Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs October 6, 2010

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 6, 2010

12 GeV Upgrade

At the request of the Office of Nuclear Physics, Daniel Lehman, Director of the Office of Project Assessment in DOE's Office of Science, convened a team of 22 experts plus nine DOE observers in an Independent Project Review of the 12 GeV Upgrade at JLab Sept. 28-30. The purpose of the review was to assess progress in all aspects of the project since April 2010. The review committee concluded that the project is making satisfactory progress and provided 21 recommendations to guide activities in the coming months.
Many 12 GeV installation tasks were completed during the summer 2010 accelerator shutdown, including the low-conductivity water piping in the west arc, electrical conduit and cables for the 10 new zones, the remaining two cryomodule base plates in the South Linac, and the Arc 10 pedestals. In addition, a master oscillator was replaced, magnet quality controls were checked and related cables were labeled, and core drilling was done for power-system cables. Lessons learned during this shutdown are being used to refine plans for installation work during the six-month shutdown scheduled to start in May 2011.


Cooling of the Hall A superconducting magnets started Thursday after the End Station Refrigerator came back online. Cooling of the superconducting Moller polarimeter magnet proceeded quickly, and Hall A staffers began checkout of the system with beam on Thursday evening. Cooling of all left-High Resolution Spectrometer magnets took until Monday. Some of the HRS superconducting magnet power supplies were repaired during the maintenance period, and final checkout of these supplies required having the magnets superconducting again. The commissioning process began Monday and is expected to last a few days. Pump and purge of the cryogenic target system was performed Monday evening. Limited (no HRS) experiment commissioning has taken place during the evenings with low beam currents and un-cooled solid targets.

AIP State Department Fellowship Application Deadline is Nov. 1
Qualified scientists at any stage of their careers who are U.S. citizens, have a Ph.D. in physics or closely related fields, are members of one or more of AIP’s 10 member societies and are eligible to receive appropriate security clearances are encouraged to apply. Final interviews will take place early in 2011 and the 12-month Fellowship term will begin in September 2011. For more information and to apply, visit the AIP website.


The first week of beam operations went well after the summer down with beam to Halls A and B. Hall C is not ready for beam. Some accelerator issues were indentified and addressed. The injector gun#2 is operating at 130 kilovolts. The gun high voltage appears to be a bit unstable at times when the gun is power cycled. The machine optics and energy needs some fine tuning and adjustment.

Free-Electron Laser

FEL staffers continued the careful characterization of the ultraviolet FEL, while also quantifying the details of the injector systems under brightness-optimized conditions.





United Way Picnic Set for Thursday
The United Way annual fund-raising campaign at JLab kicks off Thursday, Oct. 7, with a picnic lunch at Quark Cafe, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The picnic will feature hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, chips, sodas and bottled water for $1 per item donation to United Way. Senior JLab leadership will serve the food, and the Quark Cafe will be open with side dishes for purchase. The food and beverages are being donated by the Quark Cafe contractor, Eurest.

Win an iPad in United Way Raffle
A United Way fund-raising raffle for two 16 gigabyte iPads also will begin during lunch on Oct. 7. Raffle tickets will be $1 each and may be purchased at a table in the CEBAF Center lobby, 12-1 p.m., on workdays through Oct. 27. A winning ticket for each iPad will be drawn during the Jefferson Activities Group's Oktoberfest on Wednesday, Oct. 27. Winners need not be present to win and will have until Monday, Nov. 1 to claim their iPads.

Dust off those clubs! It's time for the JLab 2010 Fall Golf Tournament
This year's event will be held on Thursday, Oct. 21, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course) in Williamsburg, Va., with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Each team must have at least two JLab employees. The cost for JLab employees (receive a paycheck from JSA - Jefferson Science Associates, LLC) is $50; the cost for non-JLab employees is $65. The fee includes range balls, green fees, cart, food after the tournament and the prize fund. Sign up by Friday Oct. 15. To sign up, see Mike Zarecky, ARC 500/47, with a check made payable to him and your average score for 18 holes. If you have questions, contact Danny Machie, x7501 or Mike Zarecky, x7609.

Applications for New Dosimetry Now Online!
The Dosimetry Section has made its first attempt toward a paperless office by offering the dosimetry application form for new dosimetry requests online. To use the paperless form, all you need is an e-mail in JLIST and a computer. If you are a user, contractor, visitor or student, you can also get to this link by using the JLab Registration/International Services registration page. If you have any questions or comments, e-mail or call Becky Mosbrucker at x7236. Keep watching the Radiation Control website for more changes, as the department continues its quest to "go green."

JLab Calendar of Events

Oct. 7: United Way Donation Drive Begins
Oct. 13-15: Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken x (HiX2010) Workshop
Oct. 22: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Oct. 27: JAG Oktoberfest
Oct. 28-29: Transverse Spin Phenomena and Their Impact on QCD Workshop
Nov. 4: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Nov. 23: Science Series Public Lecture
Nov. 25-26 Thanksgiving Holiday - JLab closed

JLab's Safety Numbers

37 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
37 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)