few of whom have a technical background. In turn, the program enables scientists to broaden their experience through direct involvement with the legislative and political processes." Interested candidates may apply online through the APS website. Application deadline is Jan. 15, 2014.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

Until now, most calculations of the quark mass function have been done in Euclidean space-time (where real time is replaced by imaginary time). Recently, this mass function was calculated in real-space time, with parameters adjusted to agree with lattice data. The interaction used to calculate the mass function is identical to the one used in the covariant spectator theory (CST) relativistic equation, also formulated in real space-time, that incorporates spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking (and hence is able to explain how a dressed quark mass can be spontaneously generated and why the pion mass is naturally small), and, when solved, will be able to predict the meson spectrum. A new calculation of the pion electromagnetic form factor, using the pion wave function derived from the CST equation and the new dressed quark mass function, agrees well with the data.


The Machine Shop is presently manufacturing or continuing to manufacture:

  • Multi-spoke superconducting cavity (500 Megahertz) full size spoke die assembly and a full-scale copper mock-up of the cavity;
  • Hall-B’s CLAS 12 High Threshold Cerenkov Counter (HTCC) entry cone modification;
  • Support Pedestals: arc 10 support plate assembly, line D and 2nd arc section 6 XL pedestal assembly, adjuster XP Line D; and
  • Various small machining jobs for lab customers.

The shop has processed 77 job requests since Sept. 23.

JLab Calendar of Events

Nov. 8-9: SOLID Collaboration Meeting
Nov. 14-16: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
Nov. 18: Safety shoe vendor onsite
Nov. 20-23: CLAS Collaboration Meeting
Nov. 28-29: Thanksgiving Holiday, Lab closed
Dec. 11: Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit Onsite
Dec. 14: JAG Childrens Holiday Party
Dec. 16-17: Gamma-Z Workshop
Dec. 16-18: Hall A Collaboration Meeting
Dec. 23-Jan. 1: Holidays & Shutdown Days, Lab closed

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

New Hazardous Communication Requirement
OSHA has revised its Hazardous Communication Standard and thus is requiring all employees be trained on a new chemical label format and Safety Data Sheets (previously called Materials Safety Data Sheets) by Dec. 1. At Jefferson Lab, this means all staff, students and users are required to complete this training. The new chemical labels and safety data sheets will improve consistency of hazard information in the workplace as well as provide information on appropriate handling and safe use of hazardous chemicals.
The course is available online. After clicking on the link, scroll down and select the course titled "Hazard Communication Training" and complete the course. (There is no course number assigned to the training.) Use the buttons at the bottom of each page to move through the training module. Be sure to complete the short quiz at the end of the module. Then fill in and submit the record of completion page to get credit for completing the course and to have it added to your training record. If you have any questions about this training or the new requirement, contact Jennifer Williams, x7882.

Watch for, Heed Radiological Postings in TEDF Buildings
While nearly all construction associated with the Test Lab and Test Lab Addition (Bldg. 58) and the Technology and Engineering Development Building (Bldg. 55) has been completed, not all areas have been posted for radiological concerns. The Jefferson Lab Radiation Control Department has begun marking these areas to clearly identify radiological conditions.

All lobby, office and meeting spaces will remain open to anyone with a Jefferson Lab badge. However, the rest of the Test Lab, Test Lab Addition and Technology and Engineering Development Building will be posted as Controlled Areas, requiring GERT training or the accompaniment of a trained escort to enter. These include labs, areas of the high bays and technical work spaces. Please pay special attention to the new or existing Radiation Control postings on doors, around specific work activities, in storage areas and on safety bulletin boards.
Additionally, there may also be other radiological postings within the GERT-posted areas (i.e. Radioactive Material, Radiologically Controlled Area, etc.). Please be mindful of these impending changes and govern yourself and visitors accordingly. If necessary, talk with your supervisor to have your training record updated to include the level of training you need to access and use these areas. If you have any questions or concerns, call the Radiation Control Department cell phone: 757-876-1743.


Sentara Mobile Mammography
The Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit will be at Jefferson Lab on Dec. 11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Mammography detects breast cancer, and The American Cancer Society recommends scheduling your first or baseline mammogram by age 40. It only takes 15 minutes! This service is open to all employees as well as their family members or friends as personal health insurances will be billed. To make an appointment, visit and find Mobile Mammography Screenings under Screenings and Events or call 1-800-SENTARA (736-8272).

TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment
TIAA-CREF will be offering additional Individual Counseling Sessions in November. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Sessions will be offered on Friday, Nov. 22, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. in Support Service Center Room 21. To schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant, email Doug Roeder or Treva Ferguson. Include your preferred appointment time.

New SOTRs Can Get Required Training on Nov. 13
Jefferson Lab will hold Subcontracting Officer Technical Representative (SOTR) training (GEN020) on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 8 a.m.- noon in Applied Research Center (ARC) Room 231/233. Anyone who has recently been tasked to serve as a SOTR (or will be tasked over the next eight months) on any project at Jefferson Lab is required to attend this training. Attending this training is one part of the Jefferson Lab certification requirement for all SOTRs. To attend, register by 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11. You may also register by contacting Betty Beeler, x6999. The training session is limited to 12 persons. Anyone with questions regarding this training or the SOTR certification process may contact Kathleen Jones, x5139.

Jefferson Lab Veterans Day Salute Set for Monday, Nov. 11
In recognition of the many people at Jefferson Lab who have served in the Armed Forces, the lab will have cake in the CEBAF Center lobby and in the MCC, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, for all veterans. Veterans are asked to sign the board and enjoy a piece of cake! The board entries will be posted to the We Hear That page.

Tracking Thomas at Jefferson Lab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the Jefferson Lab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

Ron Bartek correctly guessed the location for October 30. Honorable mentions go to Doug Higinbotham and Naomi Jarvis. Check out Tracking Thomas on flickr for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.