Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs October 15, 2015

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 15, 2015

12 GeV Upgrade

At the request of DOE's Office of Nuclear Physics, Stephen Meador, Director of the Office of Project Assessment in DOE's Office of Science, convened a team of 14 experts and 8 observers in an Independent Project Review of the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Project at Jefferson Lab on October 6-7. The purpose of the review was to assess all ongoing aspects of the project including technical, cost, schedule, management, and environment, safety, and health. The review team provided valuable feedback in all areas, and a total of three recommendations in the Close-Out Report. The committee congratulated the 12 GeV Team on the excellent progress made since last November and was impressed by the magnets during the tour of Halls C and B. The committee also highlighted the project’s safety record and improved project management systems and processes appropriate for working the project to complete.


Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Sept. 28-Oct. 2

  • V. Mathieu et al. "Toward Complete Pion Nucleon Amplitudes." Phys. Rev. D 92, 074004.
  • J.A. Carrasco et al. "Dispersive calculation of complex Regge trajectories for the lightest $f_2$ resonances and the K* (892)." Phys. Lett. B 749, 399.
  • J. de Vries et al. "Baryon mass splittings and strong CP violation in SU(3) violation in SU(3) chiral perturbation theory." Phys. Rev. C 92, 045201.
  • V. Mathieu et al. "Neutral Pion Photoproduction in a Regge Model." Phys. Rev. D 92, 074013.
  • M.E. McCracken et al. "Search for baryon-number and lepton-number violating decays of $Lambda$ hyperons using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory."  Phys. Rev. D 92, 072002.
  • Tech Note: "Beam Diagnostic System Analysis in HIRFL-CSRm at Institute of Modern Physics, China for the Bunched Electron Cooling Demo." JLAB-TN-15-039.
  • Tech Note: H. Wang et al.  "Alternative Estimate of the Required Power for the SLAC Transverse Stripeline RF Kicker to be Used in the MEIC Circular Cooler Ring by Analytics and CST Simulations." JLAB-TN-15-040.
  • Tech Note: H. Wang et al. "Transient Time Factor of an Ion Linac and its Efficiencies for Different Species Acceleration at Different Geometry Beta Sections and Stripping Energies." JLAB-TN-15-041.

Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new paper derives a relativistic, model-independent relation between finite-volume matrix elements of external currents and the physically observable infinite-volume matrix elements involving two-particle asymptotic states. The result holds for states that couple to any number of channels with two scalar bosons. This formalism will, for example, allow future lattice QCD calculations of the ρ-meson form factor, in which the unstable nature of the ρ is rigorously accommodated.


The Engineering Division's Machine Shop has been busy supporting activities throughout the lab. Some of these activities include:

  • Manufacture of 12 sets of QJ style Quadrupole coils and AISI 1006 steel core plates for engineering. The work is approximately 85 percent complete and in the assembly stage;
  • Post modifications for the elements upstream of the Hall C target. This involves the monitoring and fabrication of the bridging structure;
  • Monitoring and modification/fabrication of a cantilevered stand using outside vendors for Hall C;
  • Machining and fabrication of various parts for support of the LCLS-II  project for SRF;
  • Obtaining quotes for labor/material to support the SBS program for Hall A's conic vacuum line welding and accessories; and
  • Many small machining jobs in support of our Jefferson Lab (internal) customers.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Oct. 8-10: GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Oct. 16: Red Cross Blood Drive
Oct. 19: NSAC Long Range Plan presentation
Oct. 21-23: CLAS Collaboration Meeting
Oct. 26-28: HPS Collaboration Meeting
Oct. 28: JAG Tailgate
Nov. 16-17: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
Nov. 26-27: Thanksgiving holiday; Lab closed

Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Protecting Your Eyes
Do you use eye protection in your job? Not every job at Jefferson Lab requires eye protection, but if you are using any type of mechanical or hand tool, working with chemicals, installing wiring or assembling any mechanical device or are around such work, then you should have safety eyewear on. Fortunately, the lab has many types of protection that will save your eyes from injury or loss of vision, and the protection is so easy to use and they are provided to you.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2012, of the 65,320 injuries, nearly a third were to the eyes. The number of eye injuries for off-the-job tasks were just as staggering. Do you wear proper eye protection when doing work at home? Such activities as cutting the grass, weed-whacking, handling pool chemicals, pouring gasoline, shooting, etc., all have significant eye-injury potential. 

