Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs September 24, 2014

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
September 24, 2014

12 GeV Upgrade

The voltage-tracking regulators for the extraction YA’s are operational, and control screens have been implemented. This completes the scope for the 12 GeV Project power systems. The scope for the 12 GeV Project safety systems has also been completed. The magnets for the fast-feedback system for the Hall D beamline have been installed, and the first of the nano-Amp beam position monitors for the Hall D beamline has been installed.


Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles, September 15-19

  • M. Gabrielyan et al. (CLAS Collaboration). "Induced polarization of Lambda(1116) in kaon electroproduction." Phys. Rev. C 90, 035202 (2014).
  • Tech Note: Joe Grames. "Fall 2014 Mott Target Replacement and Ladder Position Re-Calibration." JLAB-TN-14-026.

Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

Publications Refresher Course Offered Oct. 1
The next Publications Training and Refresher course will be held on Oct. 1 at 9 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F226. In this session, authors will learn how to submit manuscripts to the Publications Review and Approval System, how to make recommended revisions to papers during the signature process, and how to add the relevant information once the paper is published. Coffee and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend, R.S.V.P. to Kim Edwards by Friday, Sept. 26.

AIP Seeks Applicants for State Department Fellowship

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is now seeking applicants for its 2015-2016 State Department Science Fellowship. The application deadline is Nov. 3. Issues involving S&T are an important part of America’s diplomatic portfolio, making it essential for the U.S. Department of State to have knowledgeable scientific input. Through its State Department Science Fellowship program, AIP offers an opportunity for scientists to make a unique and substantial contribution to the foreign policy process. Qualified scientists at any stage of their career are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, have a Ph.D. in physics or a closely related field, be members of one or more of AIP’s Member Societies and be eligible to receive an appropriate security clearance. For information on AIP’s Fellowship program qualifications and application instructions, visit the website.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new lattice QCD analysis calculates the masses of baryons containing one, two or three heavy quarks. All possible combinations of charm and bottom quarks are considered, and a total of 36 different states with JP = 1/2+ and JP = 3/2+ are included. The analysis includes results from two different lattice spacings and seven different pion masses, which allows one to control the extrapolations to both the continuum and chiral limits.


The Machine Shop is presently manufacturing or continuing to manufacture:

  • Assembly of the new mirror box assembly and the Hall A beam dump viewer body;
  • Assembly of the GlueX commissioning target for Hall D;
  • Worked on the 1 nano Amp beam position monitor and current monitor girder;
  • Completed work on the vacuum chamber and the hex-cell support assembly for Hall B's Heavy Photon Search experiment;
  • Fabricated the niobium cathode electrode ball mounting adapter for the Injector group; and
  • Two 4-cm exit, and two, 10-cm window cryogenic target seal cells were fabricated.

Additionally, various small machining jobs were undertaken for many lab customers.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Sept. 26: 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade Celebration
Oct. 2-4: GlueX Collaboration meeting
Oct. 17: Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
Oct. 22: Colloquium: The Pursuit of Better SRF Cavities

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Quick, think of the last "safety sign" you saw this morning. What was the message? What was the last speed limit sign you saw - are you sure? There are dozens of signs we see every day, but do we stop to read each one every time? If we don't read them all every time, how will we know if anything has changed?

Some feedback from workers indicate that there is a sign or information overload, as well as the mental condition of "I've been through here hundreds of times, I know what is there." With the accelerator and the experimental halls coming back into operation and other work spaces changing to support the accelerator or experiments, it is again good practice to take the extra few seconds to re-read the signs wherever you are entering. Radiation levels may have increased, Oxygen Deficiency Hazard environments may have been created, or maybe that door no longer leads to the outside.

When you go home tonight, just count all the signs you pass; you'll be amazed at the total. And then tomorrow, stop and read all the signs in your travels around Jefferson Lab. What have you been missing?


Hall D and Accelerator Service Buildings Radiological Status Changes

Please note that the radiological status of Hall D has changed. The hall is now posted as a Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) and Radioactive Materials Area (RMA). For unescorted access to the area, personnel must have Radiation Worker training, must have read and signed the General Access RWP, and must be wearing their dosimeter.
In addition, within the next week to 10 days, radiological postings and controls on the accelerator service buildings for the linacs, arcs and beam switchyard (BSY) will be returned to the configuration established during the last run period. All service buildings will be posted as RCAs at all times. When the CEBAF accelerator is in beam permit, the posting levels will be raised to Radiation Area, and supplemental dosimetry will be required. As before, certain service buildings will be locked and access to these areas will be RWP controlled.
Please consult the Radiation Control Department for more information, at 876-1743.

JAG Dog Training Club Canine Acting Class
When you're walking your dog down the street, do people stop you and say your dog should be in the movies? Then you should join the JAG Dog Training Club this fall for the Canine Acting Class! This is a very motivational class that is designed to develop your dog's special talents, while also learning the basic skills needed for a successful canine actor. If you hope to have your dog work in television, film or theater, mum’s the word: He must be able to recognize and respond to hand signals. To become a member of this class, your dog must have a firm sit, down, stay and come when called around distractions. At the end of the class in December, the club will produce a short video. The first class will be Tuesday, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. in the Support Service Center lobby. Classes will meet on Tuesday evenings until Dec. 16 (no class will be held Thanksgiving week). For more information, contact Joyce Miller, x7163, or Brian Kross, x7022.

Register for Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
The 2014 Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing will be held on Friday, Oct. 17, at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club (Green Course) in Williamsburg, Va. The tourney will kick off at noon with a shotgun start. The format will be a handicapped Captains Choice. Your foursome must include at least two Jefferson Lab employees. The cost for JLab employees (you qualify if you receive a paycheck from JSA - Jefferson Science Associates, LLC) is $60. The cost for non-JLab employees is $75. The cost includes range balls, green fees, cart, and food after the tournament. To sign up, see Mike Zarecky, in the Technology and Engineering Development building, room 2500/19. When you sign up, you must list your average score for 18 holes. Make registration checks payable to Mike Zarecky. The registration deadline is Monday, Oct. 13. If you have any questions, contact Zarecky, x7609 or Danny Machie, x7501. You can find more information on the Jefferson Lab Golf League page.

Halls A, B and C Counting House Option for Storing Your Dosimeter
The Radiological Control department has now re-installed dosimetry racks in the lobby of the Halls A, B and C Counting House, building 97. If you are interested in having your dosimeter moved to that location, either email or call Becky Mosbrucker, dosimetry coordinator, at x7236 by Sept. 30.


JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.