- T. Rogers, Positivity of renormalized parton distributions
Seminar, Cracow Institute of Nuclear Physics, December 2, 2021 - P. Barry, State-of-the-art extractions of pion parton distributions
Light Cone 2021, Jeju, South Korea (remote), November 30, 2021 - W. Melnitchouk, QCD analysis of pion parton distributions
Light Cone 2021, Jeju, South Korea (remote), November 29, 2021 - J. Qiu, A new class of exclusive processes to better measure the x-dependence of DAs and GPDs
Light Cone 2021, Jeju, South Korea (remote), November 29, 2021 - N. Sato, Nuclear femtography in the era of Jefferson Lab 12 GeV program and the EIC
Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics, Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia (remote), November 29, 2021 - W. Melnitchouk, New approach to (semi) inclusive DIS with QED & QCD factorization
Particle Theory seminar, University of Vienna (remote), November 16, 2021 - C. Weiss, Target fragmentation and nuclear breakup in DIS
Fragmentation Functions, Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington (remote), November 1-5, 2021 - A. Hiller Blin, Towards a proton structure map
from low to large x
Physics seminar, Virginia Tech (remote), November 3, 2021 - N. Sato, Factorization approach for QED+QCD in semi-inclusive DIS
SIDIS WG, Jefferson Lab (remote), November 2, 2021 - A. Hiller Blin, Near-threshold J/ψ production and J/ψ-N interactions
Physics Opportunities with Heavy Quarkonia at the EIC, CFNS, Sony Brook U. (remote), October 25-27, 2021 - C. Weiss, CP-violating gluon operators and neutron EDM
from the instanton vacuum
SPIN2021, Matsue, Japan (remote), October 18-22, 2021 - J. Qiu, New exclusive processes to better measure the x-dependence of pion DAs
Exploring QCD with Tagged Processes, Institut Pascal, Paris (remote), October 18-22, 2021 - W. Melnitchouk, Pion PDFs from JAM global QCD analysis
Exploring QCD with Tagged Processes, Institut Pascal, Paris (remote), October 18-22, 2021 - C. Weiss, Final-state interactions in tagged deuteron DIS
Exploring QCD with Tagged Processes, Institut Pascal, Paris (remote), October 18-22, 2021 - J. Qiu, A new class of exclusive processes to better measure the x-dependence of DAs and GPDs
DNP2021, MIT (remote), October 11-14, 2021 - I. Balitsky, Gauge-invariant TMD factorization for Drell-Yan hadronic tensor at small x
DNP2021, MIT (remote), October 11-14, 2021 - N. Sato, Factorization approach for QED+QCD in semi-inclusive DIS
DNP2021, MIT (remote), October 11-14, 2021 - W. Melnitchouk, First evidence for isovector EMC effect from global QCD analysis with MARATHON data
DNP2021, MIT (remote), October 11-14, 2021 - A. Hiller Blin, Proton structure functions in the resonance region
DNP2021, MIT (remote), October 11-14, 2021 - P. Barry, Global QCD analysis of pion PDFs using threshold resummation
DNP2021, MIT (remote), October 11-14, 2021 - C. Weiss, CP-violating gluon operators and neutron EDM from the instanton vacuum
DNP2021, MIT (remote), October 11-14, 2021 - W. Melnitchouk, PDF extraction: methods and uncertainties
Theory seminar, Shandong U., Jinan, China (remote), October 8, 2021 - J. Qiu, A new approach to inclusive lepton-hadron scattering with both QED & QCD factorization
QCD Structure of the Nucleon, University of Alcalá, Madrid (remote), October 4-8, 2021 - C. Weiss, Nucleon electromagnetic form factors at low Q2: Analyticity, dynamics, structure
QCD Structure of the Nucleon, University of Alcalá, Madrid (remote), October 4-8, 2021 - J. Qiu, Nuclear theory for Electron-Ion Collider
