Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Oct. 8-14
- Deur, A. et al. "Implications of the principle of maximum conformality for the QCD strong coupling." Phys. Lett. B 773, 98 (2017).
- A. Accardi, A. Bacchetta."Accessing the nucleon transverse structure in inclusive deep inelastic scattering." Phys. Lett. B 773, 632 (2017).
- Collins, P. et al. "Photon beam asymmetry Σ in the reaction γ→p→pω for Eγ = 1.152 to 1.876 GeV." Phys. Lett. B 773, 112 (2017) .
- Lopez-Ruiz, Miguel Angel et al. "Emergent kink statistics at finite temperature." Nucl. Phys. A 966, 324 (2017).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
History Archives Photo of the Week
This week's photo of the week features Roger Carlini's staff photo on day one at CEBAF, taken Oct. 20, 1987. Congratulate him on 30 years!
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Understanding the partonic structure of hadrons quantitatively is the next frontier of QCD and strong interaction physics. A new paper constructs a class of good "lattice cross sections," from which one can study the partonic structure of hadrons from ab initio lattice QCD calculations. The work also shows that several recently proposed functions in the literature for lattice QCD calculations of partonic structure are special cases of the constructed "lattice cross sections."
Colloquium: Inclusion Drives Innovation
JSA is excited to welcome Dr. Jane Fernandes, President of Guilford College, as she shares her unique experience in a colloquium on Oct. 19, at 1:30 p.m. in the CEBAF Center auditorium regarding the personal challenges she has encountered and also offer ways to build a more inclusive work environment. Fernandes is the nation’s first deaf woman to lead a college and the first female President of Guilford College. For more information, see the full memo.
New Official PowerPoint Template
At the request of the Director, the Communications Office has redesigned Jefferson Lab’s official PowerPoint template. This new template complements the updated graphic design style being rolled out for the new collateral materials. The updated PowerPoint template in both standard and wide screen format can be found here. Make sure to use this new template for all future presentations representing the lab, and be sure to refresh the page before downloading. For more information, contact Lauren Hansen, Communications Manager, at x7689 or
TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Session Available Tomorrow
TIAA-CREF is offering Individual Counseling Sessions, where you can discuss your personal financial situation with a TIAA-CREF financial consultant on a confidential basis. Currently, appointments are available for the next two scheduled sessions, taking place Oct. 19 and Nov. 16. To schedule an appointment, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–8 p.m. You can find more information in the full memo.
Sign Up Now! Sixty Volunteers Needed to Help With Nov. 1 JAG Fall Festival and Picnic
The Jefferson Lab Activities Group will host a Fall Festival and Picnic on Wednesday, Nov. 1, 3-6 p.m., on the SURA Residence Facility field. All Jefferson Lab staff, students, users and their families are invited to the event, which will be filled with food, fun and prizes. In order to make this event enjoyable for everyone, the JAG needs volunteers to help with the event. Volunteer positions, in one-hour shifts, are posted on the JAG webpage. For more information about the event, see the full memo.
Improve Your Financial Literacy During National Retirement Security Week
In an effort to continue promoting financial literacy education among staff, Human Resources is highlighting National Retirement Security Week, Oct. 16-20. Throughout this week, TIAA-CREF is offering a series of free live and on demand webinars to plan participants. See the full memo for more information.
Jefferson Lab Website Revamp Underway
The Jefferson Lab Communications Office is continuing the effort to update the Jefferson Lab website. Work is currently focused on migrating updated content to the new design, so that site visitors will experience refreshed content and easier navigation at launch. In the coming weeks, the website focus groups will review a test version of the site, and rollout of the new design is anticipated later this year. If you have any immediate questions about the website, contact for more information.
Blood Drive Nets 35 Productive Units!
Jefferson Lab donors made a significant contribution to the American Red Cross at the Oct. 13 Blood Drive, with a total of 35 productive units collected. Occupational Medicine extends its thanks to the Jefferson community and congratulations on a job well done.
Volunteers Needed for 15-Minute Role-Model Visits With BEAMS Students
Jefferson Lab’s BEAMS program – Becoming Enthusiastic About Math and Science – for fifth-grade students is ramping up for the new school year. An important part of the BEAMS experience is Role Model Visits; and Science Education staff is seeking lab volunteers to provide these 15 minute Role Model visits with the students. During the visit, the volunteer discusses their job, education and job training with 12-15 students. For more information and to volunteer, see the full memo.
Calling All Veterans: You're Invited to Participate in the Veterans Day Recognition Display
In recognition of Veterans Day, veterans of military service are invited to submit a photo of themselves in uniform for inclusion in a collage to be displayed in CEBAF Center prior to Veterans Day. This will be similar to the one displayed the past years. If you submitted a photo in the past, the photo will be used again this year with the information you previously provided. If you want to submit a new photo, feel free to do so. Submit photos to Mike Robbins by Nov. 3. Remember to include your full name, branch of service, and years of service. If you do not have a digital copy of your photo, employees can bring in a picture to CEBAF Center, room C222 to be scanned. For more information, contact Mike Robbins at or x7617. |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Radioactive Material at Jefferson Lab - Part 1
The DOE defines radioactive material (RAM) as:
- any material or equipment exceeding the contamination limits in 10 CFR 835 Appendix D;
- any material or equipment having volumetric activity above background levels;
- any sealed or unsealed source manufactured, obtained or retained for the purpose of utilizing the emitted radiation;
- liquids having detectable radioactivity as determined by approved measurement methods; and
- containers of compressed gases known to contain radioactivity above background levels.
All radioactive material brought to the Jefferson Lab campus is subject to RadCon-specified policies and controls. Stay tuned next week for more information on handling and storage of radioactive material. In the meantime, if you have any questions about RAM, contact a RadCon staff member or call 757-876-1743.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Adobe Products End of Life
Through scanning of Jefferson Lab-managed systems, the IT Division has discovered numerous outdated Adobe products on-site. These outdated versions are a security risk and should be replaced as soon as possible. If you have an Adobe product installed on your Jefferson Lab system, visit Adobe's End-Of-Life page and search for your product name and version number. This information can be found in the Help menu of your Adobe product. All Adobe products that have reached their 'End of extended support' date should be replaced.
For Adobe Reader, you can install the supported version on your Windows machine from the Control Panel under Programs and Features, 'Install a program from the network'. All other Adobe products that were purchased, and are associated with a license key, must be purchased again if they are beyond their support date. Please visit Adobe's product catalog webpage - This purchase should be made with a Jefferson Lab credit card, or you can submit a Purchase Request (PR) with the appropriate product name and version number. If you have any questions or concerns about this replacing your end-of-life Adobe products, contact the IT Division Help Desk at or x7155.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Oct. 19: Colloquium: Inclusion Drives Innovation
Nov. 1: JAG Fall Festival and Picnic
Nov. 13: Safety Shoe Truck on-site
Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving holiday, Jefferson Lab closed