José Goity
Theory Center Senior Staff, Jefferson Lab
Professor of Physics, Hampton University
Born Laboulaye, Argentina; Licenciate in Physics, Instituto de Fisica Balseiro, Bariloche (Argentina) 1979; Ph.D. University of Munich (Germany) 1985; Postdoctoral Positions: Max Planck Institut, Munich (Germany) 1984-1985, CNRS, Institute Theoretical Physics, Marseilles (France) 1985-1986, Bern University, Bern (Switzerland) 1986-1988, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (Switzerland) 1988-1991, CEBAF, 1991-1993; Asst. Prof. Hampton University, Hampton, VA, 1993-present; CEBAF staff scientist, 1993-present; author of 33 publications on theoretical particle physics (supersymmetry, composite models of quarks and leptons, weak non-leptonic decays, chiral perturbation theory, hadronic matter at finite temperature, heavy mesons); Fellowship of the Atomic Energy Commission (Argentina) 1976-1980, Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD) 1980-1984.
Research Highlights
- chiral perturbation theory with heavy quark symmetry
- chiral perturbation theory for light baryons
- strangeness in exchange currents using effective lagrangians
- large Nc limi