Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs October 12, 2011

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 12, 2011


In Hall A, the polarized proton target is being examined for repair work, with multiple shorts to ground. Hall A staffers are waiting for shipments of superconducting wire to come in before attempting to make and then test the repairs. The rest of the installation is making normal progress. If the repair work goes well, experiments should begin Dec. 1.


Many injector Personnel Safety System pre-checks have been completed in preparation for final injector PSS certification, and PSS Run/Safe box 22 was relocated to northeast stub. Gun lasers have been made coincident and centered and have now been turned over to the Q-weak experimenters. The capture water skid is up and running. The iron-core solenoid magent has been installed on the Polarized Electrons for Polarized Positrons experiment detector stand. On Friday, the injector was locked up for a successful gun high-potential test.

The North Access building fibercast flange leak has been repaired. North and South Access Building low conductivity water system is now in fully automatic mode, and LCW flow to 0L07 beam dump has been initiated. The beam loss accounting system checked out okay, and the injector beam position monitor checks found a bad radiofrequency module, which was swapped out for a good one. Waveguide joints in 2L25 were leak checked, with two gaskets replaced and connections torqued. The trim rack hot checkout continued; bad cards are being pulled for rework.

Free-Electron Laser

The semi-load-lock system for the DC gun was successfully tested for mechanical function. The Laser Micro-Engineering Station was used to cut several gallium arsenide photocathode wafers for the first time.The DC gun was then set up for a high-temperature bake underway by week's end.  Progress was made in understanding the source of noise in the photocathode drive laser. Finally, the DC high-voltage power supply was tested without load up to 570 kilovolts, with no trips over six hours.

Theory Center

An Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) with a center-of-mass energy ~20-70 GeV is presently discussed as a next-generation facility for nuclear physics in the U.S. after the JLab 12 GeV Upgrade. A group of physicists has compiled a short, introductory level overview of the EIC nuclear physics program, placing it in the context of the 12 GeV Upgrade and emphasizing the qualitatively new information that could be obtained with the collider. The key objectives of this new facility are to explore the three-dimensional structure of the nucleon in Quantum Chromodynamics (including sea quarks and gluons, spatial distributions, orbital motion, polarization and correlations), the fundamental color fields in nuclei (including nuclear quark and gluon densities, coherence effects and transparency), and the basic process of conversion of color charge to hadrons (including hadronization, quark and gluon propagation through matter and in-medium jets).


The Mechanical Engineering group reports success in its 12 GeV beam transport activities for the Six Month Down. The west arc is complete and the east arc is almost complete, with some final alignment work to be completed on the northeast side. Arc 10 installation is complete, except for components that would interfere with 6 GeV operations. All linac warm girders have been installed, and all songsheets have been updated and posted on the web.

In Hall A, the major components for the g2p/GEp beamline have been installed, hooked up and tested; staffers are now awaiting final parts to install the last two girders on either side of the FZ2 magnet.

A pressure profile analysis of the Hall C dump helium tube system was completed; the analysis is required for defining the system's control strategy.

The new revision of the Conduct of Engineering Manual has been released. Information sessions for Engineering Division groups will be held over the coming months.

The Electrical Engineering Systems group reports that DC power group personnel participated in a vendor design review for new 20 amp trim power supplies for the 12 GeV Upgrade. The testing of the First Article 12 GeV box power supply was witnessed in Bologna, Italy, by DC power group engineers.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

How Clean Is Inside Your Windshield?
As the days wane, the angle of the sun hitting your windshield is changing dramatically. Any coating or haze on the glass can become a good deflector or refractor of sunlight, causing your windshield to appear opaque and obstructing your vision.
Volatiles from plastic and other materials inside your car contribute to the interior haze on your windshield. If you are a smoker, these materials are also attracted to the windshield and are deposited there. Take a few moments now to clean all of your car windows with a good glass cleaner. Improving your visibility can help keep you and other drivers safe.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Computer System Maintenance Scheduled for Tuesday
The CNI group is planning a computer systems maintenance period for Tuesday, Oct. 18, 5-7 p.m. During this time, patches will be released for Microsoft Windows, Redhat Linux and Macintosh computers. Plan to reboot your systems sometime on Wednesday, Oct. 19, to finalize patch installation. For further information, or any time you experience problems with your JLab computer systems, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.

