Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 22, 2008
12 GeV UpgradeThe Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation for the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) Building Addition construction contract was issued by procurement on Sept. 30. Thirty-six contractor personnel attended the pre-proposal conference and site visit held on Oct. 17. The closing date for proposals is Oct. 30. The award will be based on lowest price and technical capability. Capability will be determined based on the offerors' technical proposals of their experience with similar work, past performance and safety & health programs. PhysicsIn Hall A, the installation of the polarized helium-3 target is proceeding smoothly. The assembly of the polarized target is in its final stages, as is that of the laser table above the target. The calibrations with the water cell have been completed. Both High Resolution Spectrometers are now cold. L'Oreal USA Fellowships For Women in Science The AIP State Department Science Fellowship Program AcceleratorComprehensive measurements of accelerator cavity Qs, which indicates how much heat each cavity is producing during operations, continued for several days. Characterizing each cavity's Q allows operators to better manage the total heat load on the CHL during operations. After radiofrequency (RF) optimization, pulsed beam was gradually steered around the accelerator into the Beam Switchyard. The Optics Restoration and Finalization Plan (ORFP) was started; this is a major step in preparing the beam for delivery to the halls. ORFP was completed and RF optimization continued while the experimental halls began final preparations for beam operations. Free-Electron Laser (FEL)There was major progress in getting the FEL gun operational. Carlos Hernandez-Garcia developed a new krypton processing procedure that was successful in breaking through an emission whisker barrier that had been limiting the gun to below 270 Kilovolts. The procedure also has the advantage of quickly processing the gas emission from the gun, saving many hours of conditioning time. The gun was processed to 374 kV in preparation for operation at 350 kV. In addition, a high quantum efficiency cathode was made on Friday. Theory CenterIn arxiv:0810.3588 [hep-lat], members of the Theory Center presented the first lattice QCD calculation of the light-hadron spectrum using two light and one strange flavor of dynamical fermions formulated on an anisotropic lattice (different lattice spacings in the time and space directions). These ensembles are essential for the next stage of lattice calculations of such quantities as masses and form factors of excited nucleon resonances and the spectrum of (exotic) mesons, which is to be measured in the future GlueX experimen at JLab. JLab's Safety Numbers 42 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331) JLab Calendar of Events Oct. 24: JLab Adopt-A-Spot litter pickup
Environment, Safety, Health & QualityAs many of you know, JLab has begun implementing various quality assurance policies and procedures throughout the site. The Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement (QA/CI) department has established a prioritized implementation plan and is working with process owners to establish robust systems that will not only meet the DOE guidelines but also improve JLab's overall performance. Policies and procedures should be considered training supplements. Often they are viewed as required documentation; however, their best use is as comprehensive, ready references that ensure standardized work processes. This standard-process approach helps to minimize variation, which in turn improves safety and efficiency, mitigating the risk for mistake or injury.
QA/CI will be conducting meetings with individual departments to familiarize everyone with the QA implementation plan, dates and where they fit within the overall plan. Contact Mary Jo Bailey, x7277, or Bruce Lenzer, x7586, with any questions or comments. Computing and Networking Infrastructure (CNI)The network in the EEL Building will be unavailable for several hours on Tuesday, Oct. 28, starting at 5 p.m. The network switches are being upgraded to support automatic VLan assignment. Please visit to ensure that your networked equipment is registered. If you are still offline on Wednesday, Oct. 29, contact the HelpDesk at x7155. Announcements Adopt-A-Spot Litter Pickup New Plotter in Document Control Oktoberfest! Got a cool ride? Register today to feature your ride in the JLab in Motion Hobby Vehicle Show. The poster has complete details. Volunteers make this event possible. A number of volunteer positions need filling, especially food tent assistants; field games assistants, kids’ arts/crafts/tattoos attendants; popcorn and snow-cone machine attendants and a treasure-in-the-haystack attendant. If you haven’t yet signed up to help, visit the JAG Oktoberfest volunteer page and sign up today. Just one hour of your time helps immensely. United Way Raffle TIAA-CREF Retirement Counseling Sessions Physics Nobel Laureate Speaks