Camp Coordinator, Brita Hampton, signs "Science Camp" in these photos. She will be conducting a Science Camp for deaf and hard-of-hearing students Aug. 7-11. The registration deadline is July 13.
Registration Deadline is July 31; Camp Set for August 7-11
NEWPORT NEWS, VA – Science Education staff at Jefferson Lab will conduct a Science Camp for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Youth Aug. 7-11, 2017. The program is designed to meet the needs of rising fourth- through eighth-grade students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
“This is the program’s fourth year and the response to it has been very positive,” says Brita Hampton, education administrator and camp coordinator. “Our Deaf Science Camp gives kids the opportunity to meet other deaf and hard-of-hearing kids from around the state, and they have fun doing science together. Learning in a barrier-free environment is very rewarding for the students!
“The camp has also been embraced by the local Deaf Community, and the kids are the big winners with this partnership! Deaf and hard-of-hearing adults come and share their expertise in their STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) career fields, as well as serve as mentors to the kids!”
In addition to deaf and hard-of-hearing youth, the siblings of deaf children and children of deaf adults (CODA) may also participate. Youth may attend for as little as one day or for the entire week.
The program will run daily, Aug. 7-11, from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. at Jefferson Lab. American Sign Language (ASL) (no voice) will be used exclusively on Aug. 7, 8 and 9 (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday). ASL interpreters will use voice and ASL for activities on Aug.10 and 11 (Thursday and Friday).
The program is free to participants; however, advance registration is required. To register, write to Brita Hampton at no later than 5 p.m. on July 31.
Information that must be in the emailed registration request includes:
- Student’s name and age as of August 7, 2017
- Grade level and school attending for the 2017-18 school year
- Desired attendance dates: Give specific dates or indicate the entire week
- Primary mode of communication (ASL and/or spoken English)
- Special accommodations needed
Participants may bring their lunch or buy lunch in the lab’s cafeteria. Lodging is available for purchase on campus for out-of-town families. More information is available on request by contacting Hampton.
Contact: Deb Magaldi,, 757-269-5102