Today's Essential LaTeX Tools: TikZ, PGFplots, siunitx... and why they are the only way

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  • Today's Essential LaTeX Tools: TikZ, PGFplots, siunitx... and why they are the only way
    2022-02-17EST12:30:00 ~ 2022-02-17EST13:30:00
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Second session: Efficient scientific communication, be it in the form of presentations or writing, relies on the typesetting of visual material. Unfortunately, real-life issues such as time constraints, unsystematic workflow, and improper use of the available tools often lead to suboptimal results despite significant efforts.

This series of meetings aims to identify the underlying problems and explore some possible solutions. Focusing on LaTeX and some of its modern packages, I will show why everything is a computer programming task and hope to enable you to be efficient at executing it. While the first part focused on what quality standards must be met, the second part will show the basics of how to implement the solutions in LaTeX.

You will then be invited to submit real visualization problems of suitable scale, which we can solve together interactively in the third part.

Event Date
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Evelyn Akers
(757) 846-4807