Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 29, 2014
12 GeV UpgradeThe stacking of the lead-glass shower counter for the Hall C Super High Momentum Spectrometer into its final position within the shielding has begun. Each layer of counters is being tested with cosmic rays as they are installed, prior to installing the subsequent layer. The mirror blanks for the noble-gas Cherenkov counter have arrived at CERN, where they will be aluminized and coated. The gas vessel for the noble-gas Cherenkov is being constructed and should be ready for the mirrors prior to their return. Work on services for the SHMS platform continues, with recent emphasis on completing wiring and power cabling, preparing position readback, checking out the new magnet power supplies, and routing in the low-conductivity water. PhysicsJefferson Lab Published Journal Articles Oct. 20 - 24
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsLattice QCD is a computational method for determining the physical consequences of continuum Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). A new review article discusses the sources of numerical uncertainties inherent to this approach and shows how they can be controlled in order to obtain the universal predictions of QCD. Lattice QCD therefore holds the promise of uncovering the properties of matter under extreme conditions, nuclear forces, the structure of nuclei, and the spectrum and structure of hadrons. Facilities Management & LogisticsNotification Required When Lab Vehicles or Equipment are Damaged Jefferson Lab's vehicle control officer and ESH&Q staff remind everyone that the person operating a JSA/Jefferson Lab or government vehicle or piece of equipment is responsible for reporting any mishap a vehicle is in and when lab equipment is damaged in any way. The mishap or damage must be reported, as soon as safely possible, to your supervisor, division safety officer and either to Kris Burrows, Jefferson Lab vehicle control officer, or Manny Nevarez, deputy vehicle control officer. If the mishap or damage takes place after hours – on lab property or off – the vehicle operator may contact Jefferson Lab Security, 757-269-5822, in place of Burrows or Nevarez. The Jefferson Lab Security force may be contacted among the first line of notification at any time. Failure to promptly report an accident or damage could have serious consequences. A damaged vehicle could be unsafe for subsequent use or a damaged component could fail while the vehicle is in use. It can also delay the required accident investigation and report required by the Department of Energy and the Government Services Administration. The responsibilities and procedures for using a Lab or leased, fleet vehicle are explained in the Vehicle and Motor Equipment Policy and Procedures manual. Section 10 of the manual explains reporting vehicle accidents and/or damage. You can see the full memo online. Reminder: Personal Appliance Use at Jefferson Lab For your reference, a copy of the Jefferson Lab Energy Conservation Policy is available under the “Sustainability” tab. Advise Jefferson Lab’s Sustainability Manager, Bill Mooney, x5461, regarding any special circumstance requests for personal appliance use (e.g., inadequate common refrigerated food storage space) or other questions or clarifications. Your attention to these matters helps Jefferson Lab maintain the safest and most efficient work environments possible. |
Environment, Safety, Health and QualityKeep Halloween Safe Some local municipalities have established trick-or-treat times, while others allow the festivities to begin at dusk. You can find a list of established times for local areas here. Be aware that trick-or-treating in all local areas concludes at 8 p.m., and only children aged 12 or under may participate. If you have children of your own who plan to trick-or-treat this year, check out these safety guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control. Computing and Networking Infrastructure Brief Internet Outage Set for Thursday, Nov. 6 AnnouncementsThanksgiving Buffet in the Quark Café Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Oct. 31 Share Your Photo for Veteran’s Day Tribute Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events Oct. 31: American Red Cross Blood Drive
JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263. |