Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs October 15, 2008

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs

October 15, 2008

12 GeV Upgrade

The suitability of the FSSR2 ASIC was studied for a potential application for the CLAS12 Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) detector. This is the second release of the Fermilab Silicon Strip Readout Chip (FSSR2) application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). This R&D task encompassed designing and fabricating a dual FSSR2 ASIC test board, an interface board with the regular CLAS12 data acquisition system, and the development of firmware and FSSR2 software. This then constituted a hardware platform to test the FSSR2 ASIC’s suitability to the CLAS12 SVT application. The prototype boards have been successfully designed, fabricated and installed with firmware. Initial tests with pulsers indicate that the hardware and the installed firmware are working properly, which means that the FSSR2 chip is a likely second candidate for CLAS12 SVT readout.


The polarimetry groups of Halls A and Hall C joined efforts to conduct test beam measurements at the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source photon beam facility at Duke University in North Carolina. At HIGS, photons created in a free-electron laser are scattered off the electron beam to create a high-intesity beam of energetic gamma rays. These gamma rays were used to characterize the polarimetry detectors for the PREx and Q-weak experiments and for the 12 GeV Upgrade. A total of 10 scientists from JLab and Carnegie Mellon University were involved in five days of tests.

L'Oreal USA Fellowships For Women in Science
Now in its sixth year, the L'Oreal USA Fellowships For Women in Science program has announced the 2009 call for applications. This year, L'Oreal USA will award five women with grants of up to $60,000 each. Applicants are welcome from a variety of fields, including the life and physical/material sciences, computer science, engineering and mathematics. The deadline for applications is Oct. 31. For more information and to apply, visit the L'Oreal USA Fellowships For Women in Science website.

The AIP State Department Science Fellowship Program
This fellowship is intended to enhance the S&T capacity of the State Department by enabling at least one scientist annually to work at the Department’s Washington, D.C. headquarters for a one-year term. This is a unique opportunity for a scientist to contribute scientific and technical expertise to the department and raise awareness of the value of scientific input. In turn, scientists broaden their experience by interacting with policymakers in the federal government and learning about the foreign policy process. The deadline for applications is Nov. 1. For more information and to apply, visit the AIP website.


A replacement periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal was installed in the injector on the Hall C laser for the upcoming run. The PPLN crystal doubles the frequency of the photons delivered to Hall C. A great deal of time was spent on running Q tests on most of the cavities in the accelerator, as the Operations group is staffing the Machine Control Center 24 hours a day now. Superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) commisioning continued on the cryomodules at NL11 and SL09. Hot checkout began on all systems in preparation for beam operations.

Free-Electron Laser (FEL)

FEL staffers have made better progress on conditioning the FEL gun after switching to helium processing to eliminate field emitters. The voltage was set above 300 kV last Friday, and progress continued over the weekend. Other tasks included hot checkout of individual systems for the rest of the machine. The team is getting close to having everything in running order.

Theory Center

Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMDs) parton distributions play an important role in the description of Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS), which can be studied in detail at JLab. A complementary process for determining TMDs is the dilepton production in hadron-hadron collisions (Drell-Yan process). A recent paper (arXiv:0809.2262 [hep-ph]) presents a complete decomposition of the Drell-Yan spin observables in terms of structure functions and angular dependencies, supplemented by a parton model calculation of the leading twist structure functions.




Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Task Hazard Analysis doesn't end when the task list is completed. Underlying hazards, as well as special conditions of the work environment, require awareness at all times and by all personnel.

This concept was demonstrated recently by Bob Adams of the PSS (Personnel Safety System) Group. During the preparation work for reinstallation of the LN-1 transformer, Adams identified a scenario in which faulty switches or breakers could introduce uncontrolled hazardous energy into this locked-out system. The potentially unsafe condition was immediately accounted for and similar work checked. Adams' diligence was recognized at the Oct. 10 MCC meeting, where he was presented with the Safety Incentive Award by the site electrical safety representative, Todd Kujawa.

Adams' awareness of the equipment configuration and hazards prevented the possibility of back-fed energy causing an event during this work. Please remember his example in your own work planning, and be safe.


United Way Pledge Forms and Raffle
United Way pledge forms will be accepted by Human Resources until Friday, Oct. 17. Send or bring your sheet to Joshua Cameron in CEBAF Center room B214, x7628. Any and all donations are appreciated. In addition, raffle tickets for the 42-inch LCD/HD TV will continue to be sold from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in the CEBAF Center Lobby each day this month until the Oktoberfest. Tickets are $1.00 and all proceeds go to the United Way. The winning ticket will be drawn and announced at Oktoberfest on Wednesday, Oct. 29. The winning ticket number also will be sent out via e-mail.

TIAA-CREF Retirement Counseling Sessions
The November and December dates for individual counseling sessions are set for Thursday, Nov. 13 and Thursday, Dec. 11. This is an opportunity to discuss the current status of your account, investment strategy and retirement goals. To sign up for an appointment, go to the TIAA-CREF website, click on Meetings & Counseling and follow the menu. The sessions will be held in VARC 42.

Physics Nobel Laureate Speaks
John C. Mather will be the featured speaker for Old Dominion University's Nobel Laureate Public Lecture Series at 10 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 13, at the Ted Constant Convocation Center. Mather 's lecture "From the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and on to the James Webb Space Telescope and the Discovery of Alien Life," will explore the history of the universe, the birth of planets and stars and the existence of other Earth-like planets capable of sustaining life.

JLab's Safety Numbers

35 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
35 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)

JLab Calendar of Events

Oct. 13-15: Electromagnetic N-N* Transition Form Factors Workshop
Oct. 24: JLab Adopt-A-Spot litter pickup
Oct. 29: JLab Fall Festival
Nov. 2: Fall Back - Daylight Saving Time ends
Nov. 18: Science Series Lecture: NextGen
Nov. 21-22: Lattice QCD and Experiment: Revealing the Structure of Hadrons
Nov. 27-28: Thanksgiving holidays - JLab closed



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