Major Systems Outage on Friday, Dec. 23
The CNI group is planning a major computer systems outage for the first day of this year's winter holiday break. On Friday, Dec. 23, 6 a.m.-5 p.m., all major systems will be unavailable, including email, calendar and access to central file services, such as the J:, K:, L: and M: drives, home directories, group areas, etc. Additionally, all MIS applications and business services applications will be unavailable. All services will return to full operation by 5 p.m. For additional information, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.


Informal Reception to Honor JLab's Founding Director, Hermann Grunder
JLab is celebrating the contributions and achievements of its founding director on the occasion of his 80th birthday. All staff, on-site users and friends are invited to join in recognizing the man who transformed the original concept for CEBAF from a modestly designed, medium-energy accelerator into a world-leading, precision superconducting machine capable of delivering an unparalleled nuclear physics research program. The celebration will begin at 3:30 p.m., with cake and light refreshments to follow, in the CEBAF Center atrium on Tuesday, Oct. 25.

Flu Vaccine Available from Occupational Medicine
The annual JLab influenza vaccination program began on Sept. 26. JLab staff members may schedule an appointment by contacting Occupational Medicine at x7539. Vaccination typically takes less than 15 minutes. Keep in mind that for 15 minutes after vaccination, you should remain at the lab in the presence of other people and avoid safety-sensitive activities, including driving. For more information about vaccination, visit the Centers for Disease Control website, or contact your personal physician or Dr. Smitty Chandler, x7455.

JLab Hand Sanitizer Available in Public Areas and for Distribution
To minimize the spread of flu this season, large bottles of hand sanitizer have been placed in JLab public areas and conference rooms. In addition, bottles of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes for disinfecting hands and common-use workplace surfaces, such as phones and keyboards, are also available for distribution to staff and users. These items can be picked up at Freestock in Bldg. 90, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. If you have any questions, call x6297, x7225 or x7233.

United Way Campaign Pledge Forms Available Online
The United Way annual fund-raising campaign at Jefferson Lab is underway and will continue through Nov. 2. The lab's goal is 100 percent participation by staff. This is a great way to give back to our community, to help make our community a better place and to say "thank you" for the support this region has given to the lab over the years. Forms are available online, at the VARC, ARC and CEBAF Center front desks, in Building 85 and at the CEBAF Center raffle ticket table. Send your completed form and direct questions to Brandye Rogers, x7628, in CEBAF Center, Room B214, Mail Stop 12-B, by Wednesday, Nov. 2.

United Way Campaign Raffle
A United Way fund-raising raffle for each of two 16 gigabyte iPad2 devices is underway. Raffle tickets are $1 each and tickets may be purchased at the table in the CEBAF Center lobby, noon-1 p.m. on workdays through Wednesday, Nov. 2. Only one iPad2 may be won per person. The winning ticket for each iPad2 will be drawn during the JAG Beam Kickoff Tailgate Picnic on Nov. 2. All money collected through the raffle will go to the United Way to support community services.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Fridays.

Congratulations this week go to Dick Owen, Connie Adams and Lamont Williams, who were the only people to correctly identify the Oct. 5 location! Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

Oct. 18-20: DOE Project Review of the 12 GeV Upgrade
Oct. 19: Colloquium and Public Lecture, 4 p.m., CC auditorium
Oct. 24: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Oct. 25: Reception Honoring Hermann Grunder's Contributions, Birthday
Oct. 25: Science Series public lecture
Nov. 1: Science Series public lecture
Nov. 2: JAG Beam Kickoff Tailgate Picnic
Nov. 3: Annual E-Commerce Small Business Vendor Fair
Nov. 6: Daylight Saving Time ends
Nov. 7: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Nov. 24-25: Thanksgiving holiday; JLab closed