JAG About

About JAG

The Jefferson Lab Activity Group (JAG) was formed to enhance employee morale through various recreational, social, and athletic activities.  Part of JAG's overall function is to promote and implement new ideas in support of DOE and DC policies.  JAG also monitors new and existing recreational programs to ensure benefit to the greatest cross section of the lab community. 

With support of the Director's Council, JAG represent the laboratory population and encourage participants from all departments.  If you are interested in being a member of the JAG Committee, contact any of our members listed below.

Annual funding allocations are determined by the Jefferson Lab Management and subject to approval.

JAG Leadership

Chair-RegentMary Jo Bailey x7277
TreasurerDavid Abbott x7190


JAG Members

Ashley Anderson Mitchell x5198
Patricia Greer x7663
Naeem Huque x7485
Theo McGuckin x5948
Anita Seay x6930
Jayendrika Tiskumara x5704
Adriane Ward x7987
Erik Werlau x6202
Stephanie Worthington x7091