PrimEx Software Meeting Minutes, December 7, 2004

Present: Liping Gan, Ashot Gasparian, Mark Ito, David Lawrence, Ilya Larin, Dustin McNulty, Yelena Prok

DST's, Skims and the Farm: Mark Ito

Mark summarized some of his recent work in these areas. See his slides at (PDF format).

DST Production

These are root trees, one file per raw data file. Production is nearly complete except for fixing of errors. See Mikes's original email for a description of the format. You can find the DST's in the directory /cache/mss/hallb/primex/DST/october_2004/v2. They are not all there now, but will appear as they become available.


Pedestal skims are done, but not all copied to the cache disk. These can be found in the directory /cache/mss/hallb/primex/skim/october_2004/ped. A need for additional complete skims was identified. Candidates are:
  1. LMS events
  2. EPICS events
  3. Clock events
  4. MOR triggers
  5. physics skims
Items 1 and 3 have already been started. Items 2 and 4 are probably trivial. We need to discuss what goes into 5.

Farm Scripts

A couple were discussed. One tracks a farm project so that submission, resubmission, jputting bookkeeping is done automatically (in CVS: tools/pproj). Another facilitates writing output files to the work disks, striping the files across several partitions and creating the appropriete directory of symbolic links (in CVS: tools/stripe).

Bookkeeping: Dustin McNulty

Dustin passed out a handout of his list of bookkeeping tasks. See him for a copy. There is a wide variety of things we need to track and no one comprehensive way to track all of them. The work will have to be divided among people and among software tools.

PrimEx Time: David Lawrence

Dave informed us that there are some subtleties in how we measure time for our events, for example the EPICS events and the raw data events do not get their timestamp from the same clock. Dave will have to come up with a scheme for handling this, or at least explain it to someone else.

Live Time Correction: All

We found that we are a bit confused as to how exactly to do our livetime correction. Someone needs to think about this and explain it to the rest of us.

Run Summary Tables: Ilya Larin

Ilya has produced a set of tables of run conditions. Find them at It can be also be accessed (indirectly) from the PrimEx webpage. Please send him comments and corrections.

Next Meeting

We will meet next week at about the same time: Tuesday, 3:00 pm.
Minutes taken by Mark M. Ito