Kostas Orginos


Kostas Orginos
Theory Center Senior Staff, Jefferson Lab
Professor of Physics, College of William and Mary

Born in Athens, Greece; B. Sc. in Physics, University of Patras (Greece); Ph. D. in Theoretical Physics, Brown University; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Arizona and RIKEN-Brookheaven National Lab.; Research Scientist, MIT; Associate Professor at The College of William and Mary.

My research focuses on understanding the physics of hadrons, whose dynamics is governed by the strong interactions. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions, has a remarkably rich phenomenology. Because the interaction becomes strong at low energies, Lattice QCD is the only known way to compute rigorously the properties and interactions of hadrons directly from QCD. In recent years, substantial progress has been made in the field, providing us with the opportunity to compute many observables of central importance in subatomic physics. Using Lattice QCD I am currently studying low energy hadronic phenomenology, including the structure and interactions of hadrons, weak interactions, and fundamental symmetries. In addition, I work on developing new computational techniques that make possible the study of phenomena currently inaccessible to available computational resources.

Research Interests

  • Hadron interactions
  • Hadron Structure
  • Algorithms for Lattice Field Theory
  • Computational Physics

Publications:     arXiv    |    INSPIRE     |     INSPIRE author profile     |     Google Scholar

My William and Mary web page is at https://www.wm.edu/as/physics/people/fulltimefaculty/orginos_k.php