Whether you are at work or at home, take the moment to procure and wear the appropriate eye protection for the task at hand. This simple preparation can save your eyesight for a lifetime of moments.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Video Teleconference Requests
There has been an uptick in video teleconference (VTC) and meeting room requests. This includes BlueJeans audio and/or video connections, streaming and recording, wireless assistance for conference attendees, and hardware problems in meeting rooms. CNI asks that you please submit VTC requests at least one week prior to your event, so that the group can schedule activities. With sufficient notice, the group can better accommodate your needs and avoid Helpdesk interruptions and delaying other requests. Thank you for your patience and understanding as the group continues to make changes to better accommodate the lab's needs. ​You may submit a VTC request through the Computer Center Problem Reporting system or by contacting the ​IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.

IT Maintenance Period Planned for Tuesday, Oct. 20, 5-10 p.m.
The IT Division is planning a maintenance period on Tuesday, Oct. 20. During this time, the central fileserver for group, site, apps (K,L,M drives) will be replaced with updated hardware starting at around 5:30 p.m. These areas will be unavailable during this outage, which should last no more than an hour and a half. All file services will be restored by 7p.m. Also, the central MIS applications will be down starting at 8 p.m., while system patches are applied. Firefox, Thunderbird, Flash and Shockwave player will also be updated to new versions. The central Linux general-purpose servers, jlabl1-4, will be rebooted to have their virtual hardware updated. Finally, patches for Windows and Linux systems will be released. This may cause certain system outages while servers are rebooted to finalize the patch installation. Also, everyone should plan on rebooting their desktop system to finalize patch installation no later than Friday, Oct. 23. If you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance period, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at, or x7155.


Volunteer for the Poquoson Seafood Festival
Sign up now to represent Jefferson Lab at an upcoming festival! Volunteers are needed to engage festival goers with hands-on science demos, to hand out neat giveaways and informational brochures to interested attendees, and to chat about Jefferson Lab, its basic mission, and his/her own position at the laboratory at the Poquoson Seafood Festival, Oct. 17-18. Science demo materials, along with suitable background information on the demos and the laboratory will be provided. A member of Jefferson Lab's Public Affairs staff or an experienced volunteer will be present for each shift. Festival logistics information (volunteer parking, setup, etc.) will be provided to volunteers in advance. Volunteers may choose to sign up for just one half-day shift or two shifts to stay the whole day. Sign up via the link, or, if you have any questions about volunteering, contact Mike Robbins, x7617.

Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Friday, Oct. 16
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place Friday, Oct. 16, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. To schedule an appointment, visit and enter Sponsor Code: TJNAF. You can also schedule an appointment by contacting Johnie Banks at or x7539. Visit the website for donation eligibility requirements.

Tailgate Event Set for Oct. 28
Jefferson Lab employees and users are invited to the Jefferson Lab Activity Group Tailgate scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 28, 3-5:30 p.m., in the field behind the SURA Residence Facility. The Tailgate will feature chili, nachos, grilled foods and beverages, and games for all ages. You are encouraged to wear your favorite team's colors (whatever the sport) and sturdy shoes, and dress for potentially cool afternoon/evening temperatures. In order to make this event a success, the JAG committee needs volunteers to help with set up, food and drink service, drink bracelets and clean up. Volunteer positions, in one-hour shifts, are posted on the JAG webpage. Volunteer just one hour of your time to help make this event a big success! Sign up today! Planned activities also include a pickup soccer game and a cornhole tournament (teams must register in advance, details to follow).

Send in Your Information for Veterans Day Salute!
In recognition of Veterans Day, veterans of military service are invited to submit a photo of themselves in uniform for inclusion in a collage to be displayed in CEBAF Center on Veterans Day. This will be similar to the one displayed last year. If you submitted a photo last year, the photo will be used again this year, with the information you previously provided. Submit photos to Mike Robbins at by Oct. 30. Please include your full name, branch of service, and years of service. If you do not have a digital copy of your photo, employees can bring in a picture to CEBAF Center, room C222 to be scanned. For more information, contact Mike Robbins, x7617.

JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.