Razmik views the Aerogel detector before its installation into the Hall C High Momentum Spectrometer.
We are deeply saddened by the sudden loss of our long-time colleague, Razmik Asaturyan. Razmik was a distinguished senior scientist from the Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia (YerPhI) who has been a vital and important member of the Institute's research collaboration with Jefferson Lab.
Razmik's particular expertise was in detector technology. Since joining the Yerevan collaboration here, he has made major contributions to detector developments essential to a number of our most visible and important scientific results, such as the Hall C neutron electric form factor measurement (GEn) and the laboratory's first hypernuclear experiment. Future projects, such as the upcoming proton electric form factor (GEp) measurement and the detector package for the SHMS planned for 12 GeV, have also benefited tremendously from his expertise.
Jefferson Lab's collaboration with YerPhI began in the early 1990s. Over the years our YerPhI colleagues have been deeply involved in shaping the CEBAF physics program. Their efforts have run the gamut from scientific proposals to the construction of experimental equipment for all three halls through the analysis and interpretation of the experimental results. The YerPhI collaboration, and Razmik in particular, provide an outstanding example of how our research benefits from the experience, creativity, knowledge and scientific passion of our international user community, and, in particular, from institutes such as YerPhI who participate in our visiting scientist program and function as an integral part of the JLab staff.
On behalf of the laboratory and the laboratory community, I want to extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Razmik's family - his wife Clara, daughter Zara, and son Arshak - and to his friends and colleagues at Jefferson Lab, at YerPhI, and at other laboratories throughout the world where he has left an indelible mark.
Larry Cardman
Jefferson Lab
Associate Director, Physics Division
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