Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs June 15, 2011

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
June 15, 2011

12 GeV Upgrade

Excellent progress is being made on the accelerator installation work planned for this shutdown period. Fifteen of the 16 stacks of dipole magnets in the west arcs have been removed from the tunnel. Refurbishment of those dipoles is running somewhat ahead of schedule and field measurements are on schedule. Stacks 1-3 of the refurbished magnets have been reinstalled, and alignment has begun. The expanded linac computer network is functional in zone 23 of the south linac. In-tunnel measurements of the characteristics of the first C100 cryomodule are underway. Assembly of the second C100 cryomodule continues; assembly of the third cryomodule cavity string is underway. A new klystron has been tested successfully; it delivered its rated 13 kilowatts.  Populating the new radiofrequency zones with chassis and other equipment continues.


Last week, the Hall A installation schedule continued apace. Meanwhile, the collaboration held its Hall A collaboration meeting on Thursday and Friday, with reports from recently completed experiments, discussion of the upcoming scheduled experiments and presentation of new proposals.

APS Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public
Physicists are increasingly involved in creative public engagement activities such as blogging, multimedia, video, pop culture, popularizations, press relations, politics, “amateur” and distributed science, science cafes, and public shows and lectures. FOEP would provide an intellectual venue for like-minded APS members to share their work on engaging the public about physics. The outcomes would be an increase in the number of physicists involved in public engagement, improvements in the effectiveness of such activities, and a growth in creative new ideas for building appreciation of and support for physics. To learn more or to join, visit the forum web page.

Tate Medal for International Leadership in Physics
Named for John Torrence Tate in honor of his service to the physics community, the Tate Medal recognizes non-U.S. citizens for international leadership in physics, with an emphasis on leadership, statesmanship and service to the physics community, as opposed to research achievement. Awarded every two years, it consists of a certificate, a bronze medal and a $10,000 cash award. Nominations are due by August 15.


The scheduled accelerator down has been going well. Installation of the equipment for the injector (PEPPo) project continued. Removal and installation of the west arc dipoles were in progress. Microphonics measurements on the C100 superconducting radiofrequency cryomodule were complete and the data will be analyzed. The liquid level of the C100 cryomodule had been set at 25 percent in preparation for warmup. RF control systems cabinets were mounted for zones 22–26 in the north and south linac service buildings. Many other tasks were continued or started.

Free-Electron Laser

Preparations continued for warmup of the injector cryounit, so that several injector diagnostic systems and the gun could be repaired.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new review article describes lepton-nucleus deep inelastic scattering at small parton momentum fractions x and summarizes the theory and phenomenology of nuclear shadowing, including predictions for the shadowing modifications of the momentum, diffractive and generalized distributions of sea quarks and gluons in nuclei. The article discusses the limits of applicability of the leading twist approximation at extremely small x and the onset of a new regime of strong interactions (the black disk regime). The predictions of this approach can be tested in ultraperipheral nucleus-nucleus collisions and proton-nucleus collisions at the Large Hadron Collider and the Relativistis Heavy Ion Collider, and at a future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) and Large Hadron-Electron Collider (LHeC).

Facilities Management & Logistics

JLab Vehicles – Use them safely & appropriately
JLab has a variety of vehicles that are used to help people do official work at the lab. Security and Services Manager Kris Burrows reminds everyone to use these vehicles in a safe manner and only for official work and to promptly report any vehicle problems or mishaps. A notice regarding DOE requirements on the management and use of vehicles was shared with managers recently. The memo is posted on the All Staff Memos page. The memo provides important reminders and links. The memo also provides information on a defensive driving course.




Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

One easy way to help stay current on safety issues is to use the SUPER Weekly Toolbox Safety Briefing, following the SUPER outline:

  • Select a relevant topic - the topic could be based on group interest, the findings of a recent task hazard analysis, or may be of relevance to or of direct benefit to a specific job;
  • Update or obtain relevant resources for a five-minute presentation (many topics are available online as Toolbox Talks);
  • Promote an inquisitive attitude regarding safety topics in your group;
  • Encourage five-minute discussion on the selected topic and select a topic for the next day;
  • Refer unresolved questions to your division safety officer or your ESH&Q liaison for resolution before the next briefing.


Semi-Annual Personal Dosimeter Change Out Set for June 29
JLab's semi-annual personal dosimeter change out will take place on Wednesday, June 29, starting around 3 p.m. This includes the dosimeters of all JLab staff, users and subcontractors. If you need to use your dosimeter during the change out period, you may exchange it that morning in the Radiation Control Dosimetry Office in Bldg. 52B, Room 4, 8 a.m. - noon. If you have questions, contact Becky Mosbrucker, x7236. Everyone with a personal dosimeter is asked to place it in its assigned slot in the racks before the change out. If you will be away from the lab on June 29, be sure to return your dosimeter to its place in the rack before you leave the lab. Remember to return your dosimeter to its assigned place in the dosimetry racks when it is not in use. Don't leave it in your desk or work area. Don't leave it in your car or where it will be exposed to direct sunlight.

Travel Credit Card Renewals
There is still time to pick up your renewal travel credit card before it expires on June 30. Travel Services offers convenient pickup options at the following locations and times:

  • June 15: CEBAF Center atrium, 11 - noon               
  • June 21: MCC Control Room, 11 - noon               
  • June 27: VARC lobby, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Minority Undergraduate Research Assistantship
JLab has extended the deadline for candidates from SURA universities for a research assistantship. The program will sponsor a minority undergraduate student to work on projects that are part of the lab’s research program or directly related to the scientific or engineering aspects of the research program. This assistantship is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund and will provide funds to support the student at the university during the 2011-2012 academic year. Nominations are due Sept. 9 and must be submitted by the faculty sponsor before the student may apply. Faculty sponsors may obtain more information and submit their nomination online.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Fridays.

Congratulations to Russell Mammei, who was the first person to correctly identify the June 8 location. Honorable mentions go out to Stephanie Vermeire, Christine Hummel, Elaine Zuchowicz, Andy Kowalski, Kevin Jordan, Jason Willoughby, David Fazenbaker, Kim Kindrew, Debra Brand, Jim Follkie, Dick Owen, John Kelly, Mike Koch, Chuck Baldwin, Susan Brown and Cindy Eller. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

June 20: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
July 4: Independence Day holiday; JLab closed
July 11: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
July 29: Summer Intern Programs Poster Session

JLab Summer 2011 Education Calendar

May 31- June 17: Hampton University Graduate Studies
May 23 - July 29: Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship
May 23 - July 29: Research Experience for Undergraduates
June 20 - July 29: High School Summer Honors Program
July 29: Summer Intern Programs Poster Session