Theory Seminars 2021

BlueJeans connections:

Monday, January 11th, 1:00 p.m
Patrick Komiske (MIT) 
Simultaneously Unfolding All Observables with Deep Learning [slides]

Monday, January 25th, 1:00 p.m
Felix Ringer (LBNL) 
Simulating real-time dynamics of hard probes in nuclear matter on a quantum computer [slides]

Monday, February 1st, 1:00 PM
David Wilson (University of Cambridge)
The quark-mass dependence of elastic πK scattering from QCD [slides][video]

Monday, February 22nd, 1:00 PM
Ian Moult (SLAC)
Jet Substructure, Lightray Operators and Spinning Gluons [slides][video]

Monday, March 1st, 1:00 PM
Diego Lonardoni (Michigan State U.)
Many-body factorization and position–momentum equivalence of nuclear short-range correlations [slides]

Monday, March 8th, 9:00 AM
Enrique Rico (University of the Basque Country)
Quantum Simulation of Light-Front Parton Correlators [slides][video]

Monday, March 15th, 1:00 PM
Maxwell Hansen (University of Edinburgh)
Three-pion scattering from lattice QCD [slides][video]

Monday, March 22nd, 9:00 AM
Chiara Bissolotti (Pavia U.)
Unpolarized Transverse Momentum Distributions and EIC predictions [slides][video]

Monday, April 5th, 1:00 PM
Raquel Molina (University of Valencia)
The observed dibaryon d*(2380) peak in n p -> pi- pi+ d [slides][video]

Monday, April 19th, 1:00 PM
Anja Butter (Heidelberg University)
Simulating and unfolding LHC events with generative networks [slides][video]

Monday, April 26th, 9:00 AM
Simone Bacchio (The Cyprus Institute)
Precision results from Lattice QCD directly at the physical point [slides][video]

Monday, May 3rd, 9:00 AM
Sang-Ho Kim (Pukyong National University)
Photo- and electro-production of J^P =1/2^- hyperons and of φ(1020) and J/ψ(3097) mesons [slides][video]

Monday, May 17th, 1:00 PM
Shohini Bhattacharya (Temple University)
An exploratory study of twist-3 PDFs using quasi-PDF approach [slides][video]

Monday, May 24th, 9:00 AM
Jorge Martin Camalich (University of La Laguna)
Implications of lepton universality violation in B-meson decays [slides][video]

Monday, June 7th, 9:00 AM
Tim Harris (University of Edinburgh)
Electromagnetic probes of the quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD [slides][video]

Monday, June 14th, 9:00 AM
Hervé Dutrieux (CEA Saclay)
The deconvolution problem of deeply virtual Compton scattering [slides][video]

Monday, June 21st, 1:00 PM
Jaume Tarrús Castellà (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Exotic Quarkonia in Effective field theory [slides][video]

Monday, June 28th, 1:00 PM
Rabah Abdul Khalek (Nikhef)
A determination of unpolarised pion fragmentation functions using semi-inclusive deep-inelastic-scattering data: MAPFF1.0 [slides][video]

Monday, August 30th, 9:00 AM
Shuntaro Sakai (Osaka University)
Extraction of ND scattering lengths from the Λb→πp D0 decay and properties of the Σc(2800)+ [slides][video]

Monday, September 20th, 1:00 PM
Yukari Yamauchi (University of Maryland)
The real-time dynamics of lattice field theories - classical and quantum approaches [slides][video]

Monday, September 27th, 1:00 PM
Andreas Crivellin (CERN)
Discovering Lepton Flavour Universality Violating New Physics [slides][video]

Monday, October 4th, 1:00 PM
Dimitra Pefkou (MIT)
Gravitational form factors of hadrons from lattice QCD [slides][video]

Monday, October 11th, 9:00 AM
Sara Fucini (IJCLab)
Drilling into a nucleus with deeply virtual Compton scattering [slides][video]

Monday, October 25th, 1:00 PM
Balasubramanian Ananthanarayan (Indian Institute of Science)
g-2 of the Muon: Theory and Experiment Challenge One Another [slides][video]

Monday, November 8th, 1:00 PM
Matthew Rizik (Michigan State University)
Operator Mixing with the Gradient Flow [slides][video]

Monday, November 15th, 9:00 AM
Robert Perry (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Lattice QCD calculation of Mellin moments for the pion distribution amplitude using the HOPE Method [slides][video]

Monday, November 22nd, 1:00 PM
Alexey Vladimirov (Regensburg University)
Transverse momentum dependent factorization beyond the leading power [slides][video]

Monday, November 29th, 1:00 PM
Maurizio Abele (Tübingen University)
Higher-order QCD corrections to SIDIS [slides]

Monday, December 20th, 1:00 PM
Christoph Lehner (Regensburg University & Brookhaven National Lab)
Status of first-principles lattice QCD+QED calculations of the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 [slides][video]



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