Physics Opportunities at the Electron-Ion Collider, IPPP, Durham (remote), September 21-23, 2021 - A. Hiller Blin, Exotic hadron photoproduction
Theory seminar, Florida State U. (remote), September 17, 2021 - N. Sato, Recent updates from JAM
CFNS seminar, Stony Brook U. (remote), September 16, 2021 - A. Hiller Blin, Pentaquark photoproduction
PWA12/ATHOS7, Bristol (remote), September 6-10, 2021 - J. Qiu, Introduction to QCD: lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3, lecture 4
CFNS Summer School on the Physics of the Electron-Ion Collider, Stony Brook U. (remote), 9-20 August - A. Hiller Blin, Exotic hadron photoproduction
Hadrons2021, Mexico City (remote), July 26-31, 2021 - F. Delcarro, EIC impact on (un)polarized collinear PDFs
Hadrons2021, Mexico City (remote), July 26-31, 2021 - Y. Zhou, Gluon helicity distributions
Hadrons2021, Mexico City (remote), July 26-31, 2021 - P. Barry, Recent advances in global analyses of pion PDFs
Hadrons2021, Mexico City (remote), July 26-31, 2021 - A. Hiller Blin, Physics validation methods
AI Town Hall, Jefferson Lab (remote), July 26, 2021 - P. Ambrozewycz, GAN uncertainty quantification in CLAS 2? channel data analysis
AI Town Hall, Jefferson Lab (remote), July 26, 2021 - N. Sato, Solving the inverse problem at the event level with GANs
AI Town Hall, Jefferson Lab (remote), July 26, 2021 - C. Weiss, Instanton vacuum, chiral symmetry breaking, and the gluonic structure of hadrons
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Summer Seminar Series (video), Stony Brook University (remote), July 19, 2021 - N. Sato, Exploring the world of quarks and gluons with nuclear femtography
REYES seminar, Old Dominion University (remote), July 7, 2021 - P. Barry, Tagged DIS and its relation to pion PDFs
RBRC seminar, RBRC, BNL (remote), July 1, 2021 - N. Sato, Radiative corrections for inelastic lepton-hadron collisions
COMPASS seminar, CERN (remote), June 24, 2021 - P. Barry, Meson structure within the JAM framework
JLUO Annual Meeting, Jefferson Lab (remote), June 22, 2021 - W. Melnitchouk, PDF fitting: methods and uncertainties
HUGS2021, Jefferson Lab (remote), June 16, 2021 - C. Egerer, Lattice QCD and parton distribution functions
HUGS2021, Jefferson Lab (remote), June 15, 2021 - J. Dudek, Lattice QCD and the hadron spectrum
HUGS2021, Jefferson Lab (remote), June 1-18, 2021 - N. Sato, Recent updates from JAM
Nuclear Theory Seminar, LBL (remote), June 9, 2021 - C. Weiss, Hadronization and final-state interactions in nuclear breakup measurements
Future of Color Transparency and Hadronization Studies at JLab and Beyond, Jefferson Lab (remote), 7-8 June - N. Sato, Recent results on proton structure from JAM
RHIC & AGS Annual Users' Meeting, BNL (remote), June 8, 2021 - J. Qiu, HUGS: Introduction to QCD, lecture 1, lecture 2, lecture 3, lecture 4
HUGS2021, Jefferson Lab (remote), 1-18 June - Y. Zhou, Gluon helicity distributions
QCD Evolution, UCLA (remote), 10-14 May - N. Sato, Recent updates from JAM Collaboration
QCD Evolution, UCLA (remote), 10-14 May - P. Barry, Extractions of collinear and TMD PDFs in the pion
QCD Evolution, UCLA (remote), 10-14 May - T. Rogers, Renormalization schemes for parton densities
QCD Evolution, UCLA (remote), 10-14 May - N. Sato, Extraction of TMD distributions from data
TMD Studies: from JLab to EIC, (remote), 6 May - J. Qiu, Parton distribution functions (PDFs) – What do we learn from them?
