Oct 15, 1991 - Blue Sheet

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October 15, 1991

End of September project status: 62% complete; 75% obligated.

FET Operations

  • Injector cryomodules are cold.
  • This week is being dedicated to completing RF checkout of all FET zones.
  • Beam position measurements using BPMs, view screens, and harps (only horirontal position measured) are in agreement.
  • Harp now demonstrated with 300 µA pulsed or with 3.5 µA CW beams.


  • Reassembled cavity pair IA129/IA130 with the new assembly fixture. Next week this pair will be tested in a vertical test. Wednesday we will assemble another pair.
  • Five RF windows were processed. The windows contain the new ceramic material (99.95 high "purity sintered alumina) and charge drainage coating (Cr2O3/Cr). Clean-room procedures and inspection criteria were also exercised. Additional metalized ceramics are due back from vendor today. These parts will be processed and completed according to schedule.
  • Thirty completed HOM assemblies are in the Off-Line Clean Room and ready to be turned over to the cavity group.
  • Vendor qualification and bidding is ongoing for both RF window and HOM production.
  • Sample HOM load assemblies and RF window ceramics have been sent to NASA for non-destructive testing.
  • Completed cold cycling of the quarter-cryomodule after 11 cycles, and it has been removed from the test cave.
  • Installed cryounit A' in the test cave to do a loss-of-vacuum test on the beam pipe. This test is to be completed by 11 November in order to test the next cryomodule, NL-2.
  • Testing completed for the warm window. Results will be published.
  • QA documentation for wiring harness now complete.
  • A successful review of the cryomodule controls was held 9 October.



  • First articles inspected and accepted for extraction correctors, arc girders, matching and extraction region quad stands, and linac girders.
  • First of the sextupole and dipole vacuum tubes received and passed inspection.
  • Large vacuum tube cleaning facility in test lab commissioned. Survey/alignment
  • Alignment of the cryo line to end stations was staked.
  • As-built survey of plates in Hall A restarted. DC Power
  • One trim rack placed in south linac (total is now 26).
  • Terminations done for two trim racks in south linac.
  • Completed ground-level cable tray run in south access building.
  • Installed conduit and junction box for radiation monitor in MCC.
  • Installed waveguide supports in Wl service building.



  • All low-level racks have now been placed in the north linac.
  • 110 analog boards are populated and are being burned in.
  • 33 klystrons have now been received from Varian since deliveries resumed. Plan to process six/day.

Software and Controls:

  • First CAMAC connection to HP700 series is successful. Graphics will require adaptation.
  • Network tests with HP700 started.


  • CHL is maintaining FET cryomodules at 2 K.
  • CVI will arrive this week to begin preparations for 2 K cold box tests.
  • Last north linac return transfer line shipped to tunnel. NL return line is being vacuum pumped from . return tee to eastern end.

Civil Construction

  • Continued general cleanup and leak repair work in the beam switchyard, personnel tunnels, and counting house in preparation for initial punch list inspections of these areas.
  • Completed the second phase winding/prestressing of the Hall A dome. Also completed the installation of temporary power to the crane. It was scheduled to be tested today.
  • Completed removing the shoring from inside of Hall C and started the second phase winding/prestressing of the dome. Also plan to start installing crane 'rail brackets this week.
  • Continued backfilling in all areas when weather permits. During the past week good production has been achieved as a result of reasonably dry weather.
  • MCI continued working on site utilities and the footings, underslab utilities, and floor slabs for SB #1, SB #2, SB #4. They completed the slab on grade for- ESR building and plan to start erecting structural steel this week.

Support Services


  • Withdrawal activity for the week: $46,722.01.
  • Purchase requests for the week: $18,075.61.
  • The computer-based system of stockroom entry is nearly complete.

Machine Shop:

  • Fabricating two waveguide offset shorts for WBS 3.
  • Manufacturing a prototype wire chamber for Physics.
  • Manufacturing a lamination fixture to assemble a QA magnet for WBS 2.
  • Delivered six reactor coils to WBS 3.

ICFA Meeting

D. Douglas, J. Kewisch, and D. Neuffer attended the 5th ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop, held 3-8 · October in Corpus Christi, Texas.

CEBAF Colloquium

Melissa Franklin of Harvard University will discuss "Searching for the Top Quark at CDF" at 3:30 on Wednesday, 23 October in the auditorium.

CEBAF Science Series

The next presenter will be Melissa ·Franklin, who will follow her 23 October CEBAF Colloquium talk (see preceding announcement) by returning at 7 p.m. for "What's Inside That QUARK?" The Science Series is for students grade 6 to 12, and anyone else who would like to come.