- C. Weiss, Open heavy flavor production and reconstruction at EIC and Heavy quarkonium production near threshold at EIC
Spectroscopy Program at EIC and Future Accelerators, ECT*, Trento, Italy, December 19-20 - N. Sato, Exploring the inner structure of the nucleon using QCD factorization theorems
TNT seminar, NCSU, Raleigh, North Carolina, November 29 - N. Sato, Outlook and gaps for future nuclear physics program: Gaps in QCD global analysis
12-GeV Experimental Computing Review, Jefferson Lab, November 27 - J. Qiu, Color entanglement
Progress on Hadron Structure Functions, KEK, Tsukuba, November 18-19 - C. Weiss, Physics with deeply-virtual meson production
CLAS Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, November 13-16 - J. Guerrero, Testing PDFs in a spectator model DIS with TMCs
PDFs as a Bridge from Low to High Energies, Jefferson Lab, November 8-10 - W. Melnitchouk, DIS from A=3 nuclei
PDFs as a Bridge from Low to High Energies, Jefferson Lab, November 8-10 - A. Radyushkin, Scalar handbag and nonperturbative evolution in inclusive DIS
PDFs as a Bridge from Low to High Energies, Jefferson Lab, November 8-10 - E. Moffat, Mass effects in factorization
PDFs as a Bridge from Low to High Energies, Jefferson Lab, November 8-10 - N. Sato, Simultaneous global analysis of polarized and unpolarized PDFs and fragmentation functions
PDFs as a Bridge from Low to High Energies , Jefferson Lab, November 8-10 - N. Sato, Large transverse momentum in SIDIS
Joint DNP-APS/JPS Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawai`i, October 23-27 - W. Melnitchouk, First MC global analysis of nucleon transversity with lattice QCD constraints
Joint DNP-APS/JPS Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawai`i, October 23-27 - A. Radyushkin, Parton pseudo-distributions and their evolution
Joint DNP-APS/JPS Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawai`i, October 23-27 - N. Sato, First combined analysis of (un)polarized PDFs and FFs and beyond
Joint DNP-APS/JPS Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawai`i, October 23-27 - C. Weiss, Light ion physics with forward detection at EIC
Forward Physics and Instrumentation from Colliders to Cosmic Rays, CFNS Stony Brook, October 17 - C. Weiss, GPDs - Conveners' Introduction and GPDs and transverse geometry in high-energy pp collisions
Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions, Institute for Nuclear Theory, U. Washington, October 1-5 - E. Passemar, Tau physics at the high luminosity LHC
Tau Lepton Physics, Vondelkerk, Amsterdam, September 24-28 - A. Accardi, CTEQ-JLab PDFs, structure functions at large x
Quark-Hadron Duality, James Madison University, Virginia, September 23-25 - N. Sato, JAM PDFs and structure functions at large x
Quark-Hadron Duality, James Madison University, Virginia, September 23-25 - E. Moffat, Stress testing target mass corrections in a simple field theory
Quark-Hadron Duality, James Madison University, Virginia, September 23-25 - T. Rogers, Hadron masses and factorization
Quark-Hadron Duality, James Madison University, Virginia, September 23-25 - W. Melnitchouk, Duality in electron scattering: insights from theory
Quark-Hadron Duality, James Madison University, Virginia, September 23-25 - V. Mathieu, Duality and exotic mesons
Quark-Hadron Duality, James Madison University, Virginia, September 23-25 - N. Sato, Bayesian perspective on global analysis of PDFs and FFs
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, September 19 - E. Passemar, η′ → ηππ in unitarized resonance chiral theory
Chiral Dynamics, Durham, North Carolina, September 17 - 21 - N. Sato, Understanding SIDIS at low energies
Chiral Dynamics, Durham, North Carolina, September 17 - 21 - R. Briceno, The isoscalar sector from the lattice QCD
Chiral Dynamics, Durham, North Carolina, September 17 - 21 - T. Liu, TMD program at Jefferson Lab
Chiral Dynamics, Durham, North Carolina, September 17 - 21 - R. Sufian, Calculation of pion valence distribution form hadronic lattice cross sections
Chiral Dynamics, Durham, North Carolina, September 17 - 21 - E. Passemar, Status of Vus determination from kaon decays
CKM Unitarity Triangle, Heidelberg, Germany, September 17 - 21 - N. Sato, Combined analysis of polarized and unpolarized PDFs and fragmentation functions
Spin Symposium, Ferrara, Italy, September 10-14 - N. Sato, Understanding the large transverse momentum spectrum in SIDIS
CERN and Spin Symposium, Ferrara, Italy, September 10-14 - C. Weiss, DIS on the deuteron with spectator tagging: Theory, applications, simulations for EIC
Short-Range Nuclear Correlations at an EIC, CFNS, Brookhaven National Laboratory, September 5-7 - C. Andres, Jet quenching in pA and AA
EIC User Group Meeting, Catholic U. of America, Washington DC, August 1 - W. Melnitchouk, Flavor decomposition of collinear PDFs and FFs
EIC User Group Meeting, Catholic U. of America, Washington DC, August 1 - N. Sato, SIDIS: challenges at low energies and opportunities at EIC
EIC User Group Meeting, Catholic U. of America, Washington DC, August 1 - C. Weiss, Nuclear final-state interactions in tagged deuteron DIS at EIC
EIC User Group Meeting, Catholic U. of America, Washington DC, July 31 - J. Qiu, Overview on jets, energy loss and hadronization
EIC User Group Meeting, Catholic U. of America, Washington DC, July 31 - C. Weiss, Next-generation nuclear physics with polarized light ions at EIC
Theory Seminar, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, July 26 - C. Weiss, Transverse geometry and hard-soft correlations in high-energy pp collisions
Workshop on Hard-Soft Correlations in Hadronic Collisions, Clermont-Ferrand University, France, July 23-25 - E. Passemar, Hadronic Tau decays
