Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs October 5, 2011

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 5, 2011

12 GeV Upgrade

At 21 weeks into the Six-Month Shutdown and with six weeks remaining, 12 GeV installation work is progressing as planned. Testing and commissioning of the first C-100 cryomodule is ongoing, and the second C-100 cryomodule has been installed and testing has begun. All 12 GeV activities during the shutdown period are integrated into the lab’s site-wide schedule, which is progressed weekly. 


In Hall A, installation is going well, except for a problem with the polarized proton target. There was a splice between superconducting wire and normal wire. Not enough cooling was provided for this splice, which was buried in epoxy, and the splice overheated. The target group is proposing to re-make the splice(s) with longer sections of wire and more exposure to coolant. This repair job may take two-three weeks and could delay the start of the g2p/GEp experiment by a week or two.

In Hall C, installation of a ninth quartz bar started. This bar is identical to the eight quartz bars that function as the main detector for the Q-weak experiment, and it will be used to sensitively measure backgrounds in the detector hut. The Q-weak liquid hydrogen target was recently re-assembled after summer maintenance work. A test cooldown of the target was initiated in preparation for resumption of Q-weak running in November. Disassembly of the 300-metric-ton Hypernuclear Kaon Spectrometer was started. This spectrometer, which is being removed to make room for construction of the Super High Momentum Spectrometer, will be stored in the Experiment Staging Building.


The Central Helium Liquefier auxiliary transformer was replaced. The router power outage at the Machine Control Center has been completed. The low-conductivity water system has been installed to the 500 KeV dump, and the separator LCW system was returned to normal operation. The test plan for recovery of the radiofrequency systems is underway, and ongoing SRF commissioning is in progress. Pre-certification checks for the injector Personnel Safety System have begun. The beam switchyard beam dump has been filled and turned on, and the newly installed waveguides have been checked for leaks.

Free-Electron Laser

The FEL DC gun was rebuilt in the record time of one week, using parts from two gun assemblies, and the rebuilt gun assembly has now been mounted to the FEL injector. The gun electrodes were re-polished to 1-micron surface finish, cleaned for ultra-high vacuum and then mounted to the Pt-implanted original FEL alumina insulators. In parallel, the semi-load-lock system that allows a cathode changeout without breaking the gun vacuum environment was assembled and is being tested this week. Larger sulfur hexafluoride enclosures needed to accommodate this system were brought from the FEL gun test stand to the FEL vault and adjusted to fit in with the existing SF6 FEL system.

JLab Calendar of Events

Oct. 7: United Way Kickoff Picnic at Quark Cafe
Oct. 18-20: DOE Project Review of the 12 GeV Upgrade
Oct. 19: Colloquium and Public Lecture, 4 p.m., CC auditorium
Oct 24: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Oct. 25: Science Series public lecture
Nov. 6: Daylight Saving Time ends
Nov. 24-25: Thanksgiving holiday; JLab closed

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Drive Safely Work Week: Oct. 3-7
The Government Services Administration is currently observing Drive Safely Work Week 2011. The campaign is sponsored by the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, in partnership with the Department of Transportation, and has been observed across industries nationwide since 1996. The GSA would like to remind government vehicle drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. Visit the distracted driving website to learn about distracted driving, its impacts and new regulations aimed at keeping distracted drivers off the road.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Major Systems Outage on Friday, Dec. 23
The CNI group is planning a major computer systems outage for the first day of this year's winter holiday break. On Friday, Dec. 23, 6 a.m.-5 p.m., all major systems will be unavailable, including email, calendar and access to central file services, such as the J:, K:, L: and M: drives, home directories, group areas, etc. Additionally, all MIS applications and business services applications will be unavailable. All services will return to full operation by 5 p.m. For additional information, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.


United Way Campaign at JLab Kicks Off With Oct. 7 Picnic
The United Way annual fund-raising campaign at JLab kicks off Friday, Oct. 7, with a picnic lunch at the Quark Cafe, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The picnic will take place in the CEBAF Center lobby and will feature hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, chips, sodas and bottled water for $1 per item donation to United Way. Senior JLab leadership will serve the food, and the Quark Cafe will be open with side dishes for purchase. The food and beverages are being donated by the Quark Cafe contractor, Eurest.

A United Way fund-raising raffle for each of two 16 gigabyte iPad2 devices will also begin during lunch on Oct. 7. Raffle tickets will be $1 each and tickets may be purchased at the table in the CEBAF Center lobby, noon-1 p.m. on workdays through Friday, Oct. 28. Only one iPad2 may be won per person. All money collected through the picnic and raffle will go to the United Way to support community services.

Open Skies for Foreign Air Travel Approved
When traveling to Europe, Switzerland or Australia, you may get a flight option from the travel agency for a non-U.S. air carrier. This is not a mistake. Federal contractors are now authorized by the GSA and Office of Science to use federal funds to purchase airline tickets on qualifying foreign carriers. If you would like more information, visit the website or call Travel Services, x7519.

Flu Vaccinations Available
Occupational Medicine is now taking appointments for Influenza vaccinations. If you would like to be vaccinated, contact Occupational Medicine at x7539 to schedule an appointment. Keep in mind that for 15 minutes after vaccination, you should remain at JLab in the presence of other people and avoid safety-sensitive activities, including driving.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Fridays.

Congratulations this week go to Gary Croke, Greg Adams, Jason Willoughby, Percy Harrell, Andy Kowalski and Dick Owen, who were the first to correctly identify the Sept. 28 location. Honorable mentions go to Chris Williamson, Ron Bartek, Warren Funk, Mark Wiseman, Tina Johnson, Doug Higinbotham, David Anthony, Harry Fanning and Tom Powers. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.