Mass in Standard Model and Consequences of its Emergence, ECT*, Trento (remote), 19-23 April - P. Barry, Global QCD analyses of pion PDFs and TMD PDFs
Mass in Standard Model and Consequences of its Emergence, ECT*, Trento (remote), 19-23 April - P. Ambrozewicz, Application of generative adversarial networks to electron-proton scattering
APS April meeting, (remote), 17-20 April - A. Hiller Blin, Studies for electro- and photoproduction
APS April meeting, (remote), 17-20 April - P. Barry, Systematic extraction of pion PDFs using threshold resummation
APS April meeting, (remote), 17-20 April - N. Sato, Isovector EMC effect from global QCD analysis with MARATHON data
APS April meeting, (remote), 17-20 April - A. Hiller Blin, Inclusive electroproduction in the resonance region
APS April meeting, (remote), 17-20 April - W. Melnitchouk, Overview of Jefferson Lab Theory
APS April meeting, (remote), 17-20 April - A. Hiller Blin, Exotic hadron searches in photoproduction
GHP workshop, (remote), 13-16 April - P. Barry, Monte Carlo analysis of pion PDFs using various threshold resummation methods
GHP workshop, (remote), 13-16 April - F. Delcarro, EIC impact on collinear PDFs
GHP workshop, (remote), 13-16 April - P. Barry, Systematic extraction of pion PDFs using threshold resummation and applications to pion TMDs
DIS2021, Stony Brook University (remote), 12-16 April - Y. Zhou, Gluon helicity distributions
DIS2021, Stony Brook University (remote), 12-16 April - F. Delcarro, EIC impact on un/polarized collinear PDFs
DIS2021, Stony Brook University (remote), 12-16 April - N. Sato, Factorized approach to radiative corrections for inelastic lepton-hadron collisions
DIS2021, Stony Brook University (remote), 12-16 April - J. Qiu, Impact of QED radiation on extracting QCD physics from lepton-hadron scattering at JLab and EIC
Cake seminar, Jefferson Lab (remote), 12 April - N. Sato, GAN based MC event generators
Seminar, University of Krakow (remote), 9 April - T. Rogers, Ultraviolet structure of integrated TMD observables
Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (remote), 31 March - C. Weiss, High-energy eA scattering with spectator tagging: Motivation, theory, applications
Quantitative Challenges in EMC and SRC Research (remote), 25 March - W. Melnitchouk, Nuclear effects in the deuteron: model-independent constraints from QCD global analysis
Quantitative Challenges in EMC and SRC Research (remote), 24 March - P. Barry, Towards the 3-D parton structure of the pion: integrating transverse momentum data into global QCD analysis
CNF seminar (remote), 24 March - F. Delcarro, Phenomenology of 3D nucleon structure
UVA Nuclear Physics Seminars (remote), 23 March - C. Weiss, Open heavy flavor production and reconstruction with EIC at lower CM energies
Science and Instrumentation of the 2nd IR for the EIC (remote), 18 March - C. Weiss, Physics with forward processes at EIC
Science and Instrumentation of the 2nd IR for the EIC (remote), 17 March - N. Sato, Next generation of QCD global analysis for femtography
CNF workshop: Experiment and Theory Interactions (remote), 10 February - C. Weiss, Exploring QCD with light nuclei at EIC
CFNS Annual Review (remote), 2 February - N. Sato, Leading jets and energy loss at the EIC
EIC opportunities for Snowmass (remote), 27 January - N. Sato, Machine learning for QCD global analysis
CNF seminar (remote), 20 January - C. Weiss, Forward physics and QCD with LHC, EIC, and cosmic rays
Workshop on Forward Physics and QCD with LHC, EIC, and Cosmic Rays, Jefferson Lab (remote), 20-23 January - N. Sato, ML and QCD global analysis
AI4NP Winter School, U. Maryland (remote), 11-15 January - C. Weiss, Light-ion physics with EIC
Initial Stages of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, Weizmann Institute, Israel (online), 10-15 January
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005