Amplitudes for Three-Body Final States, MIAPP, Garching, Germany, July 11-13 - W. Melnitchouk, Parton distributions in hadrons: nucleon and pion
Nature of Hadron Mass and Quark-Gluon Confinement, APCTP, Korea, July 1-4 - J. Qiu, EIC and nuclear femtography
Nature of Hadron Mass and Quark-Gluon Confinement, APCTP, Korea, July 1-4 - C. Andres, Global analysis of parton densities and fragmentation functions
Users Group Meeting, Jefferson Lab, June 20 - C. Weiss, From JLab12 to EIC: QCD in nuclei
Users Group Meeting, Jefferson Lab, June 19 - K. Watanabe, Heavy flavor and quarkonium production in the CGC framework: from p+p to p+A collisions
RHIC & AGS Annual Users Meeting, Brookhaven National Lab, June 12 - A. Signori, TMD physics: between RHIC and JLab
RHIC & AGS Annual Users Meeting, Brookhaven National Lab, June 12 - C. Weiss, Next-generation GPD studies with exclusive meson production at EIC
Next-Generation GPD Studies with Exclusive Meson Production at EIC, CFNS, Stony Brook U., NY, June 4-6 - A. Signori, TMDs: transverse connections between particle and nuclear physics
CIPANP2018, Palm Springs, CA, May 29 - June 3 - C. Weiss, Nucleon form factors in dispersively improved chiral EFT
CIPANP2018, Palm Springs, CA, May 29 - June 3 - W. Melnitchouk, Meson loop effects within nonlocal chiral EFT
Pion and Kaon Structure at an EIC, Catholic University of America, May 24-25 - N. Sato, First global Monte Carlo analysis of pion PDFs
Pion and Kaon Structure at an EIC, Catholic University of America, May 24-25 - D. Richards, Pion and kaon structure on the lattice
Pion and Kaon Structure at an EIC, Catholic University of America, May 24-25 - K. Watanabe, Heavy flavor and quarkonium production in p+p and p+A collisions
Probing QCD at the High Energy Frontier, ECT*, Trento, Italy, May 21-25 - E. Passemar, Review of tau physics
Searching for Physics Beyond the Standard Models Using Charged Leptons, Puerto Rico, May 21 - K. Watanabe, Results for RHIC and LHC in a unified framework for heavy flavor and quarkonium production in high multiplicity p+p and p+A collisions
Quark Matter 2018, Venezia, Italy, May 14-19 - C. Weiss, Light-front methods in next-generation nuclear DIS at EIC
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - I. Balitsky, Power corrections to TMD factorization for particle production
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - C. Egerer, Controlling excited-state contributions to nucleon charges gA, gT and gS in lattice QCD
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - N. Sato, Large transverse momentum in semi-inclusive DIS beyond lowest order
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - J. Ethier, Collinear distributions from Monte Carlo global QCD analyses
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - T. Liu, Generalized parton distributions in light-front holographic QCD
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - D. Richards, Direct calculation of slope of form factors from lattice QCD
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - J. Karpie, Pseudo distributions on the lattice
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - J. Guerrero, Nucleon PDFs in small boxes
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - A. Accardi, The dressed quark propagator and new TMD sum rules
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - R. Sufian, Progress on calculation of pion valence distribution form hadronic lattice cross sections
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - V. Mathieu, Exotic mesons spectroscopy: challenges and prospects
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - T. Rogers, Semi-inclusive DIS and TMDs
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - A. Radyushkin, Pseudo-PDFs and quasi-PDFs structure
Light Cone 2018, Jefferson Lab, May 14-18 - C. Weiss, Next-generation nuclear physics with polarized light ions at EIC
Particle and Nuclear Physics Seminar, University of Connecticut, April 30 - C. Weiss, Polarized light ion physics with spectator tagging at EIC
CFNS, Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Lab, April 26 - J. Qiu, Overview of EIC physics goals
DIS2018, Kobe, Japan, April 16-20 - J. Qiu, QCD Theory (Discussion for European Strategy Update for Particle Physics)
DIS2018, Kobe, Japan, April 16-20 - N. Sato, Bayesian perspective on QCD global analysis
DIS2018, Kobe, Japan, April 16-20 - N. Sato, Towards universal fit of parton distributions and fragmentation functions
DIS2018, Kobe, Japan, April 16-20 - A. Accardi, Transversity in inclusive DIS and novel sum rules
DIS2018, Kobe, Japan, April 16-20 - E. Passemar, High luminosity/high energy LHC perspectives on taus
HL/HE LHC meeting, FermiLab, April 5 - W. Melnitchouk, PDF uncertainties. What is the meaning of this?
Cake seminar, Jefferson Lab, April 4 - C. Weiss, Hard exclusive meson production at JLab12
CLAS Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, March 6-9 - N. Sato, First global Monte Carlo analysis of pion PDFs
TDIS Collaboration Meeting, Jefferson Lab, February 22 - A. Signori, TMD FFs from SIDIS
Fragmentation Functions, Stresa, Italy, February 21 - A. Signori, TMD FFs from SIDIS
Fragmentation Functions, Stresa, Italy, February 21 - C. Weiss, Polarized light-ion physics with EIC
Polarized Light Ion Physics with EIC, Ghent University, Belgium, February 5-9 - N. Sato, The role of neutron data in polarized PDF analysis
Polarized Light Ion Physics with EIC, Ghent University, Belgium, February 5-9 - C. Weiss, Heavy quark production and large-x nuclear gluons at EIC
Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 29-31
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005