Theory Seminars 2023

Monday, January 23rd, 9:00 AM
M. Padmanath (Institute of Mathematical Sciences - Chennai)
S-wave scattering of triply bottom baryons from lattice QCD [slides][video]

Monday, January 30th, 1:00 PM
Gurtej Kanwar (University of Bern)
Tackling statistical noise in lattice calculations using complex contour deformations [slides][video]

Monday, February 6th, 1:00 PM
Michael Wagman (Fermilab)
Neutrino-nucleus scattering and lattice QCD [slides][video]

Monday, February 13th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid)
Ian Low (Northwestern University)
Entanglement & symmetries in nuclear EFTs [slides][video]

Monday, February 20th, 1:00 PM
Alba Soto Ontoso (CERN)
Precision QCD at LHC energies [slides][video]

Monday, February 27th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Adnan Bashir (IFM-UMSNH)
From the Structure of Hadrons to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment [slides][video]

Wednesday, March 8th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - F224/225)
Duff Neill (LANL)
Fragmentation and Space-Time Reciprocity [video]

Monday, March 13th, 1:00 PM
Fernando E. Serna (Universidad de Sucre)
Meson Distribution Amplitudes from Bethe-Salpeter Wave Functions [slides][video]

Wednesday, March 15th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - F224/225)
Andrew Jackura (University of California, Berkeley)
Towards Few-Hadron Matrix Elements from QCD

Monday, March 20th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Frank Vera Vega (Florida International University)
Observables for scattering on targets with any spin[slides][video]

Wednesday, March 22nd, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Bijaya Acharya (Oak Ridge)
Nuclear electroweak structure in a chiral effective field theory

Monday, March 27th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Arkaitz Rodas (Jefferson Lab)
Studying non-ordinary hadrons from first principles

Wednesday, March 29th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Chien-Yeah Seng (Michigan State and University of Washington)
Nuclear physics in Vud

Monday, April 3rd, 9:00 AM (Hybrid - F224-225)
Peter Meinzinger (Durham University)
Event simulation of ep collisions: a theory introduction to electro- vs photoproduction [slides][video]

Monday, April 3rd, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Srimoyee Sen (Iowa State University)
Nuclear matter and quark matter, a topological transition

Wednesday, April 5th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Oleksandr Tomalak (Los Alamos)
Radiative corrections in electron and neutrino physics

Monday, April 10th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Shohini Bhattacharya (BNL)
Manifestation of anomalies in Deep Virtual Compton Scattering [slides]

Monday, May 1st, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Sebastian Jaskiewicz (Durham University)
Developments in subleading power factorization and resummation [slides][video]

Monday, May 15th, 1:00 PM
Khépani Raya (University of Huelva)
Pion and kaon generalized parton distributions from continuum methods [slides][video]

Monday, June 5th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - L102)
Adrien Florio (BNL)
Entanglement in pair creation: From string breaking to strong electric fields [slides][video]

Monday, June 12th, 1:00 PM (Remote)
Felix Hekhorn (University of Milan and INFN)
Evidence for intrinsic charm quarks in the proton [slides][video]

Monday, June 26th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - F224/225)
Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois Urbana Champagne)
The dance of the muon [slides]

Wednesday, June 28th, 1:00 PM (Remote)
Tim Hobbs (ANL)
Fitted charm in CT18: the enduring nonperturbative charm problem [slides][video]

Wednesday, August 9th, 1:00 PM (Hybrid - F224/225)
Utku Can (University of Adelaide)[slides][video]

Monday, September 11th, 1:00PM (virtual)
Christopher Kane (University of Arizona)[slides]

Monday, September 18th, 1:00PM (virtual)
Guoxing Wang (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies, LPTHE) [slides][video]

Monday, September 25th, 1:00PM (virtual)
Jorge Baeza-Ballesteros (University of Valencia) [slides][video]

Monday, October 2nd, 1:00PM (virtual)
Anthony Grebe (FermiLab)[slides][video]

Monday, October 16th, 1:00PM (hybrid)
Eric Moffat (Argonne National Lab)[slides]

Monday, October 23rd, 1:00PM (virtual)
Aaron Meyer (Livermore National Lab)[slides][video]

Monday, October 30rd, 1:00PM (virtual)
Daniel Hackett (MIT)[slides][video]

Monday, November 6th, 1:00PM (hybrid)
Farid Salazar (LBNL and UC Berkeley)[slides][video]

Monday, November 13th, 1:00PM (remote)
Xiang Gao (ANL)[slides][video]

Monday, November 20th, 1:00PM (hybrid)
Michael Engelhardt (NMSU) [slides]

Monday, December 11th, 1:00PM (remote)
Ferenc Pittler (Cyprus Institute) [slides][video]

Monday, December 18th, 1:00PM (remote)
Giovanni Chirilli (Regensburg University) [slides][video]



Theory Seminars 2025
Theory Seminars 2024
Theory Seminars 2023
Theory Seminars 2022
Theory Seminars 2021
Theory Seminars 2020
Theory Seminars 2019
Theory Seminars 2018


Cake Seminars 2025
Cake Seminars 2024
Cake Seminars 2023
Cake Seminars 2022
Cake Seminars 2021
Cake Seminars 2020
Cake Seminars 2019
Cake Seminars 2018