Sep 4, 1991 - Blue Sheet

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Project Progress Summary

September 4, 1991


  • The move into the clean room is progressing for the window assembly and beam pipe group.
  • With one logic error to be corrected, dewar 3 interlocks in the VTA were validated. Improved CTF operation permitted rapid filling. Dewar 3 was pumped down and regulated in preparation for delivery.
  • Thermal-cycle leak checking of HOM load flanges continues with machined 32 finish HOM flanges and electropolished HOM flanges with stainless steel backing.
  • Cavities IA089/IA101 completely leak checked okay. The pair will be cooled down Tuesday to begin the fourth cycle test. It has been successfully cycled three times. This pair is using the 40-mil indium wire in the windows. Three temperature diodes are being added to the cavities to help determine how fast we can physically fill during cooldown.
  • The third cycle was completed on the quarter-cryomodule. It was filled to 2 K and a desorption measurement taken. The leak rate is being analyzed; however, the initial reading shows < 10^-12 Torr 1/sec.
  • Received the UHV furnace from Darmstadt.
  • The Auger System vacuum chamber has been received.



  • Ten 2-meter dipoles (BBs) – for a total of 30 out of 96 – were received from Process Equipment Co., the arc dipole core maker and assembler. The received (BAs) from the coil maker, United Magnet Technologies.
  • Proposals for the Extraction Quadrupole (QC) were received, and evaluation started.


  • Twenty-eight dipole stands for the east arc were received from Euclid Welding Corp., and 18 were installed by Concrete Cutting Corp.
  • The stand installation in the west arc was started by Bruce Corp.
  • The remaining six cryomodule stand sets in the north linac were installed and grouted.


  • The first five beam tubes (out of 676) that mount diagnostics and vacuum pumps were received from MDC Corp. to go through “first article” inspection.
  • The mezzanine for use by the vacuum group as a staging area for beam tube cleaning and qualification was installed as part of the area assigned to WBS 2 in the Test Lab.

Survey and Alignment:

  • The survey fixture for the sextupoles was signed off.


  • RF power components continue to be delivered on schedule both here and to our subcontractors.
  • All North Linac high-power amplifiers (HPAs) have been installed.
  • All North Linac high-voltage power supplies (HVPs) have been installed.


  • 62% of major trim system components are in hand.
  • Trim racks in place: 1 in test shed, 2 in injector, 6 in north linac, 10 in east arc, 2 in south linac.
  • Awarded box power supply contract


  • Download capability added to RF module.
  • Safety equipment in hand:
    • All FSD and BLM modules.
    • All controlled area radiation monitors.
    • All run/safe boxes (100% installed and terminated).
    • All interface chassis (30% installed).
    • ODH system (75% installed).
  • Completed 90% of east arc and 50% of south linac safety system installation; south access building installation 75% complete. All racks installed.
  • North linac diagnostics electronics installed. East arc diagnostics documentation 75% complete.


  • The final contract package for the large Hall A quadrupole magnets (Q2/Q3) was forwarded to DOE for approval on 30 August. The RFP for the smaller Hall A quadrupoles (Q1) will be published next week.
  • Bids are due this week (5 September) on the Hall A floor plates; contract award is scheduled for 30 September.


  • CVI brought the 4-K and 2-K cold boxes to atmosphere. Started repair of the thermometers.
  • 2-K system electrical checkout in progress.
  • Simulation of 2-K controls complete and checked by CVI.
  • Control screen for 2-K operations loaded in CHL supervisor computer.
  • Fabrication of south linac transfer line complete.
  • Design of end station refrigerator (ESR) piping/distribution system in progress.


  • Continued installing crane supports and cleaning Hall A.
  • Continued installing shoring and ribs in Hal B support the dome concrete placement.
  • Completed placement of the first-phase concrete (843 cubic yards) on the dome at Hall C.
  • Backfilling continues in all areas when weather permits.
  • MCI continued excavating, forming, and placing ESR building footings and SB #4 footings.

Support Services


  • Withdrawal activity for the week: $43,076.21.
  • Total month expenditures: $167,430.31.
  • Received all new safety supplies, e.g., eyewash station gauges, special grounding straps, plastic bottles.

External Fabrication:

  • Four beam transport mounting brackets were delivered (WBS 2).
  • Ball screw assembly ordered for recirculatory experiment.
  • Received eight HOM filter support brackets and delivered to WBS 3. Twenty-two remain to be delivered.
  • Received and delivered 1000 additional breaker lockout devices to WBS 4.
  • Delivered HMS detector plates to Physics on 26 August.

Technical Illustration:

  • Completed CEBAF Center evacuation plans for 1st and 2nd floors.
  • Updated numerous CEBAF forms and CEBAF formats.

Project Schedule

We all are working to achieve the major project milestones on the attached schedule. Keep up the good work. The next big challenge is to start north linac checkout by April 1992.