Sep 24, 1991 - Blue Sheet

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Project Progress Summary

September 24, 1991

DOE Advisory Task Force Reviewed Priorities in Energy Research

The Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Task Force on Energy Research Priorities met at DOE Headquarters on 19 and 20 September to review programs and priorities in high-energy physics, nuclear physics, fusion energy, and major facilities for materials science.


The Task Force's recommendations are expected to influence FY92 and FY 93 budget allocations in these areas. On the basis of 1 1/2 days of presentations by lab directors, advisory board chairmen, and the public, the Task Force recommended that DOE proceed expeditiously with CEBAF, the SSC, and the Advanced Photon Source (Argonne). They recommended slowdown of RHIC (the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven) and deferring two high-energy physics projects, the Fermi injector upgrade and the B-factory at SLAC. They also recommended stopping the burning plasma experiment (BPX) at Princeton.

The Task Force was chaired by Professor Charles Townes of the University of California, Berkeley, and had sixteen distinguished scientific members from industry, universities, and laboratories. A primary factor in the panel's priority-setting was the scientific importance of each program and facility.


FET Operations

  • Installation of the beam recirculation experiment is very close to complete. The entire system is under vacuum, all installed magnets have been operated through the computer, and all diagnostics instruments have been operated. Four dipoles are awaiting magnetic measurement but can be installed around the existing vacuum chambers. Final alignment is underway and is expected to be complete by mid-week. Some water hookups remain to be made.
  • One beam run was made this week. The run was with 100 kV DC beam. The run concentrated on further checks of the 100 MHz BPM in the 500 ke V spectrometer leg.


  • Visited vendor to optimize the furnace cycle for brazing RF window ceramics. Three samples have been done so far and look good.
  • Vendor is grinding the first 20 of 60 ceramics and was visited to qualify the ceramic grinding and testing procedures.
  • Two RF windows with Al 995 have been sputtered with new Cr2OyCr antimultipactor film and delivered to the cavity pair group for testing. Eight more will follow by the end of this week.
  • Ceramic qualification tests were performed on two of the new glass-free ceramics by measuring their loss via waveguide resonator Qtests. The two samples measured 8.7 and 9.5 x 105, respectively, and exceed the CEBAF design specification of 1.3 x 105.
  • The next batch of windows now being ground will be tested the same way to ensure consistency in the manufacturing process. Two of the first twenty windows will be shipped to CEBAF for RF testing 25 September.
  • Four electropolished HOM flanges received for leak checking. These flanges were made to production specifications and will be used to qualify surface preparation. Twenty additional flanges are due 27 September. Twenty-six machined flanges were received. They have been brazed and will be electropolished at a vendor.
  • Approximately 50 machined ceramic loads were received. They will be brazed next week.
  • The test stand for thermal cycle testing of HOM flanges is being rebuilt with mating flange surfaces electropolished by a vendor.
  • Work continues on the warm window evaluation. RF testing the polyethylene warm window in the test cave with high power.
  • Building manifolds, including liquid nitrogen traps, for tunnel turbos.
  • The mezzanine tech area is complete.
  • Harnesses for vacuum controller are being fabricated.
  • Work continues on the cryomodule warmup staging area. Making cold traps for pumping down insulator vacuum.
  • Nine cooldown/warmup cycles completed on the quarter-cryomodule thermal cycle test. The final cycle and testing will be complete this week.



  • The contract for the 488 arc quadrupoles (QA) was awarded to United Magnet Technology of Oakland, CA.
  • The first articles of the coils for the sextupoles (SA & SB) were rejected. Criteria were established with the vendor for production of successful examples of the coils.
  • The request for best and final offer was sent to proposers on the Extraction Quadrupole (QC).


  • The first articles of the beam tubes that mount diagnostics and vacuum pumps were conditionally accepted and production was allowed to proceed.
  • The jib crane for the vacuum area in the Test Lab was installed.

Survey and Alignment:

  • The survey of the as-built dimensions of End Station A is continuing.
  • Step two alignment of the recirculator was completed; final alignment is continuing.
  • The drawings were signed off for the digital dial gauge fixtures used to align elements on the stands from computer data after a theodolite survey.
  • Dipole stand alignment was started in the East Arc.

System Integration:

  • The Song Sheets for the west extraction region and the first two thirds of the west arc went through the checking process.
  • The linkage was finalized between the original DIM.AD magnetic optic lattice and the accelerator segments defined by the control room nomenclature.


RF Separator:

  • The decision was made to proceed with the 500 MHz separator (no change from baseline design).

RF Controls:

  • The digital and 1/0 boards for the control module are both ready for production fabrication. We expect the drawing package to go to our vendor this week.

RF Power:

  • The revised klystron specification has been signed off, and shipments of tubes from Varian are expected to start immediately.
  • We received the final four HPAs for FY1991.


  • Shipped the last two sets of control rack. assemblies for the north linac, and started assembly of the first six zones in the south linac.


  • The demand power system (EMCS) and tap changer control wiring in the substation is complete.


  • Put another trim rack in south linac service building for a total of 23 completed and in-place racks.
  • Installed an additional cable for injector recirculator.
  • Installed grounds for low-level HPA racks in north linac service building.
  • Installed additional pipe for security system in the south access building.
  • Set up and ran preliminary tests of a Shunt System MOSFET output regulator bank.
  • Build and commission CEBAF safely, within cost and on schedule to meet performance objectives.



  • All injector beam loss monitor boards received and are being tested.
  • Installation of accelerator public address system 80% complete.
  • Installation of south access card reader is complete and system is being tested.
  • All south linac OOH cables are pulled and terminated.


  • All injector recirculator beam viewers and harps are installed and tested.
  • Recirculator moveable 180 degree bend electronics installed and ready for test.
  • 100 MHz BPM tests are being conducted on injector.


  • TACL review was held. The group found that LOGIC, LOCAL-LAN, and RUN programs meet specifications. SUPER-LAN needs improvement, and several changes were discussed: multiplexing, more efficient transmission algorithm, send changes only, send data on demand. Tests will be performed to develop the optimal approach.
  • RF software still in debugging phase.
  • Recirculator logic 95% done. Still pending are BPM logic, some screens, and final check.
  • CHL alarm software installed; some minor fixes still necessary.
  • Eight 720 computers and a disc have arrived. Ultimate home is RF LLAN in north linac. During the next three months, the c􀄺mputers will be used to test TACL performance.
  • Service contract for HP computer has been negotiated.


No report received.


  • Shipped another section of return transfer line to the north linac on 19 September. It has been set and was ready to have the 2 K on 20 September. Vacuum pumping for the leak test will start 20 September. One more section of return line and the end box are required to complete the north linac. The design for the dummy module is complete and material ordering is progressing.
  • CVI has left the site. Cryo is in the process of getting ready to run CHL. Recirculation and purification begin 23 September.
  • The last section of supply transfer line for the southwest quadrant has had the 2 K welded. Vacuum pumping has been initiated for the leak test.


  • Completed installing the crane supports in Hall A. The subcontractor started delivering crane components on Monday, 23 September.
  • Completed the decking and started installing the reinforcing steel in preparation for placing the concrete dome on Hall B.
  • Completed the initial phase of post-tensioning the Hall C dome, and started removing the shoring from inside the hall.
  • Backfilling continues in all areas when weather permits.
  • MCI completed the footings and started installing the underslab utilities for the ESR building and SB #4.
  • Continued working on the footings for SB #1 and started constructing sitewide utilities.

Support Services


  • Stockroom will be closed Thursday and Friday for inventory.
  • Withdrawal activity for the week: $22,590.60.
  • Total month expenditures: $54,265.98.

Machine Shop:

  • Outdoor crane for flat stock handling has been installed at the EEL.
  • The fifth QB magnet is being assembled. First four QB magnets tested, accepted, and installed in FET.
  • Completed and delivered 1.0 and 1.5 meter alignment scales.

Safety Awareness Seminar

Ken White, a safety consultant, will hold a safety awareness seminar on "Reducing Accidents and Injuries Through Increased Awareness" this Friday, 27 September, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in the auditorium.

 Computer Center Cluster Shutdown

The cluster shutdown scheduled for Tuesday, 17 September, has been rescheduled for Wednesday morning, 25 September. The entire cluster (CEBAFl/2/6,ACCELl,MICROl) will be down from approximately 7:30 or 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to install a new HSC tape drive.

CEBAF Colloquium Series

On Wednesday, 25 September, at 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium, Eugene Beier of the University of Pennsylvania will discuss "The Solar Neutrino Observatory."

CEBAF Science Series

The flyer for the Fall 1991 CEBAF Science Series has been distributed. The first presentation will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, 25 September. Students in grades six to twelve are specifically invited, but others are also welcome. The Science Series seeks to bring students who like science together with scientists and engineers who are gifted at bringing out the fun and enjoyment of science, technology, and math. Please see the blue flyer for details.