University Partnerships

In support of its goal to create in the Southeast new faculty positions in nuclear physics in support of Jefferson Lab's scientific mission, JSA/Jefferson Lab has entered into several types of partnerships with universities. Under joint faculty arrangements, new faculty are appointed to tenure-track university positions on a cost-shared basis with Jefferson Lab. In these cases, Jefferson Lab agrees to reimburse the university for one-half of the salary and benefits of a faculty member, in return for which the university agrees to release that faculty member to spend half time as a Jefferson Lab employee. In a second type of arrangement, Jefferson Lab agrees to pay a fraction of the salary and benefits of a new faculty member for a fixed short term (the "bridging" period). In return, the university once again agrees to release this faculty member on a pro rata basis to devote their time to Jefferson Lab programmatic activities (including equipment building, software development, and research) and to take over full responsibility for this faculty member upon the expiration of the "bridge." Note that while Joint Appointments are made as part of the steady-state laboratory manpower, Bridge Appointments are targeted at specific tasks with a time horizon of 1-5 years."

Jefferson Lab Faculty Partnerships

