Project Progress Summary
May 21, 1991
The Project Progress Summary schedule will slip one day next week to accommodate Memorial Day. Input due by close of business Tuesday 28 May.
FET Operations
- The second full cryomodule was installed in the tunnel.
- RF system is being checked out in preparation for commissioning. An updated version of imbedded code has been operated.
- VCO control of capture section was successfully tested. This permits a simple and fast power-up of the capture section without operator intervention.
- FET beam recirculation 180-degree bend sections are close to ready for installation, which is planned as soon as WBS 7 return transfer line work is complete.
- Brazing ceramics and copper inserts continue for the HOM loads. The goal is to finish two sets this week. Orders have been placed for about 90 flanges and ceramics will be cut for 30 to 40 loads. The materials should arrive in about four weeks.
- RF windows through number 77 have been turned over to the cavity assembly group. This is enough to complete two cryomodules. RF testing continues after a delay last Thursday due to the crane being out of service.
- One cavity pair was turned over to the cryounit assembly area last Friday. It is being leak checked. Another pair was tested last week, and two pairs were assembled.
- Assembly of the next cryomodule (traveler #7) continues. Two cryounits, with nonsolid window frames, have the return end can connected. Two cryounits, one with and one without solid window frames, are almost completely assembled in the cryounit assembly area. They were to be turned over to the cryomodule assembly area today.
- The cryomodule (traveler #6) was installed in the tunnel. Plans are to commission it this Thursday/Friday.
- The final review of the arc corrector dipole (BD) was held.
- DOE approved the Change Request #211 for the redesign of the spreader/recombiner and dogleg Dipoles. The statement of work and specification package were signed off and the internal quality assurance review was held.
- The proposals for the linac corrector dipole (BT) were received and evaluation started.
- Installation of the stands in the east arc started.
Survey and Alignment:
- The second cryomodule in the injector was aligned for hookup (Phase 2)
System Integration:
- The accelerator assembly drawings (song sheets) for elements for the first (east) spreader, the first extraction region, and the first third of the third of the east arc were approved within WBS 2 and sent, along with their associated tunnel drawings, to Project Management for sign-off by all WBS representatives.
- Received first delivery of flexible couplings (46 couplings).
RF Power:
- The Varian klystron problem that occurred early in production, where a few tubes showed low emission, had turned up again with serial number 103. We have asked Varian to respond with a task force specifically assigned to work on this problem. We will be watching their progress very closely. Following our QA plan, we are now testing 100% of all tubes received.
- Visited Golden Assembly Co. to check on cable fabrication. They are getting started and up to speed, and it looks like a quality operation.
- The contract for power distribution chassis was awarded to Engineering Development Labs (Oyster Point).
RF Controls:
- The commission link between the CAMAC crate and the control module still occasionally transmits bad data. A task force is thoroughly investigating this problem and will make recommendations for a permanent solution.
- Version 15.d of the software was installed and we started testing. Started building TACL logic for zone four.
- Installed fifth trim rack (located in east end of north linac service building). Third trim rack is going through installation burn-in.
- Finished technical evaluations and summary for box power supply BAFO.
- Continue to install HPA supports in south linac.
- All interface chassis for accelerator received.
- All beam loss monitor modules ordered.
- Ten controlled-area radiation monitors received.
- Intercom system specification has been sent to vendors. Responses are due 5 June.
- All north linac BPM documentation completed.
- First ten south linac monitors ordered.
- Second version for eight-seater tested.
- Smith diagram completed.
- New Ingres release installed in control room.
- Bids received for Hall C quads are in technical evaluation. BAFO’s were received last week for Hall C dipole coil.
CHL 4 K:
- Operating; providing 4.5 K to cavities.
CHL 2 K:
- Internal checkout completed. Top bell jar set in place and vacuum pumping
Tunnel Schedule:
- Monday, 20 May: Tie in module 0L05. Start shield cooldown.
- Tuesday: Start 4.5-K cooldown.
- Wednesday: 2-K operation.
- The dome subcontractor completed erecting shoring and is now installing ribs and decking in Hall A in preparation for placing the first lift of dome concrete on about 30 May.
- One first-lift and three second-lift concrete placements remain to be completed in Hall C.
- Truck access tunnel C is completed.
- Completed the floor slab in truck access tunnel B.
- Continued backfilling truck access tunnel A, the north and west sides and beam dump of Hall A, and the Hall C beam dump.
Support Services
Machine Shop:
- Completed four sets of HOM filter support brackets for FET (WBS 3).
External Fabrication:
- Facility circuit breaker lock tested and drawing being revised for production buy.
- Preparing bid package for production buy of the remainder of the HOM filter support brackets.
Technical Illustration:
- Full color illustrations of Hall C plan and elevation prepared for Semi-Annual Review.
- Completed evacuation plans for CTF and test lab including SRF trailers and acid storage building.