Oct 29, 1991 - Blue Sheet

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Project Progress Summary

October 29, 1991

FET Operations

  • Continued work on bringing RF into operation. Noise levels and phase control are within nominal limits. Progress in getting beam through the quarter-cryomodule was achieved late in the week.
  • Tests, fabrication, and installation of a prototype beam sweeper were completed using a sextupole magnet for sweeping high-current beam on the beam dump.
  • Low-current dump was set up on straight leg of recirculator for tune-up purposes.


Cavity Pairs:

  • IA090/IA09 l cavity pair is leak tight and is in vertical test.
  • Assembled another pair, IA094/IA096, using the new alignment fixture. It is leak tight and will be tested this week.

HOM Loads:

  • Delivered four production HOM loads to the cavity pair group. Twenty-two additional loads are available.
  • Brazed copper inserts on all but 50 flanges before the water outage last week. About 100 flanges will receive final machining at Am tech. Expect 50 flanges this week to be sent off for electropolishing.
  • The dielectric constant was checked on the last set of ceramics. They are within the same range as the previous sets. Pre-brazing ceramics next week. Expect about 100 more loads will be available mid-November.

RF Windows:

  • Delivered two production windows to the cavity pair group last week.
  • Water cut off during the middle of brazing window ceramics. Four of five ceramics did not wet properly. They were rebrazed; however, two of the four are not usable.
  • Three sets of three Cr2O3/Cr coated pieces will be sent for analysis. It has been determined that the length of the pump down affects the residual chromium content.

Nb Pair Parts: The final FPC (fundamental power coupler) extension dimensioning is being worked.

Cryomodules: The A' loss-of-vacuum test was conducted last Thursday. A 1/2" hole was made, a valve was opened, and air was let into the cavity. Results indicate adequate response was given by trips, fast and slow valves, and reliefs. A video was made of the test



  • Received BAFOs for the spreader/recombiner and dogleg dipoles and requested the BAFOs on the arc corrector dipole (BC).
  • Completed the magnetic measurement of the 32 two-meter dipoles (BBs) for arc 5.
  • With the much-appreciated cooperation of WBS 1 and WBS 7 personnel, initiated rearrangement of equipment in north end of test lab to increase size of receipt, inspection, magnetic measurement, and assembly area.


  • East arc stand alignment is continuing at about four stands a day.
  • A portion of the proposed end station transfer line alignment was laid out and will be adjusted to avoid intersecting a power pole.

DC Power:

  • Completed installation of transformers and breaker panel boards in service building WI.
  • Set four HPA power supply supports in south linac service building.
  • Started installation of rack base supports in W3 service building.



  • Master oscillator design review is underway October 29-30, 1991.
  • Autotune is being brought into operation for FET. A few minor problems are receiving attention.

Ops Electronics:

  • BPM power supply chassis for east arc and south linac are being fabricated.
  • East arc control fibers are installed and 50% terminated. West arc fiber is 75% installed.

Software and Controls:

  • Much progress in getting RF up and running. Internal database for transfer of calibration coefficients to be ready this week.
  • Logic editor programmer documentation is complete. Students are being taught how to test logic code changes.
  • Manager code for HP700s is in test.
  • Timing studies with various computers on the LAN had the following performance results from best to worst: 720, 375, 345, 835, 340. The 720 has twice the speed of the 835, which has a fast processor.


  • Completed testing of Turbo#4. L'Air Liquide feels the turbines are ready for operations, and has returned to France.
  • Warm expander on 2200 cold box in CTF had a bearing failure. It was repaired the same day, and the system is fully operational.
  • Cold box #4 was placed in CTF. Final leak testing is complete.


  • The Hall A quadrupole (Q2, Q3) contract has been awarded to Siemens/lnteratom for $4.0M.
  • Best and final offers for the Hall C quadrupole magnets were received Monday, 28 October. Contract award is expected by the end of next month.

Civil Construction

  • Continued working on cleanup, leak repairs and punch-list items in Hall A, the counting house, and the beam switchyard and personnel tunnels
  • Completed the first phase winding/prestressing of the Hall B dome, and plan to place the second and final lift of concrete on it this week.
  • Continued the second and final phase winding/prestressing of Hall C dome. It will be completed this week. Also continued working on the crane rail brackets in this hall.
  • Completed backfilling and continued working on the storm drain system, site fine grading, roads and parking lot areas.
  • MCI continued working on site utilities and the footings, underslab utilities, and floor slabs for SB #1, SB #2 and SB #4. k They also continued erecting structural steel for the ESR building.

Support Services


  • Withdrawal activity for the week: $20,420.23.
  • Total month expenditures: $89,162.68.

Machine Shop:

  • All reactor coils are complete.
  • Manufacturing four beam transport assembly fixtures for WBS 2.
  • Modifying a beam transport magnet support for WBS 1.

Computer Center

  • On Saturday, 2 November, all VAX/VMS and ULTRIX Systems will be down for the entire day, and there will be no terminal access anywhere on the site. CAD systems will remain up but will not be able to communicate to systems in other buildings. New network equipment will be installed during this time to support the continued growth in computer equipment on site.
  • CEBAF7 has replaced CEBAF5 as a Local Area VAX Cluster (LA VC). The Multinet License from CEBAF1 was transferred to CEBAF7. Timesheets, Stock, REQS and Office Supplies were moved from CEBAF5 to CEBAF1. Mass 11 and OfficeAccess were moved from CEBAF1 to CEBAF5. An additional ten user licenses of PClink were installed on CEBAF5. Bitnet and Gmail were moved from CEBAF1 to CEBAF2.