Vacation Purchase Program Enrollment

Vacation Purchase Program Enrollment

Once again, Jefferson Lab is offering the option to employees to purchase
up to 40 hours of additional vacation time. Only employees who
currently earn vacation time and have 2 years or less service time as of
January 1, 2007, are eligible for the purchase of additional time.

This time must be paid for before it can be used.

Human Resources will be providing a web-based enrollment which will be
open for approximately one week, beginning on December 12, 2006 and
closing on December 19, 2006. Once the election period is closed, no
election may be made for this additional benefit until next year. Payroll
deductions for the amount purchased will begin on January 16, 2007 and
continue through May 1, 2007 (8 pay checks). Once paid, the time can be
used beginning May 1 and must be used by September 30, 2007. Time
purchased but not used will be reimbursed to employees following the close
of the fiscal year. The reimbursement will be at the same value of the
hours as at the time of purchase. On the web based election form, there
is a calculator to assist you in predicting the deduction cost of the
amount of time you choose to purchase.

You will receive an email on December 12, 2006 with access
links to the enrollment form.

If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to call:

Doug Roeder at Ext. 7576
Treva Ferguson at Ext. 7291
Nina Farrish at Ext. 7068

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