- "The Science and Experimental Equipment for the 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF," Draft of Town Meeting White Paper
- PAC 30 Report
- PAC 30: 12 GeV Science and User Commitments to the Construction of the Base Experimental Equipment (August 21-25, 2006)
- Science Review of the proposed 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade: Report and Reviewer Excerpts (April 6-8, 2005)
- Talks Presented at the DOE Review of the 12 GeV Science Program (April 6-8, 2005)
- "CDR for the Science and Experimental Equipment for the 12 GeV Upgrade" as presented to the DOE 12 GeV Science Review
- Critical Decision One (DOE Press Release February 22, 2006)
- Copies of Talks Presented at the PAC27 Review of the 12 GeV Science (January 2005)
- The 12 GeV Upgrade Science and Equipment (pCDR June 11, 2004)
- Critical Decision Zero (DOE Press Release April 19, 2004)
- DOE's Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook (12 GeV Upgrade Named Near-Term Priority November 2003)
- Secretary Abraham's Speech (November 10, 2003)
- The 12 GeV Upgrade Science and Equipment (pCDR Draft Version 12.1 June 10, 2003)
- PAC 23 Review of the Physics Motivation for Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade (doc or pdf March 28, 2003)
- Copies of Talks Presented at the PAC 23 Review of the 12 GeV Science (January 2003)
- Hall-Specific pCDRs Prepared for PAC 23 (April 2003)
- Opportunities in Nuclear Science: NSAC's Long-Range Plan for the Next Decade (April 2002)
- White Paper: "The Science Driving the 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF" (February 2001)
- Full Document (ps, pdf, zip, sit)
- By Chapters
- Special PAC 18 Review of the Science Driving the 12 GeV Upgrade (pdf, ps, doc July 2000)
- Preliminary Proposals and Transparencies Presented to the PAC 18 Review
- Proceedings of Workshops Leading to the Development of the White Paper
- Hadrons in the Nuclear Medium (March 7-10, 2000)
- Valence Quark Structure (March 30 - April 1, 2000)
- Threshold Charm Production ( April 3, 2000)
- Exclusive Reactions and Skewed Parton Distributions - Session I (April 13-15, 2000)
- Quark-Hadron Transition in Structure and Fragmentation Functions (April 17-18, 2000)
- Exclusive Reactions and Skewed Parton Distributions - Session II (May 26, 2000)
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Key Issues in Hadronic Physics (Duck, NC November 5-10, 2000)
- APS Division of Nuclear Physics Town Meeting on Electromagnetic & Hadronic Physics (NSAC LRP December 1-4, 2000)
- General Information
- Agenda
- White Paper (ps1, ps2, pdf)
- Proceedings of Earlier Workshops on CEBAF at Higher Energies
- Physics Opportunities with 12-GeV Electrons (January 13-15, 2000)
- Physics and Instrumentation with 6-12 GeV Beams (June 15-18, 1998)
- CEBAF at Higher Energies (3.5M pdf April 1994)
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