Project Progress Summary
17 June 1991
The Project Progress Summary will not be published next week, when the Semi-Annual Review will be held in VARC rooms 53/55 from Tuesday through Thursday (June 25-27). Normal publications will resume the following week, with input due by the close of business on Monday, 1 July.
FET Operations
CEBAF Flash Report #17: 45 MeV Achieved
At 11:30 p.m. on 11 June 1991, the full CEBAF injector’s 2 ¼ superconducting cryomodules accelerated an electron beam to 45 MeV, design injection energy for the 4-GeV superconducting accelerator. A partial configuration had reached 5 MeV on March 30, using the injector’s initial two-superconducting-cavity quarter-cryomodule to begin CEBAF’s Front End Test (FET) of permanently installed components. On April 25, with 1 ¼ cryomodules, the FET reached 25 MeV. The injector’s second full cryomodule was installed on May 15. Supplying FET liquid helium is CEBAF’s Central Helium Liquefier, which is in commissioning and had operated for some 2100 hours in support of the FET when 45 MeV was reached.
- Four windows delivered to the cavity assembly group.
- Received the 3000-psi ceramics Saturday for the production HOM loads. Brazing continues using the purification furnace. Flanges are on hand.
- Tested IA087/IA088 cavity pair last week with both cavities exceeding CEBAF’s design values (13.8 MV/m and 12 MV/m respectively). Another cavity pair (IA089/IA101) is being tested this week.
- Cryomodule traveler 7 tested fine with no vacuum leaks and with Q’s at or exceeding design. It will be installed in position number 1 in the north linac this Wednesday.
- The bidders conference for the dogleg and spreader/recombiner dipoles was held 14 June.
- The contract for laminations for the QA quadrupoles was awarded to H&J Tool Co. of New York.
- Installation of east arc quadrupole stands is complete.
Survey and Alignment:
- Alignment of the east arc quadrupole stands has started. A redundant method was used to verify the placement accuracy.
RF Power:
- Received 20 HOM filters, 19 circulators, 30 couplers, and 30 transitions. ETM shipped four more HPAs.
- Killion and Fugitt visited Gamma and Varian to discuss quality control.
- We now have a full set of vendor as-built drawings for the power supplies and HPAs. We will start distribution ASAP.
- Six sets of RF control racks are almost complete. We will move them to the north linac service building early this week for final installation.
- Installed ninth trim rack (in service building E1).
- Started cable tray mock-up in east arc.
WBS 5 – No report received.
- The Hall C dipole coil/cryo contract was sent to DOE for approval on 12 June.
- The CTF supported and completed the testing of a cryomodule this week. The cryomodule warm-up is complete, and the cryomodule is being removed from the test cave.
- The return tee for the north linac is in place and is in the process of being fitted and welded. Leak check of the inner lines started 17 June.
- Leak check is complete on the return transfer line in the injector area. The vacuum pumps will remain on the line to continue cleanup and maintain a clean line.
- Fabrication of transfer line continues at the test lab. Problems with GHe background still exist at times.
- The southeast supply end box was placed in the tunnel. Installation started 17 June.
- Completed phase 1 (of 2 phases) post-tensioning of Hall A concrete dome. Plans are to start removing the shoring from the inside of Hall A this week.
- Continued working on wall sections in Hall B and C. Only two wall sections remain to be completed in Hall C.
- Completed truck access tunnel B.
- Backfilling continues around Halls A, B, C, and the truck access tunnels.
CEBAF Colloquium Series
Frank Close of ORNL and Rutherford will discuss “Fusion: Too Hot to Hand or Too Cold to Hold?” in the auditorium at 4 p.m. on Thursday, 27 June.