PrimEx:Aug 2001 data analysis software instructions


The August 2001 test run was taken parasitically with the CLAS G6 experiment. We used a totally independant data acquisition system which wrote events in the CODA format. This is a binary format which is described in the appendix of a coda manual available on the JLab CUE at /site/coda/1.4/ . Software has already been written to parse these data files so, saving any personal challenges you may have set for yourself, you should not need to look in this manual.

The run list and file locations can be found here.


The data was taken using a protable fastbus crate with the following modules and slot assignments:

1881M ADC slot 7
1877 TDC slot 6 (Y-coordinates)
1877 TDC slot 5 (X-coordinates and trigger logic)

The slot assignments are important since the analysis code cannot decipher them from the data itself. Also, there's a good chance the ADC slot may be changed to slot 8 in an attempt to decrease electronic noise.

Obtaining the analysis code

The analysis code is stored in the PrimEx CVS repository on the JLab CUE (stop groaning). Here are instructions for obtaining the code from the repository. If you have trouble accessing the CVS repository, you can get a tarball here.

  1. Log onto a Jlab CUE machine (such as

  2. > source /group/primex/scripts/primex.cshrc
  3. > setenv CVS_RSH `which ssh`
  4. > pcvs co programs/aug_01
If all goes well, a directory named programs will be created containing the relevant code.

Compiling the analysis code

A number of directories exist in programs/aug_01. Here is a description of the important packages:

Running the analysis code

Once you have a coda2hist executable, run it with a "-h" argument to see the list of options.

primexdaq1_daq:coda2hist>coda2hist -h

        coda2hist [options] -Ssession | filename


         -Ssession      read events from ET session "session"
         -oOutputfile   set output filename (default name is chosen)
                        based on input filename)
         -v             verbose (print LOTS of debugging information for 
                        every event
         -Gname         Map pawc to global section name 
         -h             print this usage statement
         -Nnum          only process "num" events

If no output file is specified, it will create one with the same name as the inputfile, but with a .hbook suffix. If you specify a -Gname option, the pawc common will be mapped to the global section name so you can begin looking at histograms with paw as they are being filled.

NOTE: when using the -G option, ntuples are filled in a ring buffer so only the last N events will be available. This also means the file Ntuple will not contain all events.

> coda2hist primcal_parasitic000100.dat

This software was basically developed as needed on specific accounts on specific machines. No attempt has been made to ensure it compiles and works everwhere so be patient. If you have any trouble, contact me and I'll be happy to help.

David Lawrence
Thu Aug 30 09:26:29 EDT 2001