July 23, 1991 - Blue Sheet

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Project Progress Summary

July 23, 1991

FET Operations

  • Two lengthy runs were completed, one achieving 43-MeV operation with a 10-microamp CW beam. Radiation surveys were conducted to measure neutron levels near the beam dumps. These levels were found to be very low. An operator training session was held for four new beam operators.



  • The first safety review walk-through by P. Hunt was done on the Off-line and Production Chem Room areas.
  • Planning was done to move assembly of windows, HOMs, and warm beam pipe to the off-line clean room.

Nb Pair Parts:

  • The CNC milling did 24 elbow weld preps and a dozen seam weld preps.
  • Three leaky windows had EBW rewelds done. Twelve flanges and elbow seams were electron-beam welded.
  • The Off-line Chem Room hood has been pulled out. The exhaust manifold plenum for the two new hoods is ready for installation.
  • There are presently about 30 fundamental waveguide extension pieces ready for custom cutting as soon as cavity pairs pass the final test.
  • Commissioning was run on Production Pair Test RF System with John Mammoser.

RF Windows:

  • A batch of 33 ceramics ground by Insaco are being metallized and should arrive at CEBAF today.
  • Eight brazed old ground ceramics are being used in a reverse pressure test to try to induce failures.
  • Reviewing production of windows; alternate sources for brazing eyelets.

HOM Loads:

  • Tested two cavity pairs for HOMs in the vertical cryostat (switch test). Switched the heaters with the elbows, then the loads by themselves. Data being analyzed.
  • Tested and brazed glassy carbon loads to 2 K. Testing continues.
  • Preliminary leak test on electropolished stainless steel flanges indicates no leak; however, the helium background is high so the test will be repeated with a cleaned-up vacuum system.
  • Brazed three sets of glassy carbon ceramic absorber to copper flanges. They were tested 77 degrees with no change at temperature. The braze was perfect.
  • Three more sets of glued ceramics were tested at 1.5 K with no change in the absorption.
  • Work continues on optimizing the glassy carbon ceramic position.

Cavity/Cavity Pairs:

  • One cavity pair was retested last week (IA083/IA084) after the window was changed on IA084 for a through leak. The Qs and field dropped due to contamination during the exchange process.
  • The fixture was tested last Friday and it works. The additional fixtures will also be modified once the drawing is updated.
  • Continued testing the indium gaskets in respect to torque. Continuing the 10-times cryo cycle test of 40-mil indium. Tested the tensile properties of window niobium.


  • The three cavity pairs are in various stages of cryounit assembly.



  • The first articles from the contract for west arc dipole stands were measured and were found to be predominantly within tolerance.


  • Received sample connectors from Phoenix Logistics; they seem to be well made and meet all specifications.
  • Daily turning of cavities is very time consuming; we are developing automated tuner algorithms. We will start tests next week.


  • Installed 14th trim rack (in service building E-4).
  • Updated south linac drawings to reflect latest nomenclature changes.
  • Pulled telephone cables in north linac and east arc (through south access building).


  • Work is under way to make the RF screens more friendly.
  • Data have been compiled indicating we need at least 100,000 control channels. Every upward signal becomes on the average three channels by the time the supervisor uses it. On the average, every signal the supervisor generates becomes two signals in the locals. How to reduce load and speed up system is under study.

WBS 6 – No report received.


  • The cold expander on the 2200 has completed overhaul and is on line.
  • Parts for the warm expander on the 2200 are on order and will be overhauled ASAP. Some of the parts will take two weeks to be received.
  • The southwest end box for the supply transfer line was placed in the tunnel.
  • The leak check for the 2-K return in the northwest quadrant return transfer line has been completed.
  • Tests were completed at the CTF on transferring LHe from dewar to dewar. Losses are being studied to determine more efficient methods of transfer.
  • We have received from the I&C group the “Push Button Crate Mod” to cure the manual operating problem when crates and computer decide not to talk. We will install this mod the next time this occurs.
  • The CHL and the CTF operating to support the FET and the test lab.
  • Started life cycle testing a bellows seal valve at the CHL. The bellows seem to have a low MTBF. We are trying to learn more about the problem.


  • Continued placing the second and final lift of concrete on Hall A dome.
  • Continued working on third-lift wall sections and the tunnel connections to the beam line and the beam dump for Hall B.
  • Started installing shoring in Hall C to support placement of the concrete dome.
  • Backfilling continues in all areas. The ESR Building and SB-4 areas will be completed and turned over to the Package B Contractor this week.
  • Plant Engineering personnel reviewed Foley Material Handling’s progress on the end station cranes and observed preliminary tests on the Hall A crane. Installation of this crane is scheduled to begin in early August.
  • MCI, the end stations above-ground subcontractor, started constructing the footings for SB-5.

Support Services


  • Activity for the week: $8,948.23.
  • Activity for the month: $24,359.46.

External Fabrication:

  • Procurement of various materials and commercial items for the 1.0M and 1.5M alignment scale bar assemblies has been initiated (WBS 2).
  • Submitted to CEBAF Machine Shop: 130 camera mounting brackets (WBS 5).

CEBAF Summer Science Series

Lectures are being held in the auditorium at 3:30 each Friday this summer for teacher fellows, student interns, and other interested persons.

Future Talks:

July 26

Accelerator Physics

Joe Bisognano

Aug. 2

Data Acquisition and Scientific Computing

Roy Whitney

Aug. 9

Accelerators and the Future

Hermann Grunder


Quality Assurance and Safety Poster Contest

The deadline for submitting posters has been extended to 1 August. All employees and their families are eligible. First prize is $40.00. Second prize is $25.00, and third prize is $15.00. Honorable mention prizes of $5.00 will be given for all usable posters, with a limit of one per person. Posters should have a theme of Quality or Safety.


End Stations:

  • Continued backfilling beam line C as weather permitted.
  • Continued placing concrete walls in Hall A. Ten sections are now complete to elevation 27’-6” and one to elevation 45’-6”.
  • Continued placing concrete walls in Hall C. Seven sections are complete to elevation 24’-6”.
  • Completed the floor slab for Hall B.
  • Continued backfilling counting house and beam line A rework area as weather permitted.
  • End station above ground package bids are due 12 February 1991.

Accelerator Division Support Services

Machine Shop:

  • Evaluated satellite machinery for safety requirements. Items required have been ordered.
  • New South Bend milling machine has been acquired and is operational.
  • Two sets of BPM test fixtures completed and delivered to WBS 5.

External Fabrication:

  • Initiated orders for various components for the construction of viewers and harps (WBS 5).
  • Ordered 160 blower housing doors for WBS 4.
  • Inspection of crate and module assemblies in progress (WBS 3).


  • A new training bulletin covering February and March is being distributed. Some of the courses it details are:

CEBAF Safety Orientation                     6 February (repeated on 6 March)

        Radiation Protection                                     8:30 – 9:25

        Emergency Mgmt. & Hazard Comm.        9:30 – 10:25

        ODH                                                                   10:30 – 11:10

        Lock and Tag                                                   11:15 – noon

Procurement User Orientation                              20 February, 9:00 – 11:00

Sole Source Procurement                                     22 March, 9:00 – 10:30

Forklift Certification                                               12 February, 8:30 – 10:30

Crane Operator                                                     14 February, 8:30 – 11:30

Basic Radiological Health                                     11 February, 8:30 – 11:30

ME CAD System Update                                      25 February, 9:30 – 11:30