July 9, 1991 - Blue Sheet

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Project Progress Summary

July 9, 1991

FET Operations

  • A regular operating schedule is being followed. We had a particularly successful run on Wednesday, July 3, with excellent beam quality through the entire front end. Various equipment problems continue to be solved as we work along.


HOM Loads:

  • Continued tests on cryomodule HOMs by powering heated loads and studying spectrum.
  • Received first set of flanges suitable for unheated loads.
  • Received part of a new shipment of 3000 psi AIN-SiC ceramics.
  • Received part of a shipment of AIN-Glassy Carbon ceramics of standard dimensions.
  • Continued investigating electropolishing parameters for stainless steel flanges.
  • Continuing vacuum tests of AIN-Glassy Carbon with baseline pressures indistinguishable from those of AIN-SiC or of the empty chamber (5x10^-9 Torr after three days pumping).


  • Work continues on assembling into cryounits the two pairs received from the cavity group last week.
  • The A’ ¼ cryomodule (from the 5-MeV testing in the Test Lab) has been idle for about a year. It provides an opportunity to test long-term indium seal creeping, so tests will be performed to confirm the current vacuum integrity of the module. All vacuums have been established; leak checking will be done next.
  • A pair is being selected for assembly into a ¼ cryomodule for the temperature cycling experiment.



  • The first article of the East Arc dipole stands was installed, aligned and inspected in place using survey techniques.


  • The vertical cleaning tank system for vacuum tubes was received and its installation started in the Test Lab. The system includes a heated ultrasonic wash tank and two rinse tanks.


DC Power:

  • Received 580 regulator boards, 450 have been tested, 381 have been installed in Injector, N. Linac, and East Arc trim systems.
  • Total of 1304 Analog Block Devices have received and tested. Ninety-five EMI Rev. A Bulk Power Supplies were received. Ninety-three have been through the twenty-four-hour burn-in process.

WBS 4 – No report received

WBS 5 – No report received

WBS 6 – No report received


  • Started welding the N. Linac return transfer line from the shield wall east to the tees.
  • Operated in support of the FET.
  • Started piping to install He storage tanks five and six.


  • Continued removing the shoring from the inside of Hall A.
  • Continued working on wall sections and the tunnel connections to the beam line and the beam dump for Hall B.
  • Started installing shoring in Hall C to support placement of the concrete dome.
  • MCI, the end stations above-ground subcontractor, continued furnishing submittals for Plant Engineering’s review.

Support Services


  • Withdrawal activity for the week: $54,568.40.
  • Total month expenditures: $41,277.59.
  • Final procurement package for HMS detector plates completed (WBS 6).

CEBAF Summer Science Series

Lectures are being held in the auditorium at 3:30 each Friday this summer for teacher fellow, student interns, and other interested persons.

Future talks:

July 12

Quarks, Gluons and All That!

Nathan Isgur

July 19

Accelerator Hardware

Charles Sinclair

July 26

Accelerator Physics

Joe Bisognano

Aug 2

Data Acquisition and Scientific Computing

Roy Whitney

Aug 9

Accelerators and the Future

Hermann Grunder


Quality Assurance and Safety Poster Contest

The deadline for submitting posters has been extended to August 1, 1991. All employees and their families are eligible. First prize is $40.00. Second prize is $25.00, and third prize is $15.00. Honorable mention prizes of $5.00 will be given for all usable posters with a limit of one per person. Posters should have a theme of Quality or Safety