Project Progress Summary
July 9, 1991
FET Operations
- A regular operating schedule is being followed. We had a particularly successful run on Wednesday, July 3, with excellent beam quality through the entire front end. Various equipment problems continue to be solved as we work along.
HOM Loads:
- Continued tests on cryomodule HOMs by powering heated loads and studying spectrum.
- Received first set of flanges suitable for unheated loads.
- Received part of a new shipment of 3000 psi AIN-SiC ceramics.
- Received part of a shipment of AIN-Glassy Carbon ceramics of standard dimensions.
- Continued investigating electropolishing parameters for stainless steel flanges.
- Continuing vacuum tests of AIN-Glassy Carbon with baseline pressures indistinguishable from those of AIN-SiC or of the empty chamber (5x10^-9 Torr after three days pumping).
- Work continues on assembling into cryounits the two pairs received from the cavity group last week.
- The A’ ¼ cryomodule (from the 5-MeV testing in the Test Lab) has been idle for about a year. It provides an opportunity to test long-term indium seal creeping, so tests will be performed to confirm the current vacuum integrity of the module. All vacuums have been established; leak checking will be done next.
- A pair is being selected for assembly into a ¼ cryomodule for the temperature cycling experiment.
- The first article of the East Arc dipole stands was installed, aligned and inspected in place using survey techniques.
- The vertical cleaning tank system for vacuum tubes was received and its installation started in the Test Lab. The system includes a heated ultrasonic wash tank and two rinse tanks.
DC Power:
- Received 580 regulator boards, 450 have been tested, 381 have been installed in Injector, N. Linac, and East Arc trim systems.
- Total of 1304 Analog Block Devices have received and tested. Ninety-five EMI Rev. A Bulk Power Supplies were received. Ninety-three have been through the twenty-four-hour burn-in process.
WBS 4 – No report received
WBS 5 – No report received
WBS 6 – No report received
- Started welding the N. Linac return transfer line from the shield wall east to the tees.
- Operated in support of the FET.
- Started piping to install He storage tanks five and six.
- Continued removing the shoring from the inside of Hall A.
- Continued working on wall sections and the tunnel connections to the beam line and the beam dump for Hall B.
- Started installing shoring in Hall C to support placement of the concrete dome.
- MCI, the end stations above-ground subcontractor, continued furnishing submittals for Plant Engineering’s review.
Support Services
- Withdrawal activity for the week: $54,568.40.
- Total month expenditures: $41,277.59.
- Final procurement package for HMS detector plates completed (WBS 6).
CEBAF Summer Science Series
Lectures are being held in the auditorium at 3:30 each Friday this summer for teacher fellow, student interns, and other interested persons.
Future talks:
July 12 |
Quarks, Gluons and All That! |
Nathan Isgur |
July 19 |
Accelerator Hardware |
Charles Sinclair |
July 26 |
Accelerator Physics |
Joe Bisognano |
Aug 2 |
Data Acquisition and Scientific Computing |
Roy Whitney |
Aug 9 |
Accelerators and the Future |
Hermann Grunder |
Quality Assurance and Safety Poster Contest
The deadline for submitting posters has been extended to August 1, 1991. All employees and their families are eligible. First prize is $40.00. Second prize is $25.00, and third prize is $15.00. Honorable mention prizes of $5.00 will be given for all usable posters with a limit of one per person. Posters should have a theme of Quality or Safety