Project Progress Summary
May 7, 1991
FET Operations – No Report Received.
- A cavity pair with solid windows was tested last week and comes off the test stand today. Two new pairs with solid window frames will be assembled this week.
- Cryomodule t4raveller #6 sis still undergoing test in the test cave. The Q’s will be measured today.
- The brazing furnace is down for repair. The 3000-psi ceramic tiles for the HOM loads are giving erratic results using the old configuration, so a new orientation is being checked.
- Repaired the welds on the first three of a batch of six solid-frame rf windows the electron-beam weld problems have been resolved and welds are now good. The second three windows will be repaired this week.
- Bids were received and their evaluation started for both styles of sextupole (SA & SB).
- The contract for the laminations for the extraction quadrupole (QC) was placed with H&J Tool and Die Co.
- The bids for the laminations for the arc quadrupoles (QAs) were received and evaluation started.
- Bids were received for west arc stand installation.
- The bids for the pump port tubes were received and evaluation started.
- All 80 vacuum pumps and power supplies for the arc vacuum system that have been received have been tested and inspected.
- In the unusually low pressure high-vacuum pipe of the Front-End Test, the modification to filter the voltage output of the current monitor for the ion pump power supplies was completed.
Cooling Water System:
- Bids were received and their evaluation started for the installation of the cooling water headers in the linac service buildings.
RF Systems/Front End Test:
- Working on second eight-klystron HPA in the injector building to provide RF power for injector operation at 45 MeV.
RF Power:
- The CEBAF machine shop has wound the first power supply fault current limiting line reactor. A minor correction in the inductance has been made and winding the line reactors for the HPAs in the injector building has begun.
- The first crowbar fabricated at Blue Crab has been installed in an HPA in the injector building.
- A defective klystron filament HV isolation transformer was returned to the manufacturer, and they will evaluate the failure to determine the corrective action required.
- Best and final bids for the 1/4-in and ½-in. Microwave coaxial cable have been received. Contract award for this material should be made by 10 May.
- Noise-immunity tests were performed in the control module CPU board, buffer board and the connecting cable. These items were exposed to high-level noise interference without degradation of data communication.
- Delivered parts for 39 +/-18 VDC module power supplies to EDL. The completed first ten power supplies are due at CEBAF on or before 1 July.
- Continuing assembly of crowbars.
- Multiconductor cable assembly is proceeding at Golden Assemblies and Norfolk Wire.
- East arc cable tray supports are being installed.
WBS 5 – No Report Received.
- The bids for the Hall A Q2 and Q3 quadrupoles were received 6 May and are in evaluation. Contract award is scheduled for 3 July.
- Bids on the Hall C quadrupoles are due 8 May.
- Hall C will begin stringing their first drift chamber for installation with the high-momentum spectrometer (HMS). Using a joint Hampton University and CEBAF design, the actual assembly will be accomplished by both HU and CEBAF staff members and students. Work is expected to be completed this summer. This strong HU involvement with these drift chambers will continue after this summer. This strong HU involvement with these drift chambers will continue after this summer’s work as they actively participate in completing the gas and electronics subsystems.
- Contracting and procurement of the eleven components comprising the Hall C support structure are ongoing. All contracts will have been awarded by September 1991. Components will begin to be delivered to CEBAF by mid-September. All are expected here by the January 1992 Hall C occupancy date.
- The 2-K pipe in the return transfer line has passed leak check. The inner shield line is in the process of being welded.
- CHL currently operating at 4 K.
- Several FET-related tests and repairs will be completed this week.
WBS – No report received.
CEBAF Science Series
- For students grades 7 to 12 (and other kids of all ages): “Investigating Earth’s Atmosphere,” demonstrations of weather forecasting tools and techniques for experiments in the atmosphere and of lasers used in atmospheric measurements. To be held in the auditorium, 7 p.m. next Tuesday, 14 May.