12 GeV Upgrade
The four regions of the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) for CLAS12 have been successfully mounted as a single unit onto the permanent support structure and then tested. Cosmic and other tests will be ongoing while the SVT awaits installation into CLAS12 in late 2016. On the High Threshold Cerenkov Counter (HTCC), installation has been completed of the main mirror, the gas windows, the photomultiplier tubes, and the light monitoring system. The HTCC will now undergo testing. The construction of the support structure for the Central Time of Flight has begun, as has fabrication of parts for its light monitoring system and its transport crate. Refurbishment of the second and third of the six sectors of the Low Threshold Cerenkov Counter (LTCC) is well advanced. The sealing of the new LTCC window has been demonstrated on the first box, and the seal was then tested successfully with actual counter gas. An order has been placed for the remaining fast electronic modules, the crate trigger processors, which are needed to complete the data acquisition and triggering systems for Hall B. Orders have also been placed for the remaining network gear and fibers. Work is underway for the slow controls to operate all elements of CLAS12. Finally, the design work on the upgraded beamline elements has started in preparation for their installation in early 2016.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, Aug. 24-28
- C. Granados and C. Weiss. "Quantum-mechanical picture of peripheral chiral dynamics." Phys. Rev. C 92 025206.
- Tech Note: Jay Benesch. "The MBV (old 5 MeV) Dipole and a possible modification thereof." JLAB-TN-15-027.
- Tech Note: Jay Benesch. "Solenoid focusing in "6 MeV" region of injector." JLAB-TN-15-029
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
In a new paper, the properties of two-baryon systems in strong uniform static magnetic fields of |B| ~ 1019-1020 Gauss are studied. Such systems are shown to exhibit Feshbach resonances in this setting. Fields of this strength may exist inside magnetars and in peripheral relativistic heavy ion collisions, and the Feshbach structure may have consequences for the behavior of these systems.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday; Jefferson Lab closed
Sept. 13-18 XVI International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy
Sept. 18: Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
Sept. 21: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site
Sept. 28-Oct. 2: International Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Last Summer Picnic Weekend
With the long Labor Day weekend almost upon us, have we let our guard down in protecting our families from the dangers that still lurk around our homes? Have we become so accustomed to certain hazards that we no longer see them? What about young visitors to our home, who are not familiar with our yard, equipment or special activities, such as swimming pools, waterfronts or trampolines?
As you plan to celebrate the long holiday weekend, don't forget to take the steps that you need to keep you and your family safe. Take a few extra minutes to better secure potential hazards in your home or establish some precautions for visitors. When visiting others, ensure that you and your family take extra care around their homes. Finally, make sure one or several adults are responsible for keeping tabs on children around water sports, cooking areas, lawn games, garages and other areas.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Jefferson Lab Campus-Wide Phone Outage: Saturday, Sept. 12
Jefferson Lab’s landline telephone system will be down on Saturday, Sept. 12, 8 a.m.- noon. The outage will permit equipment upgrades. Across Jefferson Lab, the outage will disrupt landline telephone services, voicemail and fax machine services. This outage will also affect Jefferson Lab and university phones in the ARC, but not the commercial tenants in the ARC.
To Get Help and Report Emergencies During the Outage:
- Use a cell phone to call 911.
- After you are advised to hang up by the 911 Dispatch Operator, immediately call the Jefferson Lab Security cell phone at 757-342-9868. Advise Security of the 911 call, the nature of the emergency and the location of the emergency.
- Or activate the closest fire alarm box if no cell phone or coverage to alert Security of your issue. (Security will send an officer to investigate; however response times will vary.) And if or when possible, follow up with a call to the Security cell at 757-342-9868 to advise them of the situation.
Inquiries during the outage can be made to Jefferson Lab Security’s cell phone at 757-342-9868. For more information regarding this outage, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Submit Your Intellectual Property Now Through New Inventor Portal
The online Inventor Portal software, which is used for invention disclosure at Jefferson Lab, was recently updated to a new version. While the look and feel has changed, the general structure of the form and instructions for submitting a disclosure haven't. For more details about the upgrade, see this document. If you have intellectual property you'd like to disclose, visit the online tech transfer web pages for instructions and a link to the Inventor Portal. If you have any questions, concerns or comments about intellectual property, contact a member of the Technology Review Committee.
Changes to Direct Deposit for Jefferson Lab Business Travelers
Jefferson Lab travelers who use direct deposit will soon get their direct deposit advice for travel reimbursement electronically. While email addresses are getting added to vendor records, a paper advice will still be issued. However, the desire is to have all travel reimbursement direct deposit advices sent to your email address by the end of September. For more information, contact Carol Kinsey, x7519.
Come See Posters for SRF Conference
Jefferson Lab staff are invited to attend a poster session for posters that will be presented at the 17th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2015) in Whistler, British Columbia. The event will be held in the CEBAF Center lobby on Friday, Sept. 11, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. If you have any questions about the event, contact Carolyn Camp.
Marketplace at Tech Center Store Openings Announced
Starbucks and BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse have officially opened for business at the Marketplace at Tech Center. In addition, several other restaurants and retail shops are now expected to open in September, including: Cafe Rio, Jimmy Johns, Zoe's Kitchen, PF Chang’s, Mellow Mushroom, DSW, Conte's Bike Shop, ULTA, Carter's/OshKosh, Mattress Firm, Five Below, Hi-Ho Silver and Hair Cuttery. More restaurants and stores are slated to open in October. If you would like invitations to grand openings and special events at the Marketplace at Tech Center, you can like the development’s Facebook page via a link on the Tech Center website.
Tornado Warning Siren Test Set for Friday, Sept. 4
Jefferson Lab's tornado warning siren will undergo its monthly operational test at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 4. Don't respond to the siren; this is a test of the siren system and not a personnel response exercise. Individuals planning to be in the Central Materials Storage Area (where the siren is located) while the test is taking place must have with them and wear two layers of hearing protection.
2015 Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing Set for Sept. 18
This year's event will be held on Friday, Sept. 18, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course) in Williamsburg, Va. The tourney will kick off at noon with a shotgun start. The format will be a handicapped Captain’s Choice. Each foursome must include at least two Jefferson Lab employees. The cost for Jefferson Lab employees (you qualify if you receive a paycheck from JSA - Jefferson Science Associates, LLC) is $60. The cost for non-JLab employees is $75. The cost includes range balls, green fees, cart fees, food after the tournament and prizes. To sign up, bring your average score for 18 holes or current handicap along with payment to Mike Zarecky, TED 2500/19, x7609. The deadline for tournament registration is Monday, Sept. 14. Questions may be directed to Mike or Danny Machie